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Aiden's Story - The Exile - Printable Version

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Aiden's Story - The Exile - DarkOddity - 10-02-2006

This is where I will post my story. As I plan on continuing this story for quite some time I felt the need to create this thread for me to post each chapter and a seperate thread for discussion on it. Seperate thread is located here


The Exile - An Article in the Corsair news paper circulated on Planet Crete

Roughly a standard week ago, Dark Oddity of the Corsairs was apprehended by the Corsairs, given a civilian transport and sent packing as an exile.

It was rumored amongst a great many Corsairs that this Exile had to do with the Phantom's that have been seen out in the border worlds on numerous occassions.
The "Exile" was a swift, and silent takeover, as DarkOddity had a small fleet under his command.

Dark Oddity received word from the Elders that he was needed for a special assignment that had to do with the Hispania project that has rumors traveling around the whole of Sirius. Dark was on his Yacht in Omicron Alpha when he received the word, upon receipt he ordered his second in command on his Osiris, "Aldebaran" to take the fleet to Crete and go through any preparations needed for the mission.

Upon arriving the second in command was alerted by the elder that while they awaited Dark's arrival they would need to load some ground troops on all the ships for a ground attack, details eyes only for Dark himself. This was done.

Roughly two days later, Dark managed to find his way back to Crete to begin the mission, the second he was wit hin communications range the Elders hailed him from the planet, preventing communications with his Flagship.

A short time of what seemed to be jibberish passed, and the second the personal yacht entered formation with the fleet, their guns turned and opened fire. The barrage of firepower completely disabled the Yacht before the order to cease fire was given. Shortly after a platoon of soldiers boarded the vessel, taking the crew members prisoner for debriefing on Crete, arresting and locking Dark in a mobile cell in which he was taken to the Elders.

After a long and painful trial with the Elders, they came to the conclusion that they wouldn't kill Dark, but instead he would be forced to be an Exile. No longer welcome amongst the Corsairs.

Dark was given a starflyer civial light fighter and sent packing with an escort of no less than 20 legionares and 30 Titan very heavy fighters to assure he followed through with leaving. The intent was for Dark to be killed by nomads and whatever else happened to be on the route to wherever he was going to run to.

Noone knows the whereabouts of DarkOddity, but be warned anyone caught harboring this criminal of the Corsairs in our space will be treated harshly according to the elders.

Dark's personal fleet was destroyed by The Gamma Fleet to appease the Phantoms and prevent destruction of Planet Crete.

In seperate but related news, the Bounty Hunters Guild, specificaly the "Shadow Stalkers" Organization lead by Aiden Patrick have adopted the name of the Aldebaran to their flagship as it was a ship greatly respected by the Corsairs for it's prowess and firepower. With the original aldebaran out of service, the SSO figured it would be a great name to use to strike fear into the hearts of the Corsairs. This is a ploy that we shall not effect our spirit!

Written by Tom Jones of CNN (Crete News Network)

The Exile: Part II

Sheffield Station, Manchester - 0400 Universal Time

It was early morning in Manchester, the trade lanes and communication channels were dead silent. Aiden patrick sat at his desk in the captains quarters of the Aldebaran studying sensor logs from bretonian satelites, tracking oddities here and there. Out of nowhere, Aiden broke the silence; "Cross." he said, seemingly to noone as the room was empty except for him. Moments later a small hologram appeared infront of him. The hologram was roughly 8" tall and bore the appearance of a slender and attractive female, this brought a smirk to Aiden's face though hidden by stress.

"I need you to track Corsair activity within Bretonia, see if you can find any of the transponder signals I've been trying to track." Aiden said to Cross. "Yes Sir," the ships AI Responded, "Is there anything else I can do for you?" After a few moments of thought and the hologram sitting motionless, Aiden asked, "Is there any word on the prototype module being built for you?" she replied, "Yes the prototype is nearing completion. I apologize for the inquiry, but why are you pushing for this so much?" Aiden pondered momentarily before responding, "You lost your body serving me, the leasts I can do is try to give you something back." the hologram gave a slight nod of acknowledgement and flickered off.

Sitting in his quarters Aiden was thinking to himself, wondering about what the results of the project would end up being. Aiden went to lay down in his bed, quickly falling asleep and into a state of dream recalling memories of his past.

