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For Vanessa Torrez - Printable Version

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For Vanessa Torrez - 'Scorpion' - 08-18-2019

From: Agent Adrian Gustin
To: Vanessa Torrez
Source: Battlecruiser Carillon, Dublin

[Image: Tie9ABM.png]

Miss Torrez.

You call yourself a warrior and live by at least some semblance of a code of honor. So why not get some facts straight. We fought and you lost, fair and square, on your honor. I'm well aware of the fact that the ship I tore apart was a family heirloom of yours, but I think I've proven my worth as it stands in your culture. So how about you give me the respect that I've clearly earned?

Would that be too much to ask? Or is it simply too much for your pride to handle? It's worth noting that we don't have to be enemies and that there are a surprising amount of actual enemies that we share. At least try to apply some rationalism to the prospect.

I don't think you have honor, so prove me wrong by considering this with humility.

Adrian Gustin
Agent of Gallic Royal Intelligence