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To: BAF Admiralty Board - Printable Version

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To: BAF Admiralty Board - Meallan - 08-12-2019

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Name: Captain Meallan Dagon
Subject: Fortitude

Evening, gentlemen.

The first Fortitude class battle-cruiser has rolled out of the production lines. With the changes to the machining and fabrication methods, we will be able to crank out four of these babies per year with the war-time logistical plan.

[Image: L6g1MV3.gif]

First chassis, BBC-F01D-01 is now being delivered to its crew and has to make some noise in New London. I'll be keeping a close watch on its performance and those that will follow it to find if there are any critical development flaws. Stats and operational manual are following by tight-beam.

The repair and refit operations in the shipyard are at full speed, and the Hellbound was already released yesterday. The Killarn should be up and ready tomorrow, so I would appreciate if there was a crew on stand-by to remove it from my hands by then.



RE: To: BAF Admiralty Board - Meallan - 08-26-2019

[Image: vO6AaNB.png]

[Image: Fa093fr.png]

Name: Captain Meallan Dagon
Subject: Aland Status

Evening, gentlemen.

Status update on Aland current services:

MacDuff Fleet: Overall 40% strength. Most of its snub and mid-weight assets were burned and we are refitting what can be patched up as we speak. I will order the rotate-out as they are done, but I will need able bodies rotating in to pick the hardware up, so keep the pilots and crews that are cooling their heels nearby.

Fortitude: First one already shipped out as mentioned before, production lines are running at full steam.

OFRR: I'm getting a lot of scrap metal and processed materials. The news is that in front of New London there's a graveyard, and I will need every ton of it if we want to keep this rate. I would suggest you fine folk to secure it ASAP. Tell your T&G boys to start stripping all valuables before anyone non-kosher comes to check. I also need more techs in here, and for that, I need you guys to sign off on more living quarters and the extras that come with it.

Security: All wings are flying and locking the radius around the station. Core already dropped the hint that they are taking this job seriously, and by the looks of it, they are.



RE: To: BAF Admiralty Board - Meallan - 09-06-2019

[Image: vO6AaNB.png]

[Image: Fa093fr.png]

Name: Captain Meallan Dagon
Subject: Aland Status

Evening, gentlemen.

Is this thing on? Right.

Uh. Still got no word from you regarding my requests for more techs and living quarters, and T&G is silent regarding the stripping of goods and materials from New London. Also, I'm still waiting for your green on granting me a personal workshop. It's on the contract.



RE: To: BAF Admiralty Board - Markam - 09-07-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Pilsner
From: Admiral John Redmond

[Image: y0KWRKG.gif]

Captain Meallan Dagon,

Complements on the fine work so far. The Battlecruisers that arrived in time for New London proved their worth, and continue to do so in Leeds and Dublin both.

As for your requests, I said that anything you need will be delivered, and I am a man of my word. Consider your requests approved.

For the New London debris field, the Admiralty is of the opinion that excepting some analysis on the Gallic ships weak points, the vast majority of the wrecks are to be broken down and used for new ship production. We need all the leg up we can get if we are to recover in time to meet internal challenges. This applies to all wrecks, if Liberty asks for their ships back we can comply, but their policy has not been made clear to me or anyone else in the admiralty thus far.

Expect a formal annoucement on the New London debris at some point, as you should know we are preoccupied with saving refugees and repairing the damage to New London surface, the wrecks got pushed back in priority.

In the meanwhile, I have another task for you. I need you on the next transport to Newcastle, Scarborough shipyard. The shipyard is currently focussed on maintaining the Ark Royal and has been adapted for military use, post war, in order to ensure a quick recovery, we need it helping military production until Southampton is restored. Go there and assess the situation, share your experience with Fortitude.

Admiral John Redmond
Dreadnought Venerable, Battlegroup Essex
Bretonian Armed Forces

Transmission Terminated

RE: To: BAF Admiralty Board - Meallan - 09-07-2019

[Image: ZQqnfOz.png]

[Image: Fa093fr.png]

Name: Captain Meallan Dagon
Subject: Scarborough

Evening, Admiral.

While it looks mighty fine to some, my lilly white ass ain't contracted to whip two shipyards into shape. What's next in this tale of yonder? Want me to start building one from scratch? Because my job ain't done, not by a long shot. Your machining plants have performance issues, be it processual or hardware related. They ain't made to be run at 100% for months on a row. So, I'm designing new processes and protocols and working with what I got in terms of hardware, while I try to get your engineer boys whip out new designs for the plants. Making teams work, because there are prima-donas cropping up whenever I blink. Dealing with poor craftsmanship from whoever built this piece of cr- oh right, miners. Guess they aren't particular to reinforced bulkheads and fifth-level phasic power-grids. And then ten thousand other things. You get the gist. So don't count on me being on Scarborough for extended time.

Scar, for all intents and purposes, is working on down-time. Low metrics supply chain, low needs, zero overload. If you want it cranking out real steel, this is the bottom line mark for me. I want guarantees that after I look at it and initiate the procedures to build, repair and refit Bretonian Military class weaponry and shipcraft, it will get at least 50% of the material needs Aland has. That means over 200.000 tons monthly. Give me that, alongside a small personal request, I'll get Scar running like you need it.



