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Hogosha-kun - Printable Version

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Hogosha-kun - Ayem - 03-02-2009

Captain Stauffenback of the Camara freighter Phaethon pressed one hand to a scar that ran from engine casing to the mid-section on the side of his ship. He yanked the hand back, the metal was still warm.

He was stood in the engineering bay of a Kishiro station in New Tokyo. The Captain hadnt noted the name of the station on his hasty approach. The plasma boiling space around his ship had kept him occupied.

Hogosha. Captain Stauffenback clenched the burnt hand into a fist.

Hed been able to organise docking privileges while feinting towards trade lane rings that the Hogosha bomber had predictably put out of action. That would, no doubt, cause traffic problems all the way back to Planet New Tokyo. The Hogosha would have some palms to grease. Stauffenback was pleased. The display of thuggery would cost the criminal some hard cash, and net him nothing.

It was not unusual, he supposed, for such events to occur to him. Indeed, he had a habit of encouraging these outcomes. How else, he argued to himself, would the rest of society finally accept the viper they were holding to their bosom? They wouldnt!

Tiring of his own rhetoric, Stauffenback stepped back from his ship and turned his gaze across the wide platform to where his Kusari wife was dealing with the mechanics. He should not have placed her in danger. Even if she did suggest the Hogosha-kun remark, he should have bit his tongue and- No. As she said, if he hadnt stood up to the criminals, she would have loved him a little less. A womans blackmail has a cruel sort of beauty, mused the Rheinlander.

It would take a little time to have his ship in space again. Captain Stauffenback picked up his power wrench and guided the mechanics into his Phaethon. He tried to forget the similar chain of events that had had resulted in the reduction of his Behemoth class vessel to dustlike debris at the hands of Sigma pirates. He was a man fallen on hard times, and still was acting like some twenty-odd firebrand political. His past had marked him for life, supposed Stauffenback. Still, it was better than being Hogosha.