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Anna Paige - Orin - 03-04-2009

Rating warning: This topic is rated R for language and mature themes.

[Image: Anna-BioTitle.png]

Prologue: Ethan

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Joining the guild at the age of 28, Ethan Paige proved to be a capable hunter early on. A former test pilot for the Bretonian Armed Forces, Paige’s skills in the air were nothing to be scoffed at, and his quarry learned this quickly. A few years in as a part of the guild, Ethan had become one of the Bounty Hunters Guild’s finest pilots, and found himself in command of an Orca class gunboat, cleverly christened “Torn Paige”

New at command of his new mobile hunting platform, Ethan was designated to lead operation “Heart Attack”; a brazen thrust into the Barrier, with two high priority Lane Hacker aces the targets. The operation was a bust, the pirate forces setting up a devastating ambush, and completely trumping the BHG’s show of force with a ragtag fleet of their own. Paige, flabbergasted as to the event around him, and realizing he was hopelessly outnumbered, ordered the Orca’s crew to make an immediate withdrawal. Paige and his crew escaped relatively unharmed back to Sheffield, but the rest of the strike team found themselves cornered, and crumbled under the overwhelming odds.

Paige and his crew were ostracized as cowards in the face of battle for their retreat, and his flawless reputation suffered an enormous blow. Ethan’s days of efficient hunting slowly digressed into wasting away in exotic alcohols and spirits in Sheffield’s bars and taverns.

Years passed with Paige rarely going active for hunts, and his binging days caught up to him, an illegitimate daughter falling under his already lengthy list of misdemeanors aboard Sheffield. The mother, a barely legal recruit from California, dying in childbirth, left an unsuspecting Ethan father to a child that he never wanted, and was unfit to raise. Paige, uninspired and in a constant state of half-sobriety, named the little girl Anna, after her late mother, Ana, misspelling her name in the process.

Finding his pitiful abode and income on Sheffield suddenly inadequate in housing him and his new daughter, Ethan was forced into doing what he used to do best, becoming a shadow of the skillful hunter he was in years past. With time to drown himself in alcohol strained under the new workload, his reputation of the hunter he was rose fractionally to its former glory, and Paige soon was becoming a competent member of the BHG, and a father trying to care for his only immediate family. Unfortunately, with a meager fortune gained under his new stint of bounty hunting, Ethan soon fell back into his old ways, leaving Anna without the attention any preteen would need.

In a pitiable image of his not-so-former behaviour, a gunfight broke out in the "Leviathan’s Folly" tavern, leaving Paige a wanted man by the very faction that once respected him as one of their own. In a hasty retreat, he scooped up Anna and made way for open space. However, midway through the desperate flight, an unexpected wildcard was played. With 12 or so years of sitting on Daddy’s lap as experience, young Anna managed to put a tranq cartridge in the 43 year old man’s back, taking control of the ship and luring it back to Sheffield.

Astonished by the child’s actions, the guild had no choice but to pay the girl the bounty on her old man, and upon her request, a refurbished Piranha Light Fighter vessel. Doubts were, of course, high when she also requested testing for an ID and pilot’s license under the BHG. Sure enough, however, the young girl managed to pass the tests with sufficient marks, earning herself the right to fly under the guild as her father had.

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Anna Paige - Orin - 03-04-2009

One: Wings

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What a past few days it’s been.

Well, I’m out on my own now. In a few weeks I’ll be 13. Young? Maybe, but that’s just how it’s worked out. I’ll try and start from the beginning, more or less.

Ethan: my dad, and not the greatest one. When I was younger, he wasn’t so bad. He wasn’t around much, but he tried. I can still remember sitting on his lap while he picked off 3 Gaian fighters alone. Negligent? Sure, I don’t think bringing a 6 year old into a war-zone is classified as good parenting skills anywhere, but I’m not complaining. Heck, those days taught me the basics of spaceflight and combat.

Anyways, Dad fell back to his old ways soon enough once the credits started rolling in again. I'd be sitting at home waiting for him to stumble in the door, hoping he wasn’t feeling… promiscuous. Those nights never ended well.

