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The Czan Breakup - Printable Version

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The Czan Breakup - Neronian - 02-28-2009

---Begin Taped Recording---

The day that Marie and Klark Czan had their third child was the day it all changed...

The date was 4.11.796, and little Sipher was just done being cleaned off. His brothers Nero and Zechs were just outside playing, unaware of the change that was truly happening just inside the small hospital... It was a slow change though... more and more time would pass before Klark would get back home... more and more time spent arguing.. And all of a sudden, It burst.

Date: 6.07.809:
"Jesus Klark! This is the third night in a row you've come in after midnight! Who the hell are you seeing behind my back",
"Get off of my case Woman! I need a drink, its been a long day..."
"I bet it has.. Do you not love me anymore..." This was the third time this week this has gone down was exactly what went through little Sipher's mind as he listened at the corner of the living room. About an hour later came the separating to different rooms as they continued yelling... again... Then suddenly a frightful sudden sound scared the holy ghost out of Sipher..
"Pssst.... Sipher... What are you doing here... Leave Ma and Pa alone, they'll settle it themselves"
"But Zechs, what will happen if they don't... will we have to move?"
"No Sipher... Everything will be fine... Now get to bed... We got work to do tommorow." Sipher followed his brother back to their rooms where he laid in bed till the yelling stopped...

It was a long night...

Date: 9.24.809:
There it was... a kid who spent his entire life working and toughing it out in a all but lavish lifestyle... at 15... Crying.
"But..... Why? Why do you have to go!"
"I'm sorry sweetheart, but... its just something I have to do... you and Nero take care of yourselves... and your father too.."
"I'm going to miss you Mom..." And after that it all went blurry... Zechs told me that I spent the rest of the time trying to get her and Sipher to stay here, but it was all useless...

And that night was even longer than before...

Date: 10.09.812:
And done... Zechs slid the paper into the machine, and taa-dah.. He was now an official Mercenary.
"I'm proud of you brother... I hope you can do this family proud"
"Well... we can all hope Nero... I'm glad you came with me, By the way how is that sweetheart of yours doing?"
"Oh... well, we kinda split ways earlier, it just wasn't working...."
"Sorry to hear that bro... Heh, nothing to say but 'Better Luck Next Time" That brought out a chuckle or two out from him... After that it was a pretty smooth couple days while Nero went and pulled some strings to get together a working ship for his brother. Eventually, a swig of fate came on in, and Zechs was about to become something like never before...

Date: 10.13.812:
It started with a landing of some big liner.. which was huge news for anyone around here, and naturally drew a crowd... Zechs was part of that crowd, as was his best friend Vlad, who he just came back from working a mechanics job with. Some big honcho of some casino had just came in to try and open up a chain of gambling houses... It goes without saying some people were not so happy with this... It definitely became obvious...

And there was a gunshot...

And another...

And all Hell Broke Loose...

"Holy Fuc**ng Sh** Man!!! Lets get out of here" Blaring guns were all over, men and women scrounging for their cars to leave this devastating scene... But while some saw Anarchy, Zechs saw opportunity.

"I'm doing this mate... Go get the police, GO!" Zechs picked up his pipe wrench and slid around the back of one of the liner's landing gear. He creeped over to behind a barrel, from which he sprung out and slammed the wrench against the back of one of the bodyguard's head and knocked him out cold.... maybe.... So he picked up the gun, and all of a sudden felt like a man... all this adrenaline was finally coming to him, and man... did it feel good. Cocking the hammer to the energy cell, He leaped up in the hail of fire to try and make it back to his pal Vlad. But every hero can become a villain in any light...

It seems that this Casino Boss saw in a whole different light... maybe blue...

"Who the Fu** Does this Kid Belong To!"
And all of a sudden that adrenaline became pure fear, every sound became a mumble, even the boss's words were being ignored.. and it was completely realized when he looked up and there was Vlad held up by two giant bouncer-types... The bullets were stopped, and everyone was quiet. Zechs didn't realize however that he had went and started walking towards this boss with the gun pointed straight at him.

That realization came too late.

As the sound of the shot rang through, all of the other sounds dimmed. Everything went black... Then there were more shots... One came from a hill nearby as one of the guards fell down with a hole in his heart... The other from Zech's own hands. The police would come by later to question this, and there would be no charges...

Zech's however was a little different now... just a little...

It would eventually get to the point where Zechs would leave and live in various Freeports, just to avoid the pain... Zechs was now a mercenary, and this was the life he would live.

Nero would go onto a pretty simple life of trading and profits... But he will always remember the day that his brother became a man...

---End Taped Recording---