Somewhere in Omicron Gamma - 2100 Universal Time, 1 standard month prior.

"Aiden!!" a female voice called out. Aiden spun his fighter around seeing his wingmate, ship spining in circles. Aiden spoke over the comms system, "God! I hate it when you do that!!! How many times have I asked you not to act like you got shot down by the last suck-ass we are fighting?" the woman chuckled, "But I love seeing you whip that fighter around ten times faster than it's rated for." she smiled over the video link of the comms. "I still don't understand how I can love you so much and still hate you." Aiden sighed over the comms, "Let's return to the Taurus, Cross." the woman responding to her callsign replied, "Ok, but we have to go!" Aiden repsonded, "Seriously.. It's just-" she cut him off "Come on! It's the annual Manhattan fair! The biggest event of the year! I really really want to!" she bats her eyelashes at Aiden over the comms. "I'll think about it, for now let's head back to the Taurus."

"This is the Taurus to Viper leader DO-962-8, transmitting final approach vectors and preparing for your wings arrival." the comms officer of the Taurus transmitted. "Let's take 'em in!" Aiden said. After doing standard debriefing Aiden and 'Cross' headed off to the captains quarters to do alitle debriefing and re-briefing of their own. Aiden was a married man but his wife refused to do any type of space travel, let alone on a war ship, so Aiden had to seek fulfillment, both physically and emotionaly, elsewhere. Cross was Aiden's best fighter pilot and a damn good commander, he often entrusted her with the command of the Taurus, the "Defender of Crete" and the only ship to have survived Aiden's Exile, for a time anyways.

Unknown Gamma, 3 Days time from Omicron Gamma Jumphole - 0200 Universal Time

The Taurus sat still, seemingly dead. All of the exterior lighting meant to illuminate the hull of the vessel had been disabled, rendering the Taurus nearly invisible. Cross lay in the bed of her quarters on the Taurus, depressed. It had been 3 days since she ordered the crew to take all their fighters and shuttles and return to Crete. Cross activated the ships AI and ordered it to move out into the Unknown system off Omicron Gamma.

Cross kept denying Aiden's Exile, repeatedly both out loud and in her head untill she was interupted by the ships AI, "Civilian craft detected." Cross had told the AI to let her know if anything out of the ordinary was occuring around or within the vessels sensor range. "Civilian? Identify the vessel." Cross replied to the AI, which swiftly responded, "Transponder not detected, no identification codes or any other means of identification. Ship is classified as a Civilian Starflyer, Ultra-Light Fighter."

The Starflyer must have been on autopilot because it was flying straight at the Taurus, and nearly collided with the massive Zoner made Juggernaught. The measley civilian craft was nearly destroyed but was saved by it's proximity sensors that normaly prevents it from ramming into any debris in it's flight path during auto pilot circumstances, resulting in a mere bounce off the hull of the ship, waking up it's occupant.

Cross sent out a communiqe to the fighter asking for an ID only to be greeted by Aiden's face, she fell to her knees and began crying in disbelief. She did not have any idea where he could have been or whether or not he was even alive considering the Elders had ordered the remnants of his fleet to be completely destroyed. The mass display of firepower launching from the planetary surface of Crete obliterating the Commanders fleet, including his personal Yacht. The Taurus was the only ship that escaped, but that was only because Aiden had ordered Cross to take it to Omicron Alpha and discretely 'watch' the Hispania project being run by the outcasts while he headed to his inevitable Exile.

"Payback is a bitch isn't it?" Aiden said over the comms. "Screw you, get your ass into the landing bay, I'll meet you there." Aiden chuckled and landed the craft in the Taurus' shuttle bay. Aiden barely had time to get out of the piece of crap excuse for a spacecraft the Elders permitted him to disembark with on his exile in before he was quite literaly tackled to the ground by Cross and assaulted into the fiercest hug he had ever experienced.

