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[OUTDATED] »Technocrat Interstellar Spatial Regulations - Printable Version

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[OUTDATED] »Technocrat Interstellar Spatial Regulations - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 08-30-2019

[Image: Vjobcpg.png]

The Technocracy of Auxo’s reign and claims extends over the following star sectors and objects: Inverness System, Kansas: Planet Wichita, Arkansas Ice Asteroid Field

Planet Knossos, Malekula, Planet Gammu, Newcastle Alien Remains, Planet Gaia are claimed and regarded as mission imperative sacred sites for either species preservation, or for extraordinary traits not discovered anywhere else in the known universe, and are to be protected from external interference.

SECTION ONE: Aerospace Regulations

1.1 Planet Elgin and the surrounding space: Ships are barred from entering a 20k radius around Elgin. Vessels will be detained or destroyed on sight.

1.1.1 Individuals executing unauthorized landings on Elgin or Valravn Citadel will be prosecuted to the full extent of these policies. Exemptions are only temporarily permitted by the Inner Phalanx Science Directorate, or on duty Commanders.

The following will be asked to turn away from Technocrat Space:

Foreign Military vessels, including Liberty Gov. Forces, Coalition, Crayterians, Bretonian Gov. Forces, etc.
Infectees or otherwise suspected
Intelligence Operative vessels or otherwise suspected
Any Paramilitary or Bounty Hunting organisation
Any Freelance vessel with quotation designations within their neural display name, or pilots hailing with a “?:” frequency

1.1.2 Pilots failing to identify themselