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To: IMG Leadership | Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping - Printable Version

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To: IMG Leadership | Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping - Lafayette - 07-15-2019

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[Image: dfNdwC1.png]

Sender: Nicole Burton
Recipient: IMG Leadership
Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping

To whom it may concern,

We have just been informed that IMG|GPV-Pioneer has unlawfully intercepted and attacked one of our transports during a routine run in Omega-3 system. As you can see in the attached conversation, our transport crew was threatened with destruction twice while the Pioneer never provided an explanation for this outrage.


We would like some explanations about IMG's unprovoked attack on Liberty Shipping as well as a proper compensation. We are aware of your recent troubles with Bretonia however House Liberty is a third party and does not wish to be involved in this controversy. We also hope that the Independent Miners will continue to respect our neutral stance in this conflict.

Nicole Burton
Chief of Staff
Universal Shipping Inc.

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RE: To: IMG Leadership | Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping - Lafayette - 07-16-2019

RE: To: IMG Leadership | Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping - Nika - 07-16-2019

[Image: qVA0gnr.jpg]

To: Nicole Burton.
From: Kirigiri Kyoko.
Origin: Madeira Base, Omega-47, Omega Indepedent Worlds.
Encryption: IMG M.E.T.A.N.O.L. Code.

Miss Burton.

It is unfortunate that you have been so open in providing us with the evidence of such outright uncouth accident.
Unfortunate for you.
Essentially, Claire have done nothing wrong and acted in accordance with the current protocols of the Guild regarding the illegal cargo shipments in our zones of interest. It is a mere unfortunate coincidence that your employee have decided it might be a good idea to openly venture into Omega-3 and outright present himself as being in direct assistance of our self-proclaimed enemies, the so-called "Kingdom" of Bretonia. Essentially, what you need to know is that any other logistical vessel carrying the same cargo would be treated in the same manner, no matter the allegiance.
I suggest you instruct your employees to steer clear from the area until the high demand for contraband cargo will be over, this will guarantee their funds staying with them and the painting of their ships unscratched.
In case you choose to disregard my proposition - i can not guarantee their safety when traversing the area with the questionable cargo.
That's pretty much all i have to tell to you.

~Kirigiri Kyoko.

Attachments: None.

RE: To: IMG Leadership | Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping - Lafayette - 07-17-2019

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[Image: dfNdwC1.png]

Sender: Nicole Burton
Recipient: IMG Leadership
Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping

Miss Kyoko,

I would like to inform you that Secretary Hawthorne has been informed about IMG's illegal attack on our House's shipping.

You state that "it is not a good idea" for our ships to venture into Omega-3. Please inform me where IMG has made it illegal to do so.

As for your concerns and hidden threats on the safety of our transports, I can assure you that neither Universal nor Liberty will be intimidated by your mining association.

Nicole Burton
Chief of Staff
Universal Shipping Inc.

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RE: To: IMG Leadership | Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping - Lafayette - 07-18-2019

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[Image: dfNdwC1.png]

Sender: Nicole Burton
Recipient: IMG Leadership
Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping

Miss Kyoko,

Universal Shipping is still waiting for answers on your supposed declaration about Omega-3 and "contraband" cargo. You have made threats on our shipping but you have not even bothered to address our concerns.

Furthermore, our lawyers have calculated the damages and lost profits caused by Pioneer on our corporation. IMG should forward immediately $50,000,000 Sirius Credits to [*USI*]Deposit.

Thank you.

Nicole Burton
Chief of Staff
Universal Shipping Inc.

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// > Disconnected

RE: To: IMG Leadership | Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping - Nika - 07-18-2019

[Image: qVA0gnr.jpg]

To: Nicole Burton.
From: Kirigiri Kyoko.
Origin: Madeira Base, Omega-47, Omega Indepedent Worlds.
Encryption: IMG M.E.T.A.N.O.L. Code.


You seem to lack the understanding of what's going on, and delegating me as the one to take the pink glassess off your eyes.

Your employee came to Omega-3, loaded to the brim with the cargo to repair Aland, which only fell into the hands of those Bretonian morons by a sheer luck, an accident where fortune, for some reason, decided to play in their favor.
Accident or not - they have paid dearly for every step they took in the direction of their conquest, dictated by nothing but their unjust ambitions. So did the Guild, and that came at even greater price for my people.

If you expect us to take this lightly - you're utterly wrong.
If you expect us to provide you with any compensation - i will likely order my Guildsmen to treat your employees with antimatter again, which should be more than sufficient for Universal.

In other words - scram, Burton, before it got any worse.
Do not expect any further reply from the Guild, as i have no pleasure to speak with the pawns of Bretonian Imperialistic regime.

~Kirigiri Kyoko.

Attachments: None.

RE: To: IMG Leadership | Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping - Lafayette - 07-18-2019

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[Image: dfNdwC1.png]

Sender: Nicole Burton
Recipient: IMG Leadership
Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping

Miss Kyoko,

I will leave your snide remarks aside, as a miner I understand your language can be crude sometimes.

At least we finally get an answer from you. You have confirmed that IMG has indeed made no such declaration and attacked Liberty shipping unilaterally, illegally and in direct violation of our neutrality. Please let me remind you that during our war with Rheinland when you organized massive convoys of Niobium Ore for New Berlin's industries, House Liberty never attacked your ships or sanctioned them because we respected your role as a neutral entity.

If you think our megacorporation will be cowed down and intimidated by the threats of your insignificant and loose mining association you are utterly wrong. There will be consequences for your Guild if you insist on refusing to recognize our neutrality and provide compensation for the previous violation of our neutrality.

So I would like to ask you one last time to reconsider. Perhaps not everyone in IMG has lost their minds and there is someone sane still in charge.

Nicole Burton
Chief of Staff
Universal Shipping Inc.

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RE: To: IMG Leadership | Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping - Lafayette - 07-19-2019

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[Image: dfNdwC1.png]

Sender: Nicole Burton
Recipient: IMG Leadership
Subject: Attack on Liberty Shipping

Miss Kyoko,

It is unfortunate that you decided to ignore our messages. We were as compromising as we could have been, considering the circumstances.

Thus, I am proud to inform you that the office of the President has ordered the supertransports Elko, Serenity, Plymouth, Manhattan, Santa Barbara, Boston and Liberty's pride and newest battletransport, Office Hall to move immediately to Shikoku and pick up Shipyard Components as part of Operation: Aland Expansion. Our mega-convoy will depart at 15:00 Sirius Mean Time on Saturday and we will also be joined by two Doe Industries ships carrying important VIPs who are working on Aland's Expansion and Defense Upgrade program.

This convoy is also a testament of our determination to protect our Freedom of Navigation rights. Universal will never abandon her liberties and rights.

Please make sure your miners stay well away from our route, we will not allow any interference. Thank you.

Nicole Burton
Chief of Staff
Universal Shipping Inc.

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