ATTN: Patricia Becker | FROM: Jerard Voncloud | RE: The Isdes - Aazalot - 07-15-2019
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* ID: Jerard Voncloud
* Location: Freeport 11
* Subject: Influenced Osiris Captain
* Priority : 1
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
To Patricia Becker
I am Jerard Voncloud, one of the Commanders of Velvet.
Normally i command the Velvet Carrier Kaldra, but on this occasion i was flying my Osprey interceptor in response to Freeport 11 detecting a large Nomad signature in the area. After being deployed it didn't take long to get visual on a Nomad Ishtar and what i thought at first was a relief was the sight of an Order Osiris, the Isdes.
However it became clear rather quickly that the Nomad and the Osiris were not engaged in combat. They were in fact, having a conversation. One which i was able to record for no attempt was made to keep it secure on the Osiris' side and i believe the Nomad was "Broadcasting", or whatever it is they do to all who were close by.
Now i bring this up because not that many days ago The Legacy of Orillion ended up down Velvet throats outside of Freeport 11 due to one of our newer members having Nomad equipment aboard their ship. We co-operated with the orders given to have the weapons handed over, but the ship they were handed over to? The Isdes.
As you can imagine to have our ships quickly jumped on for having nomad weapons in a cargo hold then to see the same ship said equipment was sent to, conversing with a Greater Nomad as if it were at a sewing circle raises some concerns and many questions.
By what im aware the Legacy of Orillion's MO is to Cleanse Sirius of the Nomad threat, so to see a ship you have openly co-operated with speaking away with your enemy as i said before, raises some eyebrows.
So the question is, what will happen with this ship?
I have attached a gun cam shot of the two ships side by side and the Communications log below.
Jerard Voncloud - Velvet Commander HQdiv - Pygar Colonisation Coordinator
Obsidian Front GunCam
Velvet|Obsidian: Everything Alright Order vessel?
[14.07.2019 15:17:52] Isdes: Falk: Yes. The situation is under control.
[14.07.2019 15:18:12] Grease.Thunder: ?: Greetings.
[14.07.2019 15:18:18] Velvet|Obsidian: Seems you had a lucky escape, that Ishtar was nearly on you
[14.07.2019 15:18:47] Isdes: Falk: Without such enforcement our civilisation would've crumbled.
[14.07.2019 15:19:15] Isdes: Don't go too far. We might get a fight to happen.
[14.07.2019 15:19:25] Velvet|Obsidian: Alright
[14.07.2019 15:19:31] Isdes: I'll need CD support if that happens.
[14.07.2019 15:19:38] Velvet|Obsidian: okay
[14.07.2019 15:20:13] Isdes: Falk: We've never had any real unity.
[14.07.2019 15:20:40] Isdes: Falk: Separated by fake differences. A shameful display of humanity's nature.
[14.07.2019 15:21:27] Vagrant.Daeira: "Spitfires infinite if darkness remains on it's way. Perishment unavoidable."
[14.07.2019 15:22:10] Isdes: Falk: It is not within the powers of one mere human to convince them all.
[14.07.2019 15:22:20] Isdes: Falk: Plenty have tried. All have failed.
[14.07.2019 15:23:19] Vagrant.Daeira: "Change will not arrive this way. Your kind does not listen to the Lights' song."
[14.07.2019 15:23:43] Isdes: Falk: And how can your songs help us reach inner peace? Elaborate.
[14.07.2019 15:25:06] Vagrant.Daeira: "Darkness attempts to exceed their limits. Remain stable and spitfire shall cease."
[14.07.2019 15:25:36] Isdes: Falk: Stability is stagnation. That's what they think.
[14.07.2019 15:25:49] Isdes: Falk: We do not progress if we restrain ourselves.
[14.07.2019 15:27:12] Vagrant.Daeira: "Your progress brings pain, spitfire and suffering. Darkness won't understand. Disappointment."
[14.07.2019 15:27:43] Isdes: Falk: What we're supposed to understand if nothing is elaborated?
[14.07.2019 15:28:55] Vagrant.Daeira: "Light sings, darkness unable to listen. Begin to listen, elaboration will grow."
[14.07.2019 15:30:00] Isdes: Falk: Isn't it, like... not really safe to listen to those songs of yours?
[14.07.2019 15:32:11] Vagrant.Daeira: "Darkness starts spitfire once listening. Connection impossible."
