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July Rollcall 2019 - Printable Version

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July Rollcall 2019 - Dark_Knight - 07-03-2019

Rollcall for Summer to Autumn 2019. The purpose of this rollcall is to trim the fat in chats and public access environments. Please answer this rollcall if you have continued interest in playing Unioner OFL. You do not need to state your character names. You must also answer honestly the following:

[font=Open Sans] Would you log a Unioner character of your own initiative? Do you?

[b]Do you enjoy playing Unioner characters?[/b]
[b]Does Unioner forum roleplay interest you?[/b]
[b]What would you like the faction to do differently?[/b]
[b]Do you consent to leaving alerts on in the Unioner E-Skype chat and Unioner Discord?[/b]
[b]Do you promise to log Unioners for at least two hours a week?[/b]
[b]State best times for you in UTC.. [/b]
[b]Please state your Discord name.[/b][/font]

Those who do not answer the rollcall will be removed from the Unioner Discord, including HC members and liasons from other factions. Active members within the next few weeks will be rapidly promoted.

RE: July Rollcall 2019 - Alpha.Wolf - 07-03-2019

Would you log a Unioner character of your own initiative? Do you? Yes, I would as soon as Real life lets me log again.

Do you enjoy playing Unioner characters? Yes, it's fun for me to play for the bad guys, as I usually play lawfuls.
Does Unioner forum roleplay interest you? Yes, and especially since the imperial story started.
What would you like the faction to do differently? I would like to see organized patrols. Not only organized by UN, but woth other factions, so that there are days where we don't only log for "nothing".
Do you consent to leaving alerts on in the Unioner E-Skype chat and Unioner Discord? Yup, I do.
Do you promise to log Unioners for at least two hours a week? I cannot promise, as sometime RL prevents me from playing, but I will do my best.
State best times for you in UTC.. 1 pm - 7 pm UTC
Please state your Discord name.
Alpha Wolf#2609

RE: July Rollcall 2019 - Hemlocke - 07-03-2019

Would you log a Unioner character of your own initiative? Do you? I do, just hate sitting and doing nothing.

Do you enjoy playing Unioner characters? Not sure at this moment.
Does Unioner forum roleplay interest you? Forum roleplay with any of my factions interests me.
What would you like the faction to do differently? Way too many things to even bother listing.
Do you consent to leaving alerts on in the Unioner E-Skype chat and Unioner Discord? They're already on.
Do you promise to log Unioners for at least two hours a week? Eh, i'll try. Logging alone and doing nothing ain't exactly enjoyable.
State best times for you in UTC.. Whenever i'm awake. My schedule is f*cked to say the least.
Please state your Discord name. Josie "Rose" Hemlocke#7961

RE: July Rollcall 2019 - Exe - 07-03-2019

Would you log a Unioner character of your own initiative? Do you?

Do you enjoy playing Unioner characters? Ofc
Does Unioner forum roleplay interest you? Well... euh
What would you like the faction to do differently? Its fine as it is alrdy
Do you consent to leaving alerts on in the Unioner E-Skype chat and Unioner Discord? Ye
Do you promise to log Unioners for at least two hours a week? Cant promise, but i could log if you guys call me for help and if i got time.
State best times for you in UTC.. Dunno
Please state your Discord name.
You got my Discord alrdy.

RE: July Rollcall 2019 - AuruemSaber - 07-03-2019

Would you log a Unioner character of your own initiative? Do you? If I have something to do on one sure

Do you enjoy playing Unioner characters? IDK tbh with the recent server population being low doesn't feel quite as fun
Does Unioner forum roleplay interest you? I mean yeah but I would probs make a new char for it
What would you like the faction to do differently? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ more stuff like in bering? aka actual activity and group fights
Do you consent to leaving alerts on in the Unioner E-Skype chat and Unioner Discord? If they arent unreasonably spammed Stare's at Shaggy Big Grin
Do you promise to log Unioners for at least two hours a week? Depends honeslty kinda boring logging by myself in empty space
State best times for you in UTC.. Uh....whenever I guess schedule is kinda screwed tbh
Please state your Discord name.
Darkstar_Spectre #1295

RE: July Rollcall 2019 - Couden - 07-03-2019

Would you log a Unioner character of your own initiative? Do you? Of course

Do you enjoy playing Unioner characters?Ye
Does Unioner forum roleplay interest you?Ye
What would you like the faction to do differently?More Smuggling RP
Do you consent to leaving alerts on in the Unioner E-Skype chat and Unioner Discord? Yes
Do you promise to log Unioners for at least two hours a week? I'll try
State best times for you in UTC.. +3 UTC
Please state your Discord name.

RE: July Rollcall 2019 - Corpus13 - 07-03-2019

Would you log a Unioner character of your own initiative? Do you? I'm already doing it.

Do you enjoy playing Unioner characters? I think so.
Does Unioner forum roleplay interest you? Probably.
What would you like the faction to do differently? Not sure at this very moment.
Do you consent to leaving alerts on in the Unioner E-Skype chat and Unioner Discord? Okay.
Do you promise to log Unioners for at least two hours a week? I hope so.
State best times for you in UTC.. Dunno, depends on working in lab.
Please state your Discord name. Rickla#2052

Slowly getting back into game after finals, will probably do more stuff in the future.