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About Slang usage and roleplay - totara - 03-04-2009

Following this post

As a freelancer player, I have decided to reopen the case of server rules 3.2, whatever administrators want it or not, for the sake of FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Quote:3.2 Flaming, threats and insulting (in any form) other members, factions, server administrators in chat, public
or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.

Sanction: no less than 14-day ban.

Some players have recently been banned from the server, following a light usage of slang language in-game, in an roleplay situation.
Some have been banned 14 days for insulting mobs, or their own plane or themselves, or simply telling other players to "go away".

I have personally been scandalized to notice how unfair the "punishment" around this rule have been in the past, and how some administrators have been closed to discussion when players came to explain the reasons of their act.

Some administrator (Fellow Hoodlum) use their position to decide what should be done without the openess of mind to accept critics from other players in front of mis-application of a server rule.

Regarding this rule, I think personally that it should be ADAPTED to the reality of role playing games.

In role-playing, it *can* happen, under particular circumstances, such as high-speed action or stress, that we let free our feelings, for being totally *inside* the game, while playing our *own role*.
That means, it *can* happen that we, human, use what is part of every language on Earth since thousands of years, which is Slang. Bad words. Insults.

A simple illustration of this is... You are playing a Dwarf warrior, and you're running into a group of gobelins who killed your wife and kids, or your friend. You say "By Thor, I promise I will your as*es you little bast.ards gobelins !" and charge. This is perfect roleplay and not surprising. Roleplay is indeed not SesameStreet. I let you transpose this situation to the universe of freelancer.

What I want to demonstrate here is simply that we *should* allow bad words, or expressions to go flow within the game, eventually replacing the worst of them by a series of starts '****', like in most of multiplayer online games.

We should *allow* flaming, threatening and insulting, with the condition that they come into role-playing.

The distinction between what IS coming under RP and what is NOT should be clearly prooved with screenshots.

I am sad to see that most of the players do NOT respect this rule as their own signature in forums or their name in game use slang.

Comments are welcome. (Admin comments are useless, as we all know your position on that point.)


About Slang usage and roleplay - centauri5pirate - 03-04-2009

While I use language similar to a drunken sailor in Bangkok on his 3rd bottle of whiskey, this is no place for it. Some people who play here (including children) find that kind of language offensive and therefore it has no place here. There are 10,000 insults you can say in RP that don't offend people without using the colorful words that some find distasteful.
Use your imagination, I'm sure you can come up with a few.

About Slang usage and roleplay - Cosmos - 03-04-2009

hey i got banned for calling someone stupid, tell me how corrupt is that?

side taking admins much?

About Slang usage and roleplay - AJBeast - 03-04-2009

IMO using swear words and etc should be sanctioned, but only if its excessive and OORP, which btw , is quite easy to spot.

Some could say that there are some younger players on discovery, but isnt FL 16+ ? Why should we be carefull if young kids shouldnt be playing the game? Look at FL SP , there are quite a few ocasions in which swear words are implied( note IMPLIED , not actually said).

There are some words that we should ease on of course. The f-bomb for instance. Even in RP it should only be used with caution.

About insulting thats a whole diferent story. Some people are more sensitive to that stuff than others. So id say, only insult a person if you already know him/her really well and think it wouldnt be a big deal.

But new players entering disco to find NY full of rampant swearers might not be very invitative, so id suggest trying to fix these things in-RP first before resorting to warning an admin. Like for example if someone was swearing , a police officer could say something like "Hey , watch your tone when your speaking to an officer!"

But then again , all that i have written above is probably just a waste of my time. The admins will probably play it safe and , to a certain extent, i can understand their position.

About Slang usage and roleplay - wrathkin - 03-04-2009

My five cents? I think you are whiners and kids, and if you think Hoodlum is deciding on the bans himself, you're not even literate.

Oh, and I've said it before: Freedom of speech has nothing to do with the privilige of playing on this server.

About Slang usage and roleplay - Petersen - 03-04-2009

No offending, no insults, period. look around at other players, there are a million ways of saying what you want to other players without reffering to foul language. there is no need and no room for this on this server. i think its the right way the admins handle this if foul language would be allowed in this and that situation like you propose then we would have coarses all over the place. i guess in real life every pilot who gets shot down and has to eject would use the f-bomb word. so we would have that all over the place, creating more oorp aggression between the players and fertilizing the ground for more undesirable actions. we better keep that gate locked. keep it clean and say what you want without foul language, its really not that hard.

About Slang usage and roleplay - Finn Aidan - 03-04-2009

I agree that for sake of RP that throwing a insult or strong "epitaph" at your opposition can be seen as in character. there are however better ways of doing it without resorting to what George Carlin called "the words you cant say on television." Using television as an example I would refer you to show such as BattleStar Galactica, and Firefly that were able to convey strong feeling and emotion without getting foulmouthed. We as the viewer know exactly what the character is saying, and the show stays family friendly.

Just my 2 cents on the topic.

About Slang usage and roleplay - ZTeeVeR - 03-04-2009

I have followed the sanction thread you mentioned at the top as well.

First of all, i need to admit that i am quite new around here (also on the disco mod), but i do have an opinion on this.

I think you have a good point here, although i must admit that i do not completely agree with you. Eventhough i can understand that within RP sometimes you need/can/want to be a bit harsh, you also need to take into account that you are playing on a public server. This server has rules and you will have to follow them

rule 3.2 is here for a reason, and i think you know why.

Your statement on allowing flaming, threatening and insulting, with the condition that they come into role-playing is also subject to rule 3.2 and you need to take this into account, and face the consequences when not following this rule.

your example:
"By Thor, I promise I will your as*es you little bast.ards gobelins !"

Might not sound too harsh and could be within RP, but remember that this might not be the case for other people, and you need to respect this.

Why not say:
"By Thor, i promise i will turn you into space dust, once i get my hands on you Goblin!"

I think this is also within RP and also complient to rule 3.2.

With regards to the signatures, i have to agree with you this one, although Fellow Hoodlum is acting as admin on these player sanction threads and is not RP-ing..

Anyway, this is just my 2 cents


Edit: wow 6 posts in the time i wrote this message, looks like this is going to be a busy thread

About Slang usage and roleplay - Jamez - 03-04-2009

The word 'bastard' is used by the NPC's in Vanilla and Discovery. I'd like to clarify - is this word usuable IN-RP by players?

For example - usually said by unlawful NPCs: "That bastard just killed one of my pack!"

About Slang usage and roleplay - Virus - 03-04-2009

' Wrote:for the sake of FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

There is no "freedom of speech" on the internet. Discovery is privately owned, operated, and administrated. I could ban you because I don't like your name if I really, really wanted to. However, we try to be fair and don't do that.

Igiss said don't swear, so we enforce it. I'll personally overlook most swearing if it is not directly pointed at players, that I don't stand for.

' Wrote:The word 'bastard' is used by the NPC's in Vanilla and Discovery. I'd like to clarify - is this word usuable IN-RP by players?

For example - usually said by unlawful NPCs: "That bastard just killed one of my pack!"

Yeah, that would be OK for me.