[14.07.2019 15:32:46] Isdes: Falk: Humanity can actually be quite empathetic if you approach them right.
[14.07.2019 15:33:36] Vagrant.Daeira: "Light has been protecting darklings forever. Yet suddenly aggression grows."
[14.07.2019 15:34:04] Isdes: Falk: You have been protecting us? Now that is an interesting claim.
[14.07.2019 15:34:44] Vagrant.Daeira: "Darkness thrived under light's overwatch."
[14.07.2019 15:35:09] Isdes: Falk: And through all that time you have remained unnoticed by humanity?
[14.07.2019 15:35:19] Isdes: Falk: That sounds like a good fairy tale.
[14.07.2019 15:36:30] Vagrant.Daeira: "Darklings notice the light. Lived with it. Fed on it."
[14.07.2019 15:36:32] Velvet|Obsidian: Head to me Multan, but we wont engage less Isdes gets fired on
[14.07.2019 15:38:08] Isdes: Falk: Do you imply that all the technological breakthroughs humanity have made - belonged to the Nomads?
[14.07.2019 15:38:29] Velvet|Multan: Babur: What seems to be problem here?
[14.07.2019 15:38:32] Vagrant.Daeira: "Darkness learned."
[14.07.2019 15:39:12] Velvet|Multan: Babur: Order battleship, what is the Nomad talking about? Brief me up.
[14.07.2019 15:39:39] Isdes: Falk: Just a general chit chat. Their usual songs about how humanity harmed them and so on.
[14.07.2019 15:39:48] Isdes: Falk: I think you're already used to it.
[14.07.2019 15:39:54] Velvet|Obsidian: Im starting to think this Order Captian may or may not be under the influence
[14.07.2019 15:40:20] Isdes: Falk: Well, you know. It's not written on those ruins they are yours, and left behind by someone specifically for you.
[14.07.2019 15:40:37] Isdes: Falk: I did the screening a week ago at worst.
[14.07.2019 15:41:19] Vagrant.Daeira: "Darkness received gifts that were not mean't for them."
[14.07.2019 15:41:42] Isdes: Falk: And how we were supposed to know they're meant for someone else?
[14.07.2019 15:41:49] Velvet|Multan: Babur: Treasure troves, they belong to who finds them first.
[14.07.2019 15:41:59] Isdes: Falk: Whoever left them did not leave any marks or clues.
[14.07.2019 15:42:07] Velvet|Multan: Babur: We would share too, if you wouldn't be bent on mass murdering us.
[14.07.2019 15:42:15] Vagrant.Daeira: "Disappointment. Weak minds attempt to understand."
[14.07.2019 15:42:41] Isdes: Falk: *sigh* It is always the same.
[14.07.2019 15:43:06] Isdes: Falk: Set code red throughout the ship, all hands - to their stations.
[14.07.2019 15:43:15] Vagrant.Daeira: "There is nothing to learn from darkness. Inferiority. Hate. Spitfire. The light remains pure."
Message Ended
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RE: ATTN: Patricia Becker | FROM: Jerard Voncloud | RE: The Isdes - Spectre - 07-16-2019
P. Becker : [Comm-ID]
The Order ~
Gerard Voncloud : [Receiver-ID]
Velvet ~
Influenced Osiris Captain : [Subject]
Herr Voncloud,
This is an unsettling thing to find in my inbox, but I suppose the Edge Nebula rarely lacks for the obscure and unexpected. I'm not openly familiar with the Isdes itself, but if the logs are something to go by, then I may be familiar with her commander. I'll be sure to inquire as to their thought logic during that encounter, and to remind them the Order's mission.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
From the end of the logs I'm sensing that the situation turned sour, though past the final, albeit aggressive lines in the logs, I can't be sure. If you or your men could provide any further logs as to this encounter, it would be appreciated.
RE: ATTN: Patricia Becker | FROM: Jerard Voncloud | RE: The Isdes - Aazalot - 07-19-2019
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* ID: Jerard Voncloud
* Location: Freeport 11
* Subject: Influenced Osiris Captain
* Priority : 1
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
To Patricia Becker
There wasn't much else to tell after things went south, the Isdes called for the Nomad to be engaged so myself and the Mutan moved to assist but the target turned and fled before i was in range to fire Cruise Disruptor's, so combat itself was avoided.
Jerard Voncloud - Velvet Commander HQdiv - Pygar Colonisation Coordinator
Message Ended
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