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DHC/RM/RFP vs TBH | The Ladron Boys | - Printable Version

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DHC/RM/RFP vs TBH | The Ladron Boys | - Daumann Heavy Construction - 08-07-2019

[Image: Cologne.png]
"The Ladron Boys"

DHC- Daumann Heavy Construction, Republican Shipping,[RM]-Rheinwehr, RFP| - Rheinland Federal Police vs. [TBH]-The Brotherhood

Date: Sunday 11th August, 1900 UTC.
Location: Cologne-Hamburg

Event Description:
Daumann, contracted to undertake repairs on the Soltau, is moving critical heavy components in convoy from Cologne to Hamburg's Alsterwerft. Thanks to the relative peace of the Unioner ceasefire, the convoy is risking the run to the Hamburg Wormhole, covered by the Rheinwehr and Federal Police. Thinking themselves safe, no difficulties are expected - little do they know that the ladron boys, having caught wind of the shipment, are coming to raid the prize.

Participants & Registration List:
// This is a registration only event, for ships of [RM], RFP|, DHC- and [TBH] only. Indies for all factions are permitted to register, subject to rule 7. Slots are as follows, please post below for registration - I ask that you ensure that the name you post here is the one that you log with, to prevent any misunderstandings. We do reserve the right to request people to leave the area if not registered.

2 x Gunboat
[TBH]Bruja.Negra @InfinityCircuit

10 x Snubs
Pepe.Ladron[TBH] @Pepe
Acero[TBH] @Acero
La.Chancla[TBH] @Madvillain
Look.At.This.Gun @Squidward

[RM] & RFP|
2 x Gunboat
[RM]RWK-Danzig - GB @Greylock
[RM]Basilisk - GB @Exe

10 x Snubs
[RM]Wolfenstein - Fighter/Bomber @Reacher
[RM]Joseph.Porta - Snub @Atreides2
[RM]S-W.Vignard - Snub @CPTMUTCHELL

4 x Uruz
DHC-Goethe @Bannorn

Event plan:
DHC Convoy will assemble at Heisenberg
Escort will assemble at Wuppertal
Exact location of raid determined by TBH within "Event Zone"

Event Zones
[Image: CGWZEHM.png][Image: 0vu3wOF.png]

Funs, No Ganks,
Some Wanks,
Certain amount of memes,

All server rules are in effect.
1. Standard PvP rules apply.
If you're killed, you're out. No returning to the battle again.
2. All loadouts allowed.
Self explanatory.
3. Register to participate.
Non registered ships will be asked to leave. Registering helps us keep the fight fair and fun for everyone.
4. No NEMPs, I guess.
5. Sombreros must measure less than 22ft by 12ft. Violators won't fit in their cockpit.
5a. Due to complaints, Capital ships' officers may wear Sombreros measuring up to 42ft! But only if they have the good tequila.
6. Camera ships are permitted, registration not necessary.
7. We also reserve the right to reject any players from registration if we feel that they will start unnecessary drama.

OORP: Any errors, oversights, etc please let me know.

RE: DHC/RM/RFP vs TBH | The Ladron Boys | - Bannorn - 08-07-2019

Uruz, DHC-Goethe

RE: DHC/RM/RFP vs TBH | The Ladron Boys | - Reacher - 08-07-2019

[RM]Wolfenstein- Fighter/Bomber

RE: DHC/RM/RFP vs TBH | The Ladron Boys | - Exe - 08-07-2019

Ill log for the weaker side, GB slot. Saguaro[TBH] or [RM]Basilisk

RE: DHC/RM/RFP vs TBH | The Ladron Boys | - Greylock - 08-07-2019

[RM]RWK-Danzig - GB
Baldo.Reyes[TBH] - Bomber

RE: DHC/RM/RFP vs TBH | The Ladron Boys | - Daumann Heavy Construction - 08-07-2019

Roster updated. At request <RS>, Republican Shipping has been included for the Uruz slots.

RE: DHC/RM/RFP vs TBH | The Ladron Boys | - Alpha.Wolf - 08-07-2019

RFP|Insp-Kara.v.Thielau - Snub

RE: DHC/RM/RFP vs TBH | The Ladron Boys | - Commander Crucible - 08-07-2019

DHC-Escort.11 -> snub/bomber

RE: DHC/RM/RFP vs TBH | The Ladron Boys | - Pepe - 08-07-2019

I can fly at both sides, just not at the same time. I hope organizer realized it last time Big Grin

My snubs names:

RE: DHC/RM/RFP vs TBH | The Ladron Boys | - Madvillain - 08-07-2019

If I can make it TBH snub, not sure if I can yet though. Last event was fun!