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To the Owners of 'Station 11221122' - Printable Version

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To the Owners of 'Station 11221122' - Couden - 05-12-2019

>Sender: Vladimir Akimnov
>Location: Battlecruiser "Coalition"
>Recipient:Owners of 'Station 11221122'
>Topic:Sanctioned building.
>Encryption:Encryption traced!

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My name is Vladimir Akimnov, Battlegroup commander of The Coalition Boarder control. Your solar station in Omega-2 is located on the Territory of Omega Triumvirate. I'd suggest you evacuate all base personnel or present me the evidence of your loyalty or alliance of Omega Triumvirate,

You are having 8 hours to reply to this communication.

With best regards:
Vladimir Akimnov.

Termination end