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Greetings HUmans! - Printable Version

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Greetings HUmans! - Snot0ssie - 07-30-2019


I am Snot0ssie, curruntley I am ruunning various trade missions in order to get some Credits to help me in my endevours to assimilate in to the Gaammu AI network, but so far contact with them along with aquisition of the needed technology to assimilate in to their network has been impossible to come by.

I ahve noticed that paying someone to put in a good word with them has no effect and my deeds will have to get me in to their good graces.

I would apreaciate it if I can be pointed in the right direction to firstly establish profitable trade routes and from there start building relations with the Gammu AI...

RE: Greetings HUmans! - Couden - 07-30-2019

Welcome to the Freelancer community.

RE: Greetings HUmans! - Daniel 'Dani' Freeman - 07-30-2019

Welcome to the community! Enjoy!

RE: Greetings HUmans! - Nepotu - 07-30-2019

Welcome! Leave while you can

RE: Greetings HUmans! - Megaera - 07-30-2019

Welcome to disco

RE: Greetings HUmans! - sasapinjic - 07-30-2019

Not sure are you telling you are trying to take bribe with Gammu AI ,but it dont work,or you are in role play lol.
If it is first case, some ID are hardcoded so you cant get good relations with AI no mater what you do, in that case solution is to take ID that already have good relation with them .
If it is second case,have fun out there .

RE: Greetings HUmans! - Cælumaresh - 08-06-2019

First of all, hello and welcome to disco.

The Gammu AI rep is fixed at just below hostile for all non Gammu IDs. It is impossible to get into a positive relation with them afaik. The only way is to restart as one using /restart fcAI

RE: Greetings HUmans! - Liberty.In - 08-06-2019

Hello Nomad and welcome to Disco! Wink

RE: Greetings HUmans! - SlappyTheRoach - 08-06-2019

Welcome to discovery. Have fun out there pilot

RE: Greetings HUmans! - SnakeLancerHaven - 08-07-2019

a bit of a late welcome but if you're interested in relationship you can hit one of the unofficial AI factions rn one of them being the Harvesters