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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 01-11-2009

CommID: Lt.Cmdr.Karol Olsav
Location: Cape Verde
To: All SCRA ships and pilots
Subject: Navorski
' Wrote:[Link user: Lt-cmd Yue Fei]

[Image: screen33mz8.png]
This one is somewhat strange. My strike team was resting at Verde, when this lone corsair went in our system. He was immediately engaged by the three of us, and, strangely, a second intruder.
I've had the occasion to talk with this certain Viktor Navorski, and my opinions remain inconclusive. This man obviously has Coalition blood in him somehow - his speech patterns, accents and name suggests OE Eastern European origin - slavic, probably. When interrogated on his whereabout, he claimed to be a... ah, how to say, a man trusting none and who lived in isolation from the rest of this world.
For as far as I can tell, he doesn't seems harmful to the Revolution, and his enemies seems to be compatible with ours. I've left the man be for the time being, for he did helped us destroy the mysterious corsair pilot, who was followed through 2 entire star systems.

I too have had some incidents with this pilot. A few months back when i was heading a training mission through Omega-52 Navorski popped in yelling for help as his ship was partially disabled. As I was not aware of his allegiances I scanned and ordered the two nomads he had on board dropped and as his was a generic zoner ID and tagless, also ordered him out of the system for my assumption was a mercenary or troublemaker of some kind. Then I was on a routine patrol through the Omegas during the Gran Canaria Crisis when on long distance comms he accuses the SCRA of brutality in our glorious Exodus from that planet. I attempted to set him straight, but he felt that Zoner propaganda of our alleged war crimes was true and after attempting to get on with my patrol and having told him in essence to quote our fearless leader haha, STUFF IT! but in nicer words as he was mildly respectful in registering his complaint.

However when I told him to stop transmitting and to get out of Omega-50 as an admitted Zoner/Zoner sympathizer and a breach of the nuetral zone he challenged me to a duel.

Now I may be many things, a drunk, an officer, and have a penchant for suicide runs, but duelist I'm not. However I couldnt let this Zoner dumkoff slander the SCRA, so I agreed to meet him.

And a curious thing happened, we fought for 5-10mins, but as he was loaded with missles and a razor my Black Widows were picked off like flies, leaving me even without a mine dropper. I had gotten his shields down but after losing everything but my CMD, I charged him down insisting that I was not done, and in a duel would prefer death to living with, even to my pickled heart, a true dishonour.

Instead he said he would not kill an unarmed opponent and proceeded to leave. After that I hightailed it to O-52 for repairs at Verde.

This thoroughly confused me comrades.

Also in passing he mentioned being able to trace his lineage of family in the Coalition back to the Sol system.

In hindsight, I handled both situations with him poorly, but feel that he should be added to a list of pilots cleared for permission to pass through Omega-52.

Hes proven his worth and mettle by besting me, our enemy the Corsairs, and has more Coalition in him than I do. Unless ethanol counts, in which case I am more full of the cause than Aeon was haha.

Also, this is directed to the High Command, who is the current enemy of most worth, as in, who are our priority targets at this current time?

For the Revolution!

-Olsav out


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Bjorn - 01-11-2009

Incoming transmission...
CommId: Commissar Ussaim Rashid?
Location: CPS-Zagreb, Colorado
To: All SCRA pilots
Subject: Victor Navorski

Ahalan comrades of the glorious revolution. After seeing few incursions by this particular personae, Commissariat was intriqued and sent us out on a mission to have a word with said individual.

He is peacefull fellow, who is in fact runaway Rheinland slave. He only works when he needs supplies and supports ideals of coalition cause, but does not activly stand up for them.

He is to be left alone and dealt with individualy depending on situation untill firther orders are given by Admirality.

Ma'a Salama comrades, Rashid out.

Transmission terminated.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Bjorn - 01-14-2009

Incoming transmission...
CommId: Commissar Ussaim Rashid
Location: CPS-Zagreb, New Berlin
To: SCRA command
Subject: Protection of the People

Good day comrades, I bring news of unexpected victory! Today, Zagreb was on its suppy way from New Berlin, and while waiting for old friend of captain's in orbit some interesting comms were recived and sent out.