A couple hours later... ;)

Aiden and Cross, or more formally known as 'Isabell Valencia Lourdes,' a well respected Corsair Ace Pilot, sat comfortably in eachothers arms, almost forgetting they were sitting a ship with no crew at a dead stop in the middle of nomad space. Twenty minutes later while they were in deep discussion and Aiden was explaining what had passed during the last few days, the Taurus' alarms sounded and the AI interupted almost simultaniously, "Nomads just decloaked to port, over-riding Lady Isabell's shield deactiva-" the AI cut itself off mid-sentence, "-Shields have been hit, unable to raise them." Izzy quickly responded, "Do what you can to hold them off, do whatever is neccessary." the AI's comm link into the quarters they were residing in flickered off and Izzy turned to Aiden. "We have to get out of here, I did some stupid things with the ship when I lost you, theres no way it will survive this nomad fleet now." Aiden grimaced and agreed.

The ship was shaking and vibrating from the continued barrage of nomad weaponry, every 5 minutes the ship AI announced a severe decrease in hull integrity. The pair raced to the hangar bay to board a shuttle but the bay had already been beaten on by the nomad weaponry pretty harshly and all that remained was a single medical shuttle. It wouldn't be very fast, or agile but the craft would have to do. The pair ran to the shuttleand prepared to launch.

Getting the craft up and running was tasking at best, but it was better than having to reconstruct one of the other craft crushed by parts of the hangar bay collapsing ontop of the other space craft due to the immense barrage of firepower. If the ship wasn't running on AI Already, it would have been destroyed long ago. Every minut the Taurus survived increased its odds by 5% as it swiveled it's massive Battlerazors one direction then the next firing at the nomad ships and it's corsair rapid fire turrets at the enemies turret emplacements along their ships. Unfortunately it was far too late for any amount of firepower to save the Taurus. The massive Zoner Juggernaught exploded, taking 40 Nomad fighters and 2 of the 4 capital ships down with it in the blast.

The medical craft had managed to launch and get roughly a kilometers distance away, but that wasn't good enough, one of the remaining nomad ships was still in range and opened fire. A barrage of energy fire flew past the shuttle before a round finally hit the suttle with such force it destroyed one of the two engines on the craft, forcing it inside the medical craft. Unfortunately due to the design of the craft, the engines were placed near the bridge as you will and upon the engine being forced inside the craft, shards of bent metal plunged through the co-pilots chair and blood splattered all over the viewing port...

The Aldebaran Resurected, Sheffield Station, Manchester - 0430 Universal Time

Aiden shot up out of bed, sweating bullets the size of tank shells. He wished he could tell himself it was only a dream, but it was infact true, and had only happened recently.

Exile: Part III

Aiden was sitting upright in his bed, covered in sweat. He wished he could stop reliving the end of her life every time he closed his eyes. Able to control his mind in every way when awake Aiden was upset as his own lack of control when he fell asleep. Aiden got out of bed, almost visibly shaking. "Cross," Aiden said, the callsign barely able to be said, "Alert the medical bay I am on my way." she replied, "Yes Sir."

Cross walked down the corridors of the battleship, finally reaching the medical wing of the massive ship. "What's the status of my special project?" Aiden asked the lead medical officer who replied, "Status is nearly complete, the rapid-growth cloning device we borrowed works exceedingly well." Aiden knew it was desperate but he had to have Izzy back, the AI Program designed to look and sound like Izzy was begining to disturb him, to say the least.

Aiden stood in thought looking at the cryo-chamber on the far end of the room in which he had done a rapid-freeze of Izzyy after she was impaled by shards of the engine of the craft. She didn't even have a chance to say anything. Thankfully the process done by the rapid freeze preserved her brain, fully intact. "You do know this has never been successfully attempted, Sir?" The medical officer asked Aiden, "It's Cross, it will work, I can't let it fail. What is the status on the nuero-surgeon?" the medical officer replied, We received word he entered the system not too long ago, he should be here within the hour."

The wait was taxing on Aiden, he didn't know what he was thinking with twenty thousand possibilities running through his mind, he couldn't stop staring at the chamber that was rapidly growing a clone of Izzy. The clone floated there, lifeless but beautiful, an exact replica of Izzy, save her mind and a few details. The cloning process had several details changed about the body. The bone structure was laced with an incredibly strong metal that at the same time as having great strength, resisted magnetic pull, completely. This skeletal 'frame' along with a "personal computer" that was planned to be implanted into the clone with Izzy's brain was going to give her the power to not only be alive again, but hold the power of a computer activated simply by her thoughts, and have unbreakable bones.

