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To: Freeport 9 Administration - Printable Version

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To: Freeport 9 Administration - Jax Ironblood - 05-25-2019

[Image: Velvet_V.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Jax Ironblood|Skyfire - Member of Recon Team, Velvet.
Date: 24th May, 826 A.S.
Location: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: Unbeatable
Subject: The Research Capabilites of Freeport 9

This damn thing on? Alright. Greetings to whoever runs Freeport 9. Seeing as I've got nothing better to do. I'm contacting you because of the lack of research capabilities we have on Freeport 11. In the interest of saving time, I'll get right to the point. I was wondering if you would be interested in allowing Velvet to conduct research on Freeport 9, of course we'd need access to do so. And we would bring our own supplies as to not presume on the friendship of all Zoners despite protecting them. Payment could even be arranged. Out of my own pocket or otherwise. A timely response would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your time. Jax out.

RE: To: Freeport 9 Administration - Dark_Knight - 05-25-2019

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: LeZKZpr.png]
To: Jax Ironblood
CC: Melissa Jones
From: Probational Administrator Sun Koken
Ship: Bodhi
Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Subject: Freeport 9 request
Encryption: Average

As a funder to Velvet and a personal friend of Melissa Jones. I initially am very open to opening up a research room on Freeport 9. However, before official proceedings can be done I must ask what exactly your research shall entail and whether it shall be a risk to the Freeport itself. I have misgivings of sanctioning research I have no knowledge of, if you can alleviate my worries by informing me of your plans then I shall accept. I await your response and I have also included Melissa Jones in this communication.

-Probational Administrator Sun Koken.

Message End

RE: To: Freeport 9 Administration - Jax Ironblood - 05-25-2019

[Image: Velvet_V.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Jax Ironblood|Skyfire - Member of Recon Team, Velvet.
Date: 24th May, 826 A.S.
Location: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: Unbeatable
Subject: The Research Capabilites of Freeport 9

Now I have a name. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sun. Considering Velvet is so close with you and you are personal friends with our leader, i'm sure none of the research entailed would be dangerous to the station in any way, that would include weapons of any kind, Ship plating and shield upgrades, modules for ships and other things i'm sure Command can inform you about, under no circumstances would we hinder our relationship by creating a volatile situation on one of the stations we've sworn to protect, especially a freeport, I appreciate you are concerned for the well being of those on board, there's a lack of that in this world. I'm sure Command will do a back flip here in a moment, I'm an ace at first impressions. I appreciate the time you have given and your willingness to work alongside us. Jax out.

RE: To: Freeport 9 Administration - Immortality23 - 05-25-2019

[Image: 164484-avallonist_1024x768.jpg]
[Image: Velvet_V.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Melissa Jones, Administrator Of Freeport 11 and Leader of Velvet Wing.
Date: 25th May, 826 A.S.
Location: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: The Research Capabilites of Freeport 9.

Sun pleasure to hear from you as always, hope all is well!

Now, I have to say, I have no idea who you are, Mr. Ironblood, must be one of the new guys trying to be over eager and over stepping boundaries before they are even established. So for that, we will speak in private.

Now, without pontificating about how you're in trouble, not going through high command for such a request, I would like to agree that such works can be done together with all forces in the Theta system. Pygar and Corfu would also be places of interest that we can use for furthering our protective means. Now, while I highly value your enthusiasm Mr Ironblood, you should learn that there are channels in place already for such talks, as well as IRG's own capabilities and assets.

Sun, as this gentleman has eluded, Velvet and it's operatives would never risk the potential for damage to any Zoner station or asset, as that would be against our primary objectives. I will remind everyone, however, that research into such things should be kept to our friends and allies over at IRG, as they have a lot more experience when it comes to the improvements of technology, not to mention our own close ties with other groups.

Sun, if such negotiations are to take place, Voncloud and I will take charge of this. I respect your will for this, Mr. Ironblood, however, your lack of knowledge of politics and going behind my back already so soon makes me question your diplomatic capabilities already. I hope you can prove me wrong. However, you will be joining Voncloud and I through these negotiations, as it is obvious that you have expressed an interest in such dealings.

Melissa Jones - Leader Of Velvet - Administrator Of Freeport 11
== End Transmission==

RE: To: Freeport 9 Administration - Dark_Knight - 05-25-2019

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: LeZKZpr.png]
To: Melissa Jones, Jax Ironblood
From: Probational Administrator Sun Koken
Ship: Bodhi
Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Subject: Freeport 9 Request
Encryption: Average
Greetings Melissa.

Thankyou for clearing up my worries and thank you Mister Ironblood for clearing up my worries as well, even if it appears you breached your own protocol. Melissa is correct that we should let IRG handle all research and Velvet working with them may actually be better then I providing you a free room. Whatever happens, do be careful and as always peace be with you both.

-Probational Administrator Sun Koken.

Message End

RE: To: Freeport 9 Administration - Jax Ironblood - 05-25-2019

[Image: Velvet_V.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Jax Ironblood|Skyfire - Member of Recon Team, Velvet.
Date: 24th May, 826 A.S.
Location: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: Unbeatable
Subject: An end to bounds overstepped.

Greetings once again, I've had some time to reconsider my actions. While they had the best intentions they came across very sudden and concerning to i'm sure you and most of Velvet. So to both Sun Koken of Freeport 9 and Melissa Jones of Freeport 11, I express my humblest apologies and will work to ensure this will never happen again, in my rush to make a lasting impression I've played the part a fool. To prove my intentions to improve my standing with both Velvet and Those on Freeport 9, I will submit myself to any tasks around either station or in space that require tending too, damaged ships, baby sitting convoys, Janitor duty. i'll be in touch, so until then, Jax out.

==Transmission Ending==

RE: To: Freeport 9 Administration - Dark_Knight - 05-25-2019

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: LeZKZpr.png]
To: Melissa Jones, Jax Ironblood
From: Probational Administrator Sun Koken
Ship: Bodhi
Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Subject: Penance
Encryption: Average
Hello again, Mister Ironblood.

In your request for some type of penance for your mistake, I forgive you for your sin as you see it. If you do indeed want to be at peace with oneself, then I suggest working with the people on Pygar. You would be surprised what hard work does for the body, mind and If you believe in such things the soul. Beyond that, I have no other advice but please be mindful of your actions in future.

-Probational Administrator Sun Koken.

Message End

RE: To: Freeport 9 Administration - Immortality23 - 05-25-2019

[Image: 164484-avallonist_1024x768.jpg]
[Image: Velvet_V.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Melissa Jones, Administrator Of Freeport 11 and Leader of Velvet Wing.
Date: 25th May, 826 A.S.
Location: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: The Research Capabilites of Freeport 9.

Given that this has been dealt with swiftly, I care little for any penance, Mister Ironblood. I care that you do your job. And remember your place until you're ready to take on such a tasking. Like I said, you will join myself and Voncloud in the negotiations, however, I would sooner look to our allies of IRG for this, as they are the subject matter experts. A phrase that pops to mind is "Hire an expert and get out of their way."

Sun, I will be in contact shortly regarding a project that I think the people of Freeport 9 and the rest of the Theta system will be interested in.

Melissa Jones - Leader Of Velvet - Administrator Of Freeport 11
== End Transmission==