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To: 'Max' of Velvet - Sender: Misaki - Printable Version

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To: 'Max' of Velvet - Sender: Misaki - Megaera - 07-02-2019

ID: Yunoki Misaki
Recipient: Max
Subject: NFZ breach


I am that Golden Chrysanthemum that talked to you yesterday. I am here to report that Gallia breached your No Fire Zone and you should start killing them. When you left two MRG ships attacked me at the freeport. Hans von Goeben was still around aswell.

Evidence log is included


Squad Leader of the Sisterhood
Yunoki Misaki

RE: To: 'Max' of Velvet - Sender: Misaki - Dark_Knight - 07-02-2019

[Incoming Transmission]
[Image: WkRn9FU.jpg]

Sender Identity: Max
Recipient: Yunoki Misaki
Subject: Freeport 6 NFZ Breach

Priority: High
Encryption: High

Well Howdy Ma'm

Goddamn, shouldn't 'ave rested maybe able tah talk some sense into tha Gauls. Officially ah can't do a damn thing about this, hands are tied in these matters. Ah can pass it up tha chain and see if any other Zoners want tah file a official complaint or somethin' but beyond that, can't do much. Ah'll try to be more vigilant in future, these gauls are fixin for a brusin' from Zoners personally. Shame, was all fun and games until they arrived as usual spoilin' tha party.

Thanks for sendin' this though chickpea.

[Message End]

RE: To: 'Max' of Velvet - Sender: Misaki - Megaera - 07-02-2019

ID: Yunoki Misaki
Recipient: Max
Subject: NFZ breach

Konnichiwa Max,

The Freeport seemed to be hostile to the cheese people of the west. Does this mean the Zoners are in open confrontation with the MRG? I have never seen the freeport fire at anyone before without provocation. So this little detail makes me curious on the current affairs.

Squad Leader of the Sisterhood
Yunoki Misaki

RE: To: 'Max' of Velvet - Sender: Misaki - Dark_Knight - 07-02-2019

[Incoming Transmission]
[Image: WkRn9FU.jpg]

Sender Identity: Max
Recipient: Yunoki Misaki
Subject: Freeport 6 NFZ Breach

Priority: High
Encryption: High


Ah dunno chickpea, not exactly any official person. Ah'll add OSI, IRG an Velvet Command see if thay can figure out the official Zoner response t' this mess.

[Message End]

RE: To: 'Max' of Velvet - Sender: Misaki - Immortality23 - 07-02-2019

[Image: ObAfhzF.jpg]
[Image: Velvet_V.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Melissa Jones, Leader of The Velvet Organisation, Administrator of Freeport 11.
Date: 2nd July, 826 A.S.
Location: The Cryolite, Currently near Corfu Base, Omicron Theta.
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: Freeport 6 NFZ Breach.

As the transmission begins, Melissa smiles sweetly as she begins to speak in a calm and collected voice..

"Max, thank you for bringing this to my attention. Now, my friend Commander Blaine Chara is the current standing administrator of Freeport 6, however, I have not heard from her in some time. I will endeavor to contact her privately, as this is her main area of expertise. My default response here would be that of 'Lets not get involved' but ultimately the idea of the Zoner community being put at any form of risk is not something I will sit idly for. We will send two Fearless Q Ships, the Indus and the Topaz to Freeport 6 to act as a deterrent force. I'll oversee this personally. Max, for now, I would like you to bounce between Freeport 6 and Freeport 10, and keep me updated. You and the team on the Nyx are doing a good job. If you need further assistance, I will ask Babur Khan on the Multan to assist as well.

Miss Misaki, I know Mr. Von Goeben, as he is a member of the Consensus. I will await for Max's final say as well as his before making any rash decisions. Until then, thank you for making me aware of this."

Melissa Jones - Leader Of Velvet - Administrator Of Freeport 11
== End Transmission==