After some taunts thrown at Harvester robotic units by CPS-Zagreb and Lux Liner "Forward line of own troops" AI had some sort of malfunction or logic processor overheat and they declared our ships hostile.

In mean time our friend Lux Liner "Heavy metal queen" arrived. After short discussion, we decided that Harvesters are menace to good people of Rheinland and that they need protection. We formed defensive line in Berlin orbit and started taunting machines even more so we would got their attention, in mean time captain hired bystanding mercenary fighter Thalan to act as scouting unit for our side, and support later.

Few moments after that Harvester units entered out scanner range. Their ship configuration was bit odd, so I will say one was powered like Cruiser, and other about size of corsair made gunboat. Soon, battle was joined. Allied liner "Forward line of own troops" stood true to his name and took whole weight of enemy fire, while Zagreb encircled enemy to attack from behind, while H. M. Q. pushed forward to redirect attack on itself. Soon our combined fire downed the cruiser class ship, while gunboat tried to flee. Here our scout escort managed to stop gunboat and bogg it down long enough for our fleet to turn about and bring our weapons system to full power. Gunboat tried evasive manuvers at first, but soon he became perforated husk of metal.

I have attached shots from our bridge camera so you can see full glory of our victory.
[Image: zagrebkillfr8.gif]

Horrible death of many innocent civilians was prevented by Coalition organized blockade, winning us some favor with local population, at least by ones who recognized marks on Zagreb.

Glory to Coalition comrades!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 01-15-2009

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt cmd. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My comrades!

Today, I was on regular patrol with Sub-Lieutenant Katya Vaschenko and Lieutenant Commander Luis Gellantra. We spotted an Corsair intruder passing through Omega-52 to reach Omega-5, thinking he could use our system as he pleases. Well unfortunately for him we positioned ourselves outside the Omega-5 jumphole, preparing for a surprise attack. Once he stepped into the Omega-5 system he also stepped into his own death. As he tried to desperately escape, a final shot from Comrade Katya destroyed the enemy gunboat completely.

At this point, Lieutenant Guang Jie, Lieutenant Commander Timor Khruschev, Lieutenant Viktor Sotskov and Captain Bjorn Thorvaldsson arrived, and they would soon be a vital asset for our team during the next encounter...

However, we were very slow in dealing with the target and thus reinforcements managed to arrive, one by one. Soon we were getting outnumbered but we could still handle the enemy force. Once we had won the skirmish and defeated the remaining reinforcements, more came out of the Omega-41 jumphole. I commanded for an aggressive attack and under that battle we destroyed many of their force as well. But, as expected they started sending in larger vessels when they began to understand they were loosing.

From nowhere an Osiris managed to enter the system, escorted by a gunboat and two Talaraca cruisers. How they managed to acquire these strange cruisers I don't know but what I did know is that they were firing at me and my comrades. We couldn't withstand the heavy firepower they delivered for long and we decided to retreat after destroying their smaller crafts.

Interestingly enough, one corsair managed to assist us by destroying his own ally!

[Image: killd23eath2tk8.png]

I believe Comrade Katya's words summed up our battle today very nicely:

[Image: katyagg7.png]

For the final victory!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Bjorn - 01-15-2009

Incoming transmission...
CommId: Captain Bjorn Thorvalsson
Location: Cape Verde, Omega 52
To: SCRA command
Subject: Last battle

I see comrade Kaputski managed to inform you before I even dragged myself to Verde... My ship is currenty out of function, having only internal equipment left operational because I refused to let anyone fall behind, moreso I managed to tractor in Katya's pod and she is currently being carried to sick bay.

Today, we gave out blow to corsair fleet, not so effective as we would liked it to be, but it was satisfactionary. Now on more joyfull note:

Comrade Katya Vaschenko is promoted to full lieutenant due to excelent handling in tense combat situation.

Also to note that comrades Zarevo Kaputsky and Timor Khruschev are awarded Halo of Valour for soaking up enemy fire so rest of greener pilots could get away.

And last, but not least, lieutenants Victor Sotskov and Ivan Voi are back on regular duty after long medical leave.

That is all comrades, and remember, Red Dawn is approaching!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 01-20-2009

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt cmd. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My comrades!

