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Player Warned: MRG|TL-La.Moqueuse - Printable Version

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Player Warned: MRG|TL-La.Moqueuse - St.Denis - 07-30-2019

MRG|TL-La.Moqueuse has been warned for:

Quote:3.6 Attacking without Roleplay. Players must be given reasonable time to react to hostilities.


You appeared to be eager in your prosecution of the enemy. The RP was rather poor in quality and the time to react was rather borderline. As a Member of an OF, we expect better.

If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Sanction Thread below. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the sanction thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of GM Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Warned: MRG|TL-La.Moqueuse - Lanakov - 07-30-2019

Not a member, Denis, but its leader, which is how I wish to address this sanction.

Some context.

There were a ton of transports running around for me to try and stop, and a legion of very eager bad guys coming down my way. I was, myself, eager in the prosecution of the enemy, because I very much knew with whom I was dealing, and the video used to support this violation report demonstrates similar eagerness to swarm me at the earliest opportunity.

The author of this report was very much aware of this. He took ample time to write his mates, then PM me about my lack of roleplay, just as I was slowly chipping down at his transport. Throughout the entire, prolonged interaction, the author of this report never, ever made the slightest effort to interact with me or respond to my two, admittedly short lines of roleplay. Group chat and vindictive PMs were all that he proved capable of. Well, that, and this ludicrous excuse for a report.

To be criticised for a lack of roleplay when none was presented is, already, a rather frustrating affair. To receive such reproaches from someone who wished I had delivered longer, more substantial RP, FOR THE SOLE REASON of stalling for time and hoping that his mates would make it in time to obliterate me without any concern for actual roleplay, fair play or overall quality of the encounter, is utterly infuriating.

This is an act of petty revenge and childlike frustration. I am devastated, insulted, disappointed and exceptionally angry that it was taken into account and given traction by this administration. If anything, this pitiful report demonstrates a severe limitation in how commerce interdiction should be conducted on this server. Shall the interdictor make time for tea and biscuits with his quarry, at the obvious, systematic risk of being dogbuggered by the quarry's escorts or nearby mates ? Shall I instruct each of my members to forget about hunting down transports in contested areas while reinforcements are coming, because they'll be either sanctioned or ganked into oblivion ?

The MRG as a whole (though apparently at the remarkable exception of myself, as demonstrated by this sanction) has acted in an exemplary fashion throughout the otherwise very interesting Roussillon event. My members have shown great courtesy and professionalism in the face of an openly OORP hateful foe. This sanction marks the apex of its disingenuous behaviour and complete absence of class. I have taken good note of this warning, and all that it entails. I choose to make no apology whatsoever, and as such will make every effort to actively avoid any semblance of interaction with the faction whose leader is responsible for this report, as long as said leader is in place. His low character, petty morals and classless attitude has had enough attention from my members and I.

EDIT : I should point out that I feel no anger or resentment towards my fellow staff members, who acted as the blind hand of justice on this one. It is a matter of principle that I wished to address here, not settle accounts with anyone.