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Player Sanctioned: [*USI*]NovaX[SO] - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: [*USI*]NovaX[SO] - St.Denis - 07-29-2019

[*USI*]NovaX[SO] has been sanctioned for:

Quote:1.5 Meta/powergaming
4.4 Every char must have only one type of ID equipped and they must play to that ID. Ship and equipment infocards which specify their use on a specific ID or specific ship must only be used on that ID or ship. In all other cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules except as described in 4.5


On your Junker Ship, you saw someone with Slaves, in NY, and tried to demand them. But seeing your Ship had only Mining Arrays, you then logged your USI Bomber and proceeded to demand the Slaves again and ended up blowing up the Trade Ship. Neither of the IDs you used allowed you to do this.

As it appears you are relatively new, I have put your Junker Ship in Bastille (as your USI Ship has been deleted), until you assure us you have read and understood the Server Rules. I would also suggest that you read your IDs and make sure you understand their limitations.

If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Sanction Thread below. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the sanction thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of GM Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Sanctioned: [*USI*]NovaX[SO] - US| - 07-29-2019

(07-29-2019, 10:16 AM)St.Denis Wrote: [*USI*]NovaX[SO] has been sanctioned for:

Quote:1.5 Meta/powergaming
4.4 Every char must have only one type of ID equipped and they must play to that ID. Ship and equipment infocards which specify their use on a specific ID or specific ship must only be used on that ID or ship. In all other cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules except as described in 4.5

We understand that once this was brought to our attention. The person who posted this come to our table and novax immediately left the faction only of rage. Please note, although this member of the community is new. We thank you for removing it "the character" completely as a sanction on behalf of the Faction Universal Shipping.
We told him time after time to read the rules regarding ID's and PVP rules. Clearly we hope this now makes nova understand that Disco Rules are not to be messed with and that we as a faction are not happy with his actions.
He is new, and we will use this time to offer him support read the rules, ask us questions about them and act accordingly. He is welcome to use the secondary ID for Universal Shipping and fly with us only to learn server rules and be a better person.

But for now Nova, you're no longer welcome within Universal Shipping Official (Player Faction) for 6 months of this notice. You can do better, you will do better. Or you'll keep losing your ships/cash & or end up banned,

You were warned, but we hope this teaches you a lesson.

Mark_Brown 2ic - Universal

RE: Player Sanctioned: [*USI*]NovaX[SO] - PittViper - 07-29-2019

I have since read the server rules, ID rules and now understand them, I do apologize for my Overzealous nature; as the USI said, I'm still new and experimenting all round, I do not need to see any evidence as my action are my own and not of anyone else; I understand the USI no longer want me but that is acceptable and I am willing to take that as punishment for my actions.

RE: Player Sanctioned: [*USI*]NovaX[SO] - St.Denis - 07-29-2019

Your Ship has been released