Discovery Gaming Community
Player Sanctioned: RNS-Aquitaine / RNS-Sajuuk / Asheling - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: RNS-Aquitaine / RNS-Sajuuk / Asheling - Loken - 07-23-2019

RNS-Aquitaine / RNS-Sajuuk / Asheling has been sanctioned for:

Quote:3.2 Disconnecting in space to avoid interaction. If accidental, post here as soon as possible

3.5 Threatening with sanctions

3.8 Attacking people in Connecticut, without their express permission

4.1 If you die whilst in a PVP situation, in any form, you are considered as ''PVP Dead''. A PVP Dead player must:
Leave the system the fight took place in for one hour. You must not carry cargo while doing so and must not engage in any player interaction while you are leaving. Other players must allow a PVP Dead player to leave the system.
Not re-enter the system they died in on any of their characters for one hour.
Not attack the player/players they died to on any of their characters for one hour.


You attacked someone multiple times in Connecticut without their permission, even when they explicitly asked you not to do so. The guns have been removed from your ship as punishment.

Update: Considering the amount of reports we've received about you recently, the ships that have violations with conclusive evidence against them have been Bastilled until you post here explaining why you are unable to follow the rules.

If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Sanction Thread below. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the sanction thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of GM Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Sanctioned: RNS-Aquitaine / RNS-Sajuuk / Asheling - Loken - 07-24-2019

You've been busy. This sanction has been updated due to further violations.

RE: Player Sanctioned: RNS-Aquitaine / RNS-Sajuuk / Asheling - Jeuge - 07-24-2019

Hello. I am the owner of RNS-Aquitaine and RNS-Sajuuk and Asheling .

I didn't respect the server rules and I'm really sorry. however for article 3.2 it's probably a mistake of my connection or my computer because I've already had a disconnection in space. but I've never disconnected in the middle of a fight to avoid dying .

I understand the server rules and I am ready to apply them in game to avoid this type of sanction

RE: Player Sanctioned: RNS-Aquitaine / RNS-Sajuuk / Asheling - Loken - 07-24-2019

In future if you lose connection to the server while there are players around you can post here.

I have put your ships on Planet Leeds.