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To: Synth Foods Executive Board. Subject: This is a stick-up. - Printable Version

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To: Synth Foods Executive Board. Subject: This is a stick-up. - Enkidu - 05-03-2019

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---------------Welcome, Arbeiter ---------------

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The Hammers History Forgot but the People Remembered

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Unionised Peoples of Syndicalist Advocacy

To: Executives of Synth Foods.
From: The dogs who chase the fat-cats.
Subject: About that little secret of yours.

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Hello, Monopolists. The Landwirtrechtbewegung sends their regards.

"Your corporate security branch recently handed the Unioners - at the tip of a torpedo - evidence of your institutional co-operation with the Gas Miner's Guild, right on the borders of Rheinland space. Sigma Thirteen is an imperial Rheinland system, and a war target."

"It would be a tragedy if the Military, and five different news organisations, got a hand on the intelligence that Synth Foods corporate security gunships are rushing to the rescue of known terrorists, and enemies of the state, in an active war zone, plus a few images, and some convenient neuralnet records to confirm the story. The scandal would be the talk of the war. "

Think about the Stuttgart Lease. Consider thirty percent of your corporate hedgemony being snuffed out in hours. Consider the shareholder panic, the stock buyouts, the layoffs, the Public Relations disaster, all the newly enraged Rheinlanders taking hard-earned time out their days to find increasingly creative ways to kill you and burn your fields."

"Here is your chance to redeem yourself. You are to drop eight thousand unmarked cargo containers of Synth Paste on Heisenburg research station, no questions asked, no answers given. We will be testing for toxins, bacteria, rare earths and heavy metals. Don't get any funny ideas about poisoning the cargo. "

"Do that, and several solid state disks and their contents will be conveniently dropped into a metal shredder. This subject will never come up to bother you again."

"Don't worry. It's all going to a good cause."

"You have forty eight hours."

With Love~
People who like to eat;
The Syndicate Unity of the Five hundred exiled Trade Unions,
Alster Unioners.

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RE: To: Synth Foods Executive Board. Subject: This is a stick-up. - Wildkins - 05-03-2019

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To whom it may concern.

You've fashioned quite the mountain out of that mole-hill there.

First and foremost, Synth Foods, Inc. is a civilian entity not affiliated with the Bundestag, or the Republic of Liberty, or Kusari or Bretonia for that matter. Our security vessels are charged with keeping our shipping lanes open and safe, and are so effective in doing so that they are contracted by a variety of organizations, including government agencies in Rheinland itself.

It is no secret that we have had good relations with the Gas Miners Guild in the past, as we have many organizations. We seek to serve the people of Sirius far and wide, and hope to look beyond petty squabbles and border disputes. We also value the sovereignty of each house's law in every matter, and I believe you'll find that we have stuck to such a compact in this regard. Your only argument is that we have provided aid to an enemy of Rheinland, but even were that the case, we have done so against an enemy of Rheinland. You have no evidence that we have broken any embargo ruling made by Kusari or Rheinland, because we have not. You have no evidence that we provided material aid to the GMG, because we have not. Your only case is that we have in some way aided them by removing you forcefully from the Sigmas. We are a neutral party in this war, but our relationship - and the people of Rheinland's relationship - in regards to you and your people has been made more than clear. The people of Liberty had no qualms with our support of the Rheinwehr against the Hessians during their war, and neither did the people of Rheinland have any concern over our assistance against the Liberty Rogues. This, my good fellow, is and will be no different.

We operate above the board and awfully transparent for a company of our size, being quite open with the Bundestag about our previous dealings with the GMG so as to not jeopardize our stake in Rheinland over political disputes. You, on the other hand, have sought nothing but to obscure the truth in favor of your own personal gain. While you argue that we support the enemies of Rheinland, evidence was made clear in that very engagement that you have given aid to and accepted aid from common scum that openly brag about murdering the police and stoops to mere bloodlust. I hazard to guess who the common public will decide to support, a public that has begun to see this war with less and less sympathy, just as I do.

Finally, your motives are far too transparent. Eight thousand crates of Synth Paste are something that true supporters of the WVS cause would rather see burned to the ground than consumed. The most desperate supporter of their cause would rather starve than even feign a brief support of our company. So, of course, I can only assume that this cargo would find its way into some other misguided attempt at blackmail down the road. Having an organization succumb to such a request only to stab them in the back is quite often a tool in the kit of an organization such as yours, and I have far too much experience to be tricked so simply.

By the time this message reaches you, Synth Foods Security and Enforcement will have already sent out a bulletin detailing the attack as it happened, with all the caveats and missed pieces carefully divulged for the public interest. Your misguided attempts to use a suffering public as political pawns against themselves are duly noted, and perhaps the greatest strike against your organization's character. It is perhaps fair to say that the people of Rheinland deserve a better representative of their long-neglected needs than a person such as you.

With the warmest regards,

Jay Stevens
C.E.O., Synth Foods Inc.