RE: To: BAF Admiralty Board - Markam - 09-08-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Pilsner
From: Admiral John Redmond

[Image: y0KWRKG.gif]

Captain Meallan Dagon,

You need not worry for now, consider the trip to Scarborough a day trip, a tour of the facilities there. I want a report on the situation and potential of the shipyard for military production.

Post-war, various lobby groups in the government will compete as to the future use of the facility, and there are many who would seek to return to commercial production, whereas the hawks, such as myself, will argue for full military utilization of available shipyards, with commercial ship production outsourced to other houses. I need your report to help make my case.

Expensive, but key to regaining military strength in the short term. Scarborough has been servicing the Ark Royal for a considerable period, and may be convertable to a full military shipyard.

As for the supply to the shipyard for construction, indeed, that will be a requirement for this conversion.

Admiral John Redmond
Dreadnought Venerable, Battlegroup Essex
Bretonian Armed Forces

Transmission Terminated

RE: To: BAF Admiralty Board - Meallan - 09-09-2019

[Image: zYf6jMQ.png]

[Image: Fa093fr.png]

Name: Captain Meallan Dagon
Subject: Scarborough


Took a late night train to Newcastle. Eventful, as a scandalous clad xeener lady. We need a solid stable line to the system or this is a dead duck in the water. So, Scar. Pretty as they come. Here's my review and report.

All in all, the Scar is semi-ready to go full military production. All it needs is the necessities I have detailed up there and a dedicated and secure supply line. If we started today, I would expect a full running op in three months.

So.. About that small, personal request...



RE: To: BAF Admiralty Board - Markam - 09-12-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Pilsner
From: Admiral John Redmond

[Image: y0KWRKG.gif]

Captain Meallan Dagon,

Excellent work on the report. I have submitted it to the Government, and I feel from initial reactions, it went well.
As reward, your personnel request will be fulfilled in full.

Now, not to seem a slave driver, but I have another task. Depending on the required sub-tasks you may find yourself in Frankfurt, or we may be entertaining Frankfurters at Aland, depends how friendly they are.

As for the task, perhaps this will have to be expanded into a full blown project depending on the permutations, but the challenge is there, and it needs a solution. Put simply, I want you to either A) Convert existing Bretonian engine designs to run in DT Fuel, or B) Develop a brand new version of the Bretonian Engine design that will run on DT Fuel. The fuel source is principally production facility being located in Frankfurt, a Kruger Base. And as it would seem, Bretonia now controls the largest source of Deuterium in Siruis, albiet a source requiring considerably investment before it is produced and transorported at a suitably industrial scale. I think Kruger, and Rheinland will see the benefits to expanding their DT Fuel market potential, and acquiring a more stable and economic supply of Deuterium.

Wondering why this is being pushed by the military? Well, lets just say the Omega-49 is more or less a military administration, and our role in its development expands beyond the scope of usual military responsibilities.

Make contact with Kruger and get a shipment of DT Fuel to Aland, or ask them to let you take a team to collect samples of the fuel for study, and get the engine research under way at pace.


Admiral John Redmond
Dreadnought Venerable, Battlegroup Essex
Bretonian Armed Forces

Transmission Terminated

RE: To: BAF Admiralty Board - Meallan - 09-13-2019

[Image: vO6AaNB.png]

[Image: Fa093fr.png]

Name: Captain Meallan Dagon
Subject: DT Fuel


Here's a brush up on.. DT Fuel.

As you know, its only produced in Rheinland, as a.. secondary gimmick to H-Fuel, if anything. Good stuff though. Can run an engine for more time per ton than your regular H-Fuel, while having low emissions. Manufacturing process is documented, but still way different from the norm. Adapting your standard H-Fuel or MOX fusion engines like the PTE's or XV's series is shooting yourself in the foot, because you'll waste money and time adapting something that ain't built for it. You need a new design to make it work at 100%, because the tech requirements that it needs to function is a complete overhaul to fusion chambers, protective shunts, etc. Even the dispersion vectors within the chambers are different, alongside materials.

With that said, developing a whole new series of engines to function on DT means that the source needs to be able to cope with the needs, meaning Gran Canaria, Sydney or whatnot will have to be industrialized to withstand the requirements of fueling a whole House. One thing is making one single engine for a rich kid that spends a ton of the stuff per year, another thing is making over 7 different versions of an engine and fueling all the ships in the House. While I do have insights on several different designs of engines due to my past works, to make it happen in proper time, I have to drop everything I have in hands at the moment. Aland, Invincible, etc.

Up to you.

In the meantime, I can kick-start contacts with the Rheinlanders to see if they let me have a looksee at their plants, and well, to drop the possibility of a bigger market. Corporation suits always like the prospect of more money.



RE: To: BAF Admiralty Board - Meallan - 09-17-2019

[Image: zYf6jMQ.png]

[Image: Fa093fr.png]

Name: Captain Meallan Dagon
Subject: DT Fuel


I initiated contacts with Kruger. They ain't keen on letting me take a peek at their manufacturing facility, but for the rest they are interested. Namely having more engines running on DT. They also inquired on getting their hands on more deuterium. I'll leave that in your hands to kick it to whoever deals with that.

As for the engine project itself, I already ordered 5000 tons of the stuff so I actually have fuel to make trials. One workshop has been put aside in Aland and I'll take personal charge on that, if you still want me to. Again, you want me on that project, I got to drop everything else if we want these engines out and running in this lifetime.

Oh, and if they agree with the order, I'll need permits to fly in the stuff. Rhein and Bret permits.