Aiden continued to stare at the female clone, and back at the real Cross. He couldn't tell the difference between the two short of the gaping hole iin her gut. She was at the height of her beuty, and Aiden made sure that the medical officers would use whatever technology available to prevent her newly cloned body from aging, something that not only he was going to be appreciate, but her aswell. What womenw ouldn't want to keep their peak appearance?

Aiden walked out and sat in the hall, pulled a picture he had taken of her on his bed out of his pocket and looked at it.

[Image: izzyvm8.gif]

She was beautiful with the dark eyes sultry lips and the wonderfully long dark hair. It was no wonder he couldn't keep his hands off her combining that with being the best fighter pilot he knew and having a personality to boot. A perfect package for Aiden. It was too bad his marriage on Crete was arranged, not like it mattered anymore being an Exile from the Corsairs now. He smiled, "If everything goes right, we can get married." he said in his head to Izzy.

The nuerosurgeon arrived on the ship, Aiden hadn't been made aware of his presence untill the surgeon walked up to Aiden as he sat there looking into the eyes of Izzy in the picture. "Excuse me, Guild Master?" The nuerosurgeon asked Aiden. "Yes, but I prefer to be called 'Commander' over Guild Master" Aiden replied to the nuerosurgeon. "Ofcourse, Commander. Is that her?" the surgeon asked, Aiden nodded affirmitively. The Surgeon responded, "No wonder you spent 100 Million just to get my services, she's astonishing." Aiden replied, "Look's aren't even the half of it."

The surgeon walked into the medical bay, the new clone body was laying naked on an operation table surrounded by medics and operation machinery. "Prep the original." the surgeon said to the crew and within a few seconds the cryo-chamber that was holding the original Izzy, frozen, was rolled out next to the clone. The cryo chamber automaticly rotated to adjust to be level next to the clones operation table. Commencing 'defrost' another doctor said as the machine started making hissing sounds as it rapidly thawed the woman. It would be 20 more minutes before the thaw was complete. "Let's get the brain out of the clone and prep it for the original." the nuerosurgeon said to the other doctors.

This was wrong on so many moral levels but Aiden had to have his Izzy back, and god help his former Corsair brethren that put him in this position, not to mention the nomads that nearly took her from him, forever. Thankfully the doctors had found out a way to prevent any kind of cognitive thoughts from starting in the clone, so the brain was essentialy dead from 'birth'.

Several hours had passed untill one of the medics emerged from the operating room. "Sir, she's doing excellent, after a days rest and watching her vitals she'll be as functional as she was prior to the accident. The operation was a success!" Aiden shot up to his feet, looked the medic in the eye and said, "Is she able to speak?" the medic replied, "Unfortunately not yet, her brain is still getting used to the new body, regardless that it is identical. However she can fully understand you and is looking around." Aiden gave a sigh of relief, "Good, I must see her."

Aiden walked into the medical bay, and there she was, no longer on the operation table she was propped up in a comfortable hospital style bed, quite obviously scared. Then she saw Aiden, and the expression in her eyes said it all as she began to tear up, her first 'movement' with the new body. Aiden sat on the bed next to her, kissed her on the cheek and said, "I told you I would protect you, in any way I can." She looked back into his eyes with a look only she could muster. A look of desire, a look of love. At that moment, Aiden knew this was her, no questions asked. He laid on her bed, holding her.

The Exiled Lives On (Part IV)

It had been almost thirty three hours, Aiden had fallen asleep in the medical bed and was now laying in it alone. Passed out from exhaustion, Aiden had been up for almost 86 hours with only short naps. His dreams kept him up but he was finally able to sleep. Aiden felt a hand on his shoulder as he slept a tight, yet gentle grip was applied bringing Aiden from his sleep. "Good morning sleepyhead." Izzy spoke. "How long have I been out?" Aiden asked. "alitle over thirty hours. You fell asleep right after you laid next to me. I couldn't just sit there, an hour later I was up and about. I talked to the Doctor, he said something like this may happen as this new body of mine has been in a state of rest for the rapid cloning." Aiden nodded as she continued, "I explored the ship, and met your new girlfriend." She chuckled and Aiden responded, "She's not so much of a talker but she kept me company."

The pair walked down the main corridor of the medical wing of the Aldebaran and a young crewman ran down the hall to speak with Aiden. "Commander," the young man said, "Sin|Tech has been asking about their hardware. What should I tell them?" Aiden looked over the young man, an initiate most likely sent down by Guild Master Payne. "Tell them the operation was an astonishing success, but we are going to keep the equipment for another week or so. Also mention we will ofcourse double the agreed upon payment due to the increase in time we plan on keeping it." with that the ensign said "Aye aye." Did a quick about face and ran down the hall to the turbolift.

"So, hows your new body treating you?" Aiden asked Izzy. "Pretty good, infact the new 'improvements' you had added in with my brain transplant have enabled me to do a great many things." Aiden looked at her quizically, "Like what?" she chuckled and replied; "Well for starters my strength has been multiplied ten fold." Aiden's jaw dropped as she continued, "I went to the firing range and discovered with this new little gizmo in my head and the way it is hard wired into my brain, I have satelite vision, my reflexes have also improved over thirty times what they used to be." Aiden added in, "Already impressive beforehand.." she continued with a slight blush from the compliment. "Not to mention I have the ability to view things differently. It's hard to explain how but I have infrared vision for seeing in the dark, I have thermal vision and I even have this odd ability to see through thin objects, Kind of like an X-Ray." she paused for breath, "Not to mention I can access computer information with my mind, and thanks to the device I'm able to process it at the speed of a computer. It's amazing it's almost like being an android."

The two looked at eachother, Aiden was obviously envious of her new "Improvements." Isabell looked at Aiden and spoke, "I know what you are thinking, I already asked them, they said it's possible and with a possibility for success five times higher than the predicted rate for myself." Aiden smirked, "You know me so well." She smiled with a bit of pride, "I took the liberty of having them start the cloning process for you, the surgeon is still onboard and the clone should be complete in the next hour or so." Aiden was shocked, but at the same time kind of happy that the option was ready for him at this exact moment.

"As I'm sure you already know," Isabell spoke, "My life expectancy has been increased by almost 450 years. And that's roughly when I'll continue to age, thanks to an ubserdly high regeneration for my body." Aiden looked at Isabell, "Damn, your short telekinesis and mind reading and you'd be a damn super-soldier!" "Well," she replied, "No telekinesis, but I can live without it." Aiden chuckled, "Yeah, your already on the borderline of non-human."

One of the medics walked up to the pair and spoke, "The surgical team is ready for you Commander." Aiden nodding affirmitively as Izzy had already briefed him, "I'll be there shortly." he turned to Izzy, "Ah the excitement. I want you to do me a favor." Izzy quickly responded, "Anything, afterall your the catalyst for bringing me back from the dead." She smiled as Aiden continued, "I want you to pull up all the information I have stored on the Hispania project study it and see if you can find anything else out for me." "Sure thing," Izzy responded, "I'll get right on it, now you go get super-humanized!" Aiden laughed and walked down the hall to the medical bay to begin the operation. "Just like old times." Aiden thought.

"Cross," Isabell spoke. The hologram appeared infront of her, and acknowledged. Isabell continued, "I need you to put all the information we have gathered about the Hispania project and put it into an organized format and upload directly to me." Cross acknowledged and within a few seconds she had gone over all the information and made a decision. "Cross, set a course for Omicron Alpha. Set coordinates directly fifty kilometers above the hispania debris field.

A alitle over a day later after several well calculated jumps in Omicron Alpha 20:00

Izzy sighed, "I wish Aiden hadn't of wanted us to drop him off in Omicron Gamma, he is taking far too long." Payne looked at her, "We both know how he is." Izzy chuckled softly, "Isn't that true. Oh well, he'll run his course there and he'll be here soon enough." Shortly after the AI Cross spoke up, "Warning, Osiris class battleship approaching. Vessel is broadcasting Outcast identification codes and vessel name Black Pearl." Izzy oredred the AI Cross to charge the Infernos and Quad Battlerazors. She then sent out on an open frequency, "This is Acting Commander Isabell Lourdes on the SSO Flagship Aldebaran, you are ordered to hold position."

To be continued....

Aiden's Story - The Exile - DarkOddity - 10-03-2006

Favors (Part V)

The Black Pearl continued forward without heed to the order to halt. Isabell started to order an attack on the vessel when the communications screen suddenly lit up. "Stand down, prepare to receive a shuttle." a woman spoke. "Pardon?" Isabell said, "Identify yourself." The woman chuckled, "This is Kristina Pryde of the Ghosts of Razgriz."

