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A Letter to the Discovery Community - Printable Version

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A Letter to the Discovery Community - DarkOddity - 09-28-2006

To the Discovery Gaming Community as a whole;

Most of you know who I am, and this letter is directed to you if you do. Tonight I was in Omicron Alpha killing outcast NPCs to assist my reputation with the Bounty Hunters, and came across Nightfall on Bernand, we engaged in alitle RP, with an unfortunate end, and wound up having a conversation at the end of it. Nightfall actually confronted me in the best way anyone in this community has so far, and helped me to realise quite a few things.

Most of all, most of you know my opinions on the past class issues within past versions of the mod and my views that if it's equipable we can use it. These were my opinions, but what I didn't realise then (being new to the community) I didn't realise it's not what is right for the server. It does cause unbalance. But that isn't the point of this post.

I want to apologize to the community for several things that I have come to notice as my flaws. First off, when I have an opinion, I try to force everyone to understand it, which tends to come off as me trying to force you to agree with my opinion. This is a major error on my part, and something I did not realise until now. I will do my absolute best not to do this in the future.

Second, it has also been brought to my attention that I apparently have a large ego. To quote the way it was phrased, "Alot worse than Dab's" (Yes Dab, you have a highly noticable ego, but it isn't horrible, however sometimes irritating.) This is something I didn't realise. I think this problem stems from the fact that I tend to be very proud of my accomplishments and alitle overzealous in announcing when I achieve a goal. This is also a problem I am going to try my best to fix. (Please not RolePlay characters may have cocky attitudes, my character RP is designed to be a "hotshot" pilot so to speak) away from the RP I will make absolute sure it is noticable that it is not my actual attitude.

Third, rule quoting. I have been accused, and am guilty of this. This problem stems from me innapropriately reporting rules on the forums instead of to an administrator. It also stems from the fact that for some unknown reason I feel the need to "correct" the person myself even though it gets me nowhere. This I realise is part of what was intended to get across to me when I was told several times to stop acting like an administrator. Now that I realise this, I also apologise for this.

Fourth, I tend to get extremely aggressive when someone disagrees with me. This is another major problem. (Wow, lots of major problems, no wonder everyone hates me ! :() This is a problem that I have had for a great amount of time during my life and have been working to better for awhile, and hopefully my need for acceptance in this community will help me in achieving this goal.

Finally, I suck up; or so it appears. I really don't think I'm much of a suck-up but it has been commented on several times. I think that this stems from the fact that I am appreciative to both Igiss for mod that I enjoy so much that I've become so addicted to Freelancer that it's worse than any other game addiction I have ever had. I'm also thankful that Wolfpack supplies such a kick ass server for us to play on. From that I tend to be willing to do anything that is asked of me within reason because they are both supplying two excellent services to me (and you!) completely free of charge. And I'm sure this thread (and that comment) will be viewed as "sucking up" But that isn't the way I see it. Ask Wolfpack, half of our conversations in PM (Where they should be as he is an administrator) are pretty heavy debates with me losing. So I'm sure Wolf can vouch that I'm not a complete suck up.. lol.

All in all I started this thread to let everyone know that I have realised my flaws and wrong doing within the community and I intend to correct it to the best of my ability. All I ask is that I get another chance. I do NOT expect immediate results by any means, as Nightfall told me, this is going to take time and I am prepared to wait as long as it takes so long as the hostility (However justified it may be) towards me starts to drop atleast alitle bit.

I want to be on friendly terms with everyone here and do my absolute best to help where I can; Regardless of if our clans are hostile to the point of attacking eachother on sight, at war, or if we are completely nuetral. I want to walk away from every fight with a "Damn! Good fight!" regardless if I win (Which isn't very often if at all) or lose; and possibly continue onto an actual conversation or some sort of role play.

Unfortunately I seem to have ruined my chance for that, so I want to try to make ammends:

I pledge to do my absolute best to change all of these flaws that I have listed and more, with an honest effort.