In the end, it just made me despise him more and more. I had bloody reason to, so when the bloke fled the crime scene, I made sure I knew about it before he could whisk me off with him in his escape. The plan was formulated under pressure, but it worked out all the same. I was able to find the rushed bounty on him before he got home. You know how punctual and jumpy hunters are about bounties. Anyone does anything, and there’s already some kind of mark out for it. So I got a hold of one of his tranq guns and hid it against my thigh. When he bolted in the door, grabbed anything he could get his hands on, including me, I played along and we made it to the hangar with little confrontation. A few bleeding bodies littered the halls behind Ethan, as desperate as he was, though.

We got out into space, and once I could be sure that he was calmed down a little, I popped the cartridge right into his back. Old fellow mumbled something along the lines of “Little b****.” before going night-night, and that’s the last I ever heard of him.

The guild has been pretty cool since then. They were leery about giving a 12 year old a small fortune in bounty credits and a combat worthy spacecraft, though. Can’t imagine why. So I left the fiasco with a moderate wealth of cash, a fully outfitted Piranha, and the guild’s agreement to allow me to apply for a pilot’s license and the right to fly under the BHG. To their surprise, I passed both, and here I am now.

My exploits in the Piranha were a learning experience, mostly to the fact that the Piranha sucks s***. So after showing I had the gusto to pull a few low level bounties in with that piece, I put in a request to fly a much more capable ship, the Bounty Hunter Bomber. Pop’s bounty money and the credits from the small fry I had fished out in Manchester proved enough to grease the guild’s grubby fingers to speed the request up, and now I’m learning how to kick around a whole new ship.

Being a hunter is fun, ain’t it?

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Anna Paige - Orin - 03-04-2009

Two: Ugh, Reporting?

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/hunter log: Anna Paige
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It's a been awhile since I updated this thing, oi...

Well, I'm not much of a writer, or a talker, so I haven't bothered keeping up a log. Unfortunately, the Guild isn't cool with that. They say I've got to keep track of my encounters and service via this thing... Irritating, but oh well. I'll do what it takes.

I guess I'll jump back awhile. A long while... I was kicking around the new bomber in New York. Seems to be a pretty busy area, so where better to look for a job? En route to Houston, I started picking up signs of a firefight. Two LSF fighters were in combat with an unidentified ship call-sign "Eligos". Before I could figure out where they were duking it out at, one of the LSF boys got taken down. That's my cue, I thought.

I asked the remaining lawful where the hostile was at, and if he needed a hand. He replied through private channels, telling me he would set a short notice bounty for 2,000,000 credits on the guy's head, as he had escaped the LSF pilot. I was in business. He filled me in on the hostile's specs as I made chase into Bering. Eligos was a Corsair, somehow flying an LSF Raven's Claw fighter. I didn't care how he got it, or who he was. He was my target, and I wasn't going to hold back.

I was a ways behind the Corsair, so it took awhile to meet up. Eventually I found him in Frankfurt, and after he said something derogatory about Bretonians, it was on. He was an honorable fighter, at least. He didn't run like a coward, and he fought to the best of his ability. Sadly for him, it wasn't enough. My weaponry tore his ship apart, piece by piece, even though my Sunslayer torpedo systems were on the fritz. After a fairly short battle, I was victorious, and my payment was transferred.

Alright, there's one highlight... Let's see... Oh yeah, the Houston Guild master seems to have a touch for the younger kind. Getting my hands on the new Gunship was as easy as... well, you get the picture. Hm, maybe I shouldn't be putting this in the report. Ah well, anyways, the Sundered Paige is all tuned up and ready for action. I have to say, flying one of the big guns is fun. Maybe some more... "begging" from my knees will net me something else down the line.

Anyways, not much has happened since then. I've been station bound doing a lot of simulator training. Jumping into a gunship isn't all fun and games, y'know?

Guess I'll have to do this again later, so until next time,

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