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BRAKING NEWS - Planet Malta - Maltese News - 05-08-2019

[Image: on_the_roof_by_kvacm_dbgn9an-pre.jpg?tok...128mzgLLCQ]

Good evening ladies and gentlemen!

Today's news are all focused around a group of individuals that call themselves The Maltese Opposition Army. They had a short life in politics but later resulted in using more direct, aggressive and brutal methods to make their voices heard. They claim they are doing all of this for a "better future for Maltese". While we cannot say that their hostility to certain Outcast groups is right we can surely claim that they have got a lot of publicity during the last few months.

The first story is regarding recent events on May 5th. The two vessels belonging to the Maltese Opposition Army chased a logistic vessel of the Cuatroce Cartel in the Coronado System. The 'Canal 3 News' claim that the Opposition slaughtered 3000 enslaved men on board of the Cartel vessel. We did some research ourselves a find out that there is absolutely no way that the blame for their death can be completely shifted to the opposition members. We have found out that the Cartel forced the slaves to exit their ship during the battle. There is no way that the Cartel is not to blame for that incident. Even if the Maltese Opposition Army did shoot the slaves and murdered them, the Cartel did force them to exit into space. If our reports are correct the two Opposition pilots were flying two snub vessels which means that they could by no means save 3000 men. The Cartel did know that but they forced the slaves to exit anyways. They knew that the slaves are going to die no matter how the fight ends. The 3000 men had no choice but to leave the Cartel vessel. We also found out that even if they wouldn't die in an explosion they would suffocate from the lack of oxygen shortly after they were jettisoned from the vessel. They weren't in escape pods so they were forced to walk into their death. While the Maltese Opposition Army may not be completely guilty of the incident we do still consider them nothing more than barbarians desperately trying to reach for power.

We assume that the Canal 3 is the Cuatroce's private news channel used for providing lies for their advantage. After this research, we can claim that 'Canal 3' is publishing fake news.

We have received reports of armed rebellions all across Malta. They happened on Cardamine plantations in the less advanced cities around Malta. The slaves tried fighting against their owners. The act resulted in severe punishment of the slaves. However, there were small casualties on the side of the guards. Some Maltese have also started vandalizing the property of numerous Cartels all over Malta. Some believe this is the result of the propaganda being spread across Malta by The Maltese Opposition Army.

What we wonder now is. Will the movement be shut down? Will the Maltese Opposition Army stop ambushing Outcast vessels? Will the National Council stop the rebellions?

Maltese News do not support the Maltese Opposition Army (MOA for short).