Direct Apology: This apology to Hoodlum is NOT open for discussion.
Apology to Fellow_Hoodlum Wrote:I wanted to let you know I am sorry for the way I over-reacted to your insult to me in game. I jumped the racist gun when you made the redneck comment because I was already upset at you and wanted to get you to shut up (Refering to ingame, not forums), but when you used the other word, I flipped a lid. It wasn't even directed at me, or anyone for that matter but it still upset me as I have a zero tolerance for even the verbage. Even so, I do owe you the apology nomatter how much you upset me with the verbage, as I did, quite extremely over-react in the situation.

Once againt his letter isn't intended to be a "quick fix" or a "suck up" to the community, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am giving it an honest try to better myself now that I have realised what I've been doing wrong.

This thread is open for comments that can possibly help me in my goal to gain the slightest bit of respect from the community.

Thank you for taking the time to read this;

Dark Oddity

A Letter to the Discovery Community - Virus - 09-28-2006

I have to say: That's a quite nice letter. Proper opening/introduction. Clear body. Perfect paragraphs. Its clear when you're preparing to finish. Superb work of grammatical art!

Now that my love for being able to read things has past; the real point!

I believe you here, and now that they are mentioned... I have to agree with your "letter." I believe I can give you a second chance. The tough customer is Hoodlum.

A Letter to the Discovery Community - Angel - 09-28-2006

A very thoughtfull letter, and, let me say ill be happy To help in any way possible, and I will also do what I can to make your experience, as well as everyone else's as enjoyable as possible.


A Letter to the Discovery Community - Kane - 09-28-2006

Ya know, there just might be hope for you yet. :)

It takes a certain kind of "balls" if you wish to admit that you were wrong. Especially if it's pointing out flaws within yourself. So, on my own behalf, I accept your apology. I won't speak for anyone else here, that isn't my right, but I will commend you for taking this step even if nobody else does (Doubtful, but I'm just throwing it out there).

A Letter to the Discovery Community - DarkOddity - 09-28-2006

Wow, I am amazed the response so far.. even with only three posts as response, I did not expect or even dream of that large of reaction this quickly.

A Letter to the Discovery Community - General Nakazawa - 09-28-2006

Dude, when you wright a letter of this size and of this tipe, you will get a responce. the whole curiosity thing is the only reason i read it and now im glad i did. I have to say that this is realy cool of you and admitance is the first step to healing. I have hope for you and i also think most will give you that seconed chance. But dont take my word for it, but thes are good people and forging ones too

A Letter to the Discovery Community - onca - 09-28-2006

Listen ya big lug, no one around here hates you. I don't hate you.

Ok so you have some issues.... could be worse, you could be some internet predator, or a terrorist, or some other O2 thieving b**tard who does not deserve the gift of life. Don't be too hard on yourself.

In the end it comes down to human nature: in any community some people are gonna clash with, rub the wrong way, and get up the nose of some others. Hell its a sign of a healthy community I feel. It shows that you, me, Hoodlum, and everyone else cares and is willing to put some emotional currency into what we're doing. As opposed to many other servers, were its a case of "yeah like whatever" and no one cares about jack.

But I'm glad you came clean over the whole Hoodlum/racist incident. I felt the whole thing was beneath you.



A Letter to the Discovery Community - DarkOddity - 09-28-2006

General Nakazawa,Sep 27 2006, 08:28 PM Wrote:<snip>and admitance is the first step to healing.
That's what they told my mother at the AA meetings! LOL

General Nakazawa,Sep 27 2006, 08:28 PM Wrote:<snip> but thes are good people and forging ones too
This is a fact I am well aware of! :D If it wasn't for the fact that I know everyone here is a good person, I wouldn't of even tried to make penance.

A Letter to the Discovery Community - Korrd - 09-28-2006

To apologize is never easy, but to apologize while having a big ego, and admitting the errors like that, really takes balls.

I'm glad to see that you realized your mistakes and come to reason.

If you were able to do this, then you still have a chance here.

A Letter to the Discovery Community - Qunitinius~Verginix - 09-28-2006

wow DO that speech kicked ass. my congrats to you for doing that mate