Isabell looked back at the woman through the viewscreen, "And what are you doing here?" she asked. "Returning a favor. Aiden helped us out near the begining of the Hispania project." Kristy continued, "He's in the Pearl's launch bay prepping for the transfer over to the Aldebaran." Isabell smiled at the news, Aiden was only a few minutes away. "And how did you come across Aiden?" Isabell asked. "Well, it's really a short story, we were raiding Tripoli station in Gamma when we received his distress signal. Apparently when he was leaving his estate someone tipped off the Elders, in turn a whole slew of Corsair fighters started chasing him when he left the planets atmosphere." Kristy took a breath and continued, "We picked him up near the Omega 41 jumphole, the Corsairs retreated at the sight of the Pearl." She chuckled.

The armored transport launched from the Pearl's fight bay and turned towards the Aldebaran. A second comms channel opened up on the same viewscreen showing Aiden. "Start spooling up the jump drives we are going to have to get out of here quick." Kristy being part of the group comm spoke, "That's right, I can deliver a favor for you, but there are drawbacks. There are fifty outcast fighters enroute right now." with that the Black Pearl initiated a jump and was gone. Shortly after Aiden docked the fighters came into range, ordered the surrender of the Aldebaran and accelerated to attack speed. Moments later the Aldebaran jumped out of the system.

There was a flash of light as the Aldebaran exited its jump. "This is where I met Payne," Aiden said to Isabell, "I'll never forget that day." the pair looked at planet Gran Canaria through the windows on the bridge. "I have a suit of armor on board my freighter that I have been working on for the last few years." Isabell looked back at Aiden, "That piece of junk you call Mjollnir armor? That damn armor nearly killed you last time you tested it." Aiden chuckled, "Yeah I remember that.. I have quite of work to do, should only take a few days though because all I have to do is rip out some components now that I have this nice little computer in my head. I just uplink with the armor now instead of manual control." Isabell smiled, "It just might work then."

The pair looked at the armor sitting on a cart on the other side of the bridge.
[Image: 150px-Halo.JPG]

To be continued...

[Sorry I didn't do more this time around, keep getting distracted by things around the house.]

Aiden's Story - The Exile - DarkOddity - 10-08-2006

Favors (Part V, Continued)

One standard month later aboard the Aldebaran moored with Cambridge Research Station

A series of hard clanks in a foot-step pattern rang through the bridge of the Aldebaran as the magnets on the Mjollnir armors boots granted Aiden the ability to walk is if the Aldebaran provided gravity. "Hows the armor moving for you?" A man asked over Aiden's comm system. "Pretty damn good, It's like I was walking normally on the ground with no hinderence." "Try running." The voice replied to Aiden who replied, "Alright, turning around to run back towards the engine block." With that a sudden flurry of metal clanks rang across the bridge but were gone just as suddenly as they showed up. "Where is he?" the scientist asked one of the young female bridge crew, "Sir, he is just over 500 meters away from the bridge." "Extraordinary," the scientist proclaimed, "Well with all the other tests passing and being able to run over 500 meters in a mere 40 seconds I would have to say the experimental armor is quite the success." Aiden smirked in his helmet and replied, "Oh yeah it did!" suddenly the magenetics in his boots turned off and he launched himself into space in celebration.

A while later Aiden walked into the bridge still bearing his armor, shocking the bridge crew. Very few had seen Aiden's prototype armor, let alone a human wearing the armor while carrying a firearm. It was a startling sight to say the least. "Fancy looking rifle you have there Aiden" Isabell commented. "Yeah it's one of my older creations. It is an assault rifle that has the ability to rapid fire laser bolts and also has .9mm projectiles for boarding and ground battles."

A few moments later another pair wearing the same Mjollnir armor walked onto the bridge with their assault rifles holstered. "Ah the wonders of mass production!" Aiden proclaimed as he turned to the scientist, "Dr Bradford, these two fine men will escort you back onto the Cambridge Research station. Your payment is being uploaded to your nueral net account now." The scientist nodded, "Thank you, it was a pleasure being able to work on a project of this magnetude." with that the scientist turned and walked off the bridge with the two Mjollnir clad men.

