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The Dai Li - Printable Version

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The Dai Li - MrSns - 03-05-2009

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Welcome General Sakura


**Known factions**

----Legal Faction's
----Pirate Faction's
--------Outcasts - little known information
--------Corsairs - little known information
--------Unioner - little known information
--------Farmers Alliance - Information available
--------Hogosha - Information available
--------The Order - little known information
--------Golden Chrysanthemums - Information available
--------Blood Dragons - Information available

*** Selected faction file: The Dai Li ***

*** Known information ***

ID: Blood Dragon
Tag: Unknown
Known Leader(s): Roku "Dragon of the West" Shintaro

Our intelligence suggests that the Dai Li is a Sect of the of the terrorist organization know as the Blood Dragons. According to our Inside man, the Dai Li is a elite group of selected members, roomers say that each member was born into the Dai Li, breed to be a Dai Li. The Dai Li have a head quarters on Kyoto base on the upper sector. The true oregen of the Dai Li is not know but roomers did say that the Dai Li and the Blood Dragons are supposedly descended from the royal guard of Shogun Hideyoshi and are quite skilled in a fighter. There is a pattern emerging from the Dai Li and we assume that they don't just kill willy nilly, but they are procice. They only attack large convoys or large trade ships. They appear to be trying to stop the flow of money in and out of Kusari. Although the profit that is lost is not that great, but on the larger scale that is roughly 129billion credits lost to the Blood Dragons. The Dai Li have been spoted all over Kusari and the Taus. They have also be spoted working with the Bretonian's. These trators are to be killed on sight no mercy.

** Recent reports **

** Opening Recording: KNF159-light fighter brigade **

** Play **

This is KNF159 of the Light fighter brigade.... *static* Come in this is *static* under *static* Dai Li *static* rading transport *static* sectert 3 *static* shu system *static* AHHHHHHHH *line cuts out*

*** End of transmission ***

** Opening file: Dai Li termination **

Day 1 - Dai Li ship found

One Dai Li ship was brought down about a month ago. An interesting insignia was found on the side of the ship. It was like non other we had seen before. This insignia was also found on the helmet of the pilot who had since died. The ship was an exquised peice of mechineray, nothing like the other blood dragon fighters a lot of work and craftsmenship went into makeing this ship, its form makes it a quick and agile weapon makeing it hard to hit, but with such speed comes weekness. If we can hit it in the right spot it should buckle.

attached to this document is the insignia we found -

[Image: FireNationEmblem.png]

Day 25 - Dai Li ship tests

Today we ran tests on the Dai Li ship, it appears you need a special type of key to start it. We have tried to revers engineer it but all efforts have failed.

Project moved to Failed.

** Document Closed **
--------Junker - Information available
--------Lane hacker - little known information
--------Red Hessians - little known information
--------LWB - little known information
--------Liberty Roguse - little known information
--------Mollys - little known information
--------Gaians - little known information
--------Xeno - little known information
--------Coalition - little known information

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(( Hi all, yet another faction idea. I see people did not have much interest in my last one so i thought heck, why not make another one -_-'. any way The basic idea of this faction is we are an Elite sect of the Blood dragons. We attack traders that are coming in and out of Kusari without asking for pay. We are trying to stop the inflow of cash into Kusari so that one day our Dragon brothers may be able to one day relinquish the grip that the current corrupt government has over our people, this is going to be an Unofficial faction because i dont have the cash for the official status. People are welcome to join at this moment. after about 4-5 members we will turn invite only. This is based of the Avatar but altered a lot. If you would like to apply and remain anomis please send me a PM with details, such as Name, why you want to join etc. Or if you dont care who knows you have joined just feal free to post here. ( please put APPLICATION as a heading ). Also please give feed back on what you think i could improve on etc?

Thanks for reading

Sns ))

The Dai Li - MrSns - 03-05-2009

30 views and no replys, can someone please give me some feed back:)



The Dai Li - kevin - 03-05-2009

Read till i seen Blood dragon, No. Too many.

The Dai Li - MrSns - 03-05-2009

As far as i can see there are only 2 other BD factions.

But thanks for posting

The Dai Li - Daerune - 03-05-2009

Our intelligence suggests that the Dai Li is a Sect of the of the terrorist organization know as the Blood Dragons. According to our Inside man, the Dai Li is a elite group of selected members, roomers say that each member was born into the Dai Li, breed to be a Dai Li. The Dai Li have a

Your spelling it wrong! :P


-Is hoping he didn't spell it wrong-

The Dai Li - Zelot - 03-05-2009

Dont worry, SNS spells many, many things wrong.

The "too many blood dragons" thing is what you will hear most here, and it's not there are too many official ones, it is that at the moment, there are too many unofficial Blood Dragons groups who are looking to be official, and some more that are not looking to be official. At the moment, the Unlawful side has a good edge on the lawful side in Kusari in terms of numbers of players. Another Blood Dragon group sends this ratio further out of whack. In the end, my opinion, good idea, nice proposal, but at the moment, server side logistics make this one not such a good idea.

The Dai Li - MrSns - 03-05-2009

Hrm, maby i could sway it towards the Kusari navy? make it a group there or something?:)try and help out the KNF and such.

or maby they felt what they where doing was wrong and abandon there one and only lifes.

lol and thanks for explaining that i dont spell 2 well:D



The Dai Li - MrSns - 03-08-2009


Any other sujestions?

The Dai Li - Robert.Fitzgerald - 03-08-2009

Quote:We attack traders that are coming in and out of Kusari without asking for pay. We are trying to stop the inflow of cash into Kusari so that one day our Dragon brothers may be able to one day relinquish the grip that the current corrupt government has over our people

This is illegal, as pirates must make a demand?

The Dai Li - Enrico_B - 03-08-2009

Go for it