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Modelling madness: Koalition - Printable Version

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Modelling madness: Koalition - Xing - 03-05-2009

Yes, and this one is very close to finished. All I need is to invent some turrets.
I know the lot of you expected a bretonian vessel...

Instead, here's the grand flagship of the Coalition States;

The name of this ship is unknown. It's ANF reporting codename is TEMPEST.
Rumours want this ship to be actually one of the coalition sleeper ship that pursued the Alliance, and has been reconverted into this vessel.

The class of this vessel is uncertain as well. Intelligence suspects the presence of multiple warheads aboard, probably nuclear. It is unknown whether this ship has a cloaking device, but a device very similar on a much larger scale seems to be mounted behind what is supposed to be the vessel' primary bridge.

[Image: Tempest-1.png]
A very rare photography of the Tempest, in an area suspected to be in the lower Omega systems.

Modelling madness: Koalition - Heartless - 03-05-2009

beautiful. And the shape is very attractive yet... deadly?

One thing though, can we get a size comparison to other ships?

I can't quite picture it next to anything. I'm assuming a lot larger than the typhoon destroyer but how much larger?

Great model though, and it looks long and like a submarine again, love it.

Modelling madness: Koalition - Xing - 03-05-2009

[Image: compare.jpg]

from left to right;

Typhoon class destroyer
Overlord class dreadnaught
Tempest class flagship
Constitution class flagship
Beowulf class flagship

Modelling madness: Koalition - Heartless - 03-05-2009


They all look sick

engine on the beowulf is massive and the constitution has 2.

They have huge guns... like... big.

But the Tempest looks sleekest by far.

I don't know how you do it but keep on doing it. Amazing models.

Modelling madness: Koalition - hack - 03-05-2009

Awesome, just simply awesome. Nice idea rebuilding one of the sleeper ships, recycling at it's best.

Modelling madness: Koalition - stewcool - 03-05-2009

Nicely made. Very nice indeed

Modelling madness: Koalition - sempai17 - 03-05-2009

O.o Now I wana join the coalition... even if can't fly the things, flying for them should be enought!

Modelling madness: Koalition - AdamantineFist - 03-05-2009

More genius work from Master Fei. Keep the great ships commin', man!

Modelling madness: Koalition - tazuras - 03-05-2009

I really wanna see a Constitution class flagship and a Beowulf class flagship get in a fight, like soooo bad.


Great work as usual Yue, I like the sub/sleeper ship resemblance, I'm kinda curious what it would be used for as I don't see any huge guns.

Modelling madness: Koalition - Xing - 03-05-2009

nuclear holocaust bringer... =)
a bit hard to see, but there's an immense half slid-openned pannel on the frontal top section of this vessel; within are... yeah. Most of its arsenal.

But you'll see, I'll add up turrets. they arent added yet.