"We only have four suits of this armor," Aiden said looking at Izzy, "one is reserved for you." She looked at him and spoke, "Keep it, you know I'm not a big fan of armor of any kind." Aiden chuckled at her response, "Well it will be there for you whenever you want to try it out." Aiden smiled.

"Sir, your Guardsmen have returned to the ship. The crossover onto the station has been closed." a young man at one of the stations informed Aide. "Good, set a course for Omicron Delta. It's time to test this out in a real combat situation.

Onboard the Aldebaran, in transit.

"So, you think we are going hunting for some Osiris'?" one of the men said. His name was Jordan Estevez, a former Corsair. Jordan his brother Miguel were some of the best marines the Corsairs had to offer and were Aiden's personal bodyguards prior to his exile. "I think so, rumor has it that there is an Osiris in Delta carrying an Elder" Miguel replied. "Really?" Jordan asked rhetoricly, "Does anyone know which one?" Miguel looked back at his brother, "All Aiden knows is it's one of the Elders which pushed the most for his Exile." A pair of speakers blurted out Aiden's voice, "Get ready guys, were almost to the exit point of our jump." Miguel responded, "Roger that, see you in the hangar bay." The two men began suiting up into their Mjollnir armor for the assault ahead of them.

To Be Continued....

Once again post comments here

Aiden's Story - The Exile - DarkOddity - 10-17-2006

Vengeance (Part VI)

The ship came out of the jump and by a stroke of luck it's exit point was directly to the aft of the target battleship. Unfortunately however the ship turned out the be a newly commissioned Corsair Dreadnaught. The ship dwarfed the Aldebaran in size but Izzy barked out, "Open fire!" a moment later the duel infernos and eight chaingun mounts opened fire on the shields of the Corsair Dreadnought bringing down its shields.

"You are green to go." Izzy said over the comms and three boarding craft launched out of the Aldebarans hangar bay and flew for the Dreadnought. The three boarding craft flew straight for the hangar bay of the massive ship. As they did this the Aldebaran swung around the massive ship and fired a round of Quad Battle Razors right past the boarding craft blowing off the hangar doors of the Dreadnought and allowing the craft to land.

Thanks to the Zero-G enviroment the boarding craft flipped around so their tails would be toward the inside of the ship. Once the craft touched down in the hangar about 20 marines rushed out of each craft with their respective squadron leader, decked out in Mjollnir armor.

The attack was happening so fast that the marines were inserted before pilots scrambling to launch for defense even made it to their ships. Aiden had ordered use of non-lethal rounds so none of the Corsairs shoot were actually killed, they were more or less paralyzed and left laying on the floor where they were shot. The paralisis would be in effect for atleast a good two to three hours before it even started to wear off, but that was more than enough for Aiden and his marines.

One squad of marines was left to hold the hangar bay while another headed for the engine room to disable the ship and Aiden's squad went straight for the bridge. The bland steel interior of the new fangled ship was hard to navigate for the two squads wandering outside the hangar bay but they managed with the help of AI Cross onboard the Aldebaran feeding them tactical and floorplan information based on scans of the vessel.

Aiden's squad nearly made it to the tubo lift where they planned to use to get to the bridge when Isabel patched through the system wide communications to his Mjollnir armor. "This is the Battlestar Kerberos, actual. You are to cease fire immediately." shortly after Aiden heard Izzy speak, "It's a Black Squadron battlestar and four Osiris escorts. I need your orders." the communication channel was interupted again by the battlestar, "This is Kerberos Actual. I repeat stand down and fall back to three kilometers. This is your final warning." Aiden responded to Isabel, "Do as they say, the Aldebaran is tough but those aren't odds you want to take, especially with the Battlestar Kerberos in the mix." Isabel acknoledged and disengaged with the Aldebaran.

The Black Squadron battleship and it's four ordinary order escorts loomed over the half disabled ship. Out of nowhere strange devices emerged from what normally would be the hangar on an Osiris. The odd devices clamped onto the ship and induced it with an electro magnetic pulse. The vessel sat lifeless and the four Osiris battleships drug the vessel around like a toy.

The marines sat on the vessel shocked. The lights went out and with the lights went all laser weaponry and also Aiden, Miguel and Jordan's Mjollnir armor and communications.

Too Be Continued....

Chapter 6, Vengeance will be continued later tonight... Comments can be put in commentary link in my signature!