Today was a fruitful day to say the least. As I was patrolling through Omega-52 system I suddenly spotted numerous Corsairs in Omega-5. I sounded the alarm for a possible invasion, Commander Bjorn immediately responded along with Lieutenant Nitchiev Lanakov and Lieutenant Guang Jie. We spended several minutes preparing for the attack, our objective was to remove all enemies near the sector surrounding Cadiz Station. We jumped in... and it didn't take long before we found three Corsairs patrolling nearby our route. They didn't put up with a tough match, in fact two of them managed to destroy themselves, however the last Corsair Vilkas|Iltis taunted us as we fought him. But we soon shutted that dog up by ending his life.

[Image: battleshipkt8.png]

As expected more Corsairs were on their way, but what did surprise us was this Battleship who strangely enough were under the banner of the Gaians. How this Gaian managed to get a hold of an Osiris was beyond me, but what I did know is that we had to take care of him swiftly, or soon he would become a threat.

After a tiresome long battle with the Osiris, Lieutenant Lanakov finally destroyed the battleship with a supernova. It seems the debris field created by the destroyed Osiris catched the eyes of a Nomad, who at first seemed to be attacking the remaining Corsair force. But after we eliminated the Corsairs, the Nomad started acting aggressive towards one of our Coalition pilots and so we responded with fire.

By now a pilot named Gregor Petrovski had arrived to the scene offering his assistance against the Nomad, unfortunately he died during the process of aiding us. A few minutes later a Corsair group by the named of "HAF" entered the system and were well aware of our presence. Their squadron consisting of five to six units were heading towards Cadiz Station were our battle with the Nomad was carried out. However, Lieutenant Katya Vaschenko along with Viktor Navorski understood a threat was coming our way and decided to fly to our location as soon as possible to face this threat. The Nomad was still alive but Comrade Navorski managed to hit with a crucial blow that took the "Blue-Thing" down.

This battle with the "HAF" Corsairs lasted a long time, my comrades and myself managed to destroy many of them, but unfortunately Comrade Katya was their target and we weren't fast enough to assist from her ship's destruction. However, Commander Bjorn was quick to retrieve Comrade Katya's life-pod. An OPG-Corsair also arrived flying a Praetorian Bomber and managed to destroy Comrade Lanakov's ship. I tractored in my Comrade's life-pod and proceeded to destroy this OPG-dog who attacked my brother.

The remaining Corsair Pilot by the name of "HAF-Angel" was still alive, and as time proved, he was going to be alive for a very long time. But our young ace Lieutenant Commander Timor Khruschev destroyed the Corsair dog's ship during an one-on-one battle.

[Image: scradeathit3.png]

Our skirmish ended with a tremendous sucess on our side, we even managed to grab several equipments such as:

SILVER FIRE, 2 Paralyzers, 2 Skyblast B and 2 Razor Mine Launchers.

Like that wasn't enough we also found a strange item that was taken from the destroyed Nomad:

[Image: nomadpowercell1rl6.png]

For the final victory!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 01-28-2009

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt cmd. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My comrades!

Today I was practicing combat with a fellow Comrade named Andrei Fedorov. Apparently he supported the Coalition and soon enough that loyalty which he held dearly to us was put to test.

We entered Omega-5 system and found a Corsair belonging to the Benitez family flying near the sector surrounding Cadiz Station. We immediately engaged, but as expected he soon enough found allies closing in to assist. However, before his Corsair friends had reached the Benitez Corsair, we managed to destroy him.

Now we had to deal with two new enemies, one who was flying a Corsair Gunboat and the other a Corsair Bomber. After a long struggle to tackle them both down, our Coalition Comrade Viktor Sotskov had arrived to the scene, but behind him were five more Corsairs. We swiftly rushed to assist our Comrade, and it didn't make it better that more Corsairs were coming to attack us. I had to call for back-up or else we would all end up in corpses. Fortunetly Comrade Nitchiev Lanakov, Comrade Luis Gellantra, Comrade Ivan Voi along with Comrade Commander Karol Olsav were all closing in. Their assistance were vital for our survivability.

Finally, when we had neutralized all enemy vessels calm stroke over the space once again. And the guns from our vessels had seized. But that would soon be ended rather swiftly, as more Corsairs kept coming in. Somehow those dogs just refuse to accept defeat, though I admire their fighting-spirit it is indeed a waste because they all ended up getting destroyed. However, during the process Comrade Luis Gellantra unfortunately found himself in trouble due to malfunction in his engines, his vessel got blown up by a Supernova but Comrade Lanakov with his usual sharp eye was quick to save Comrade Gellantra from a terrible fate.

[Image: scradeath123zu6.png]

For the final victory!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Bjorn - 01-30-2009

Incoming transmission...
CommId: Captain Bjorn Thorvaldsson
Location: Cape Verde, Omega 52
To: SCRA command
Subject: Victory in eye of defeat

Good day comrades, today my transmission is both good and bad. You will see all of it in following report:

Today I went out on patrol mission in O52 at first, but I moved to O5 after it. As I was passing huge graveyard there I have met RHA Oberleutnant Shimada Kambei combing field as well. After short chat pair of corsairs started to taunt us from Cadiz.
Shortly after taunts exchange extrodinare, corsairs attacked us and furball time began. I was constantly bugged by some slight engine mishaps, but soon, corsair bomber went boom, after he was softened up by my missile and torpedo fire, hessian landed the final blow.
Soon another corsair bomber has arrived and hessian went down pretty fast under antimatter fire. I picked up hessians life pod and at first tried to fight but then in unfortunate accident I have blown off pair of my guns thus forcing myself to flee.
At first I tried to shake them off in minefield but that hurt me more than them. While I was on retreat, RHA Major Matt Black contacted me that he is coming to aid. Overjoyed, I turned back and pinned corsairs in place untill hessian arrived. I tought we are gonna win now, with two aces to two corsair rookies.
I was wrong as soon as he dropped out of cruise speed, hessian ate some antimatter. And suddenly I had two hessian pilots in my cargohold. Since that fight was near 52 jumphole I tried to dash for it, but bomber was faster and he jumped ove before me. I jumed after and ordered Guards to fire(and for once, they did start to fire upon corsair) after long chase all around Verde (since my docking clasps didnt work) Hessians manage to prepare for boarding, and we managed to "board" one of docking spots, and as soon as we jumped over and restarted forcefield my fighter was blown up behind us. It is a small price to pay for heads of three men.
Now you will excuse me, gotta see the medic now.
Bjorn out.

Transmission termianted...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aggelos - 02-03-2009

Incoming transmission...
CommId: Aggelos
Location: LA, CA system
To: SCRA command and recruiter
Subject: old timer wants return
i have not been in space awhile and require the prerequisites to join up, i was with Aeon in the first runs against Rhineland, use to command a spyglass in omega 52 and a potrol viper out of librety, as well as 2 prison ships. the trip in liberty was a blast as well, we caused havoc! 2 prison ships and nothing but flaks. i am an SCRA loyalist and i would be honored to once again be apart of what i helped create, anyone with info please respond via a private message as i do not know protocol as of yet, its been 2 years. i'll be in CA until otherwise directed, im ahell of a good pilot and bomber, im a drifter and no missile can scratch me and i've put that to test and will again... i'll need to get a new ship so if thats something to be helped on i'd be appreciative, if not well, i'll find a way. Aeon knows me and if contacted can vogue for my piloting skills, if anything needs done, i'll do it.
For the revolution! c ya in space comrades.

transmission terminated.......

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - horvat - 02-03-2009

~Incoming Transmission~

Comm ID: Lt.cmd Luis Gellantra
Subject. RE:old timer wants return

Gellantra walked slowly towards his room, tired and in bruises he sat behind his big desk. He saw a message on SCRA secret channel. "Who could it be, only few of us are familiar with this channel". He opened the message with amusement. "Interesting, an old timer.. I cannot say i know him, but that is maybe because i am fairly new, but how did he acquire this channel". He muttered and closed his eyes. "Let's see". Comrade Aggelos, it is nice to see a man that looks up to the Red Dawn, and it is an honor to "meet old school" but comrade we need to respect some protocols. I do not know how did you get this channel, nor do i want to. I will redirect you to coalition recruitment command channel where you can talk to Commanders.
UPLOADING: 10%, 25%, 40%, 70%, 100%; UPLOAD COMPLETE.
Comrade everything that you need to know is there, since i do not know who you really are i will stay out of this. Good luck to you.
FOR RED DAWN!!! Gellantra out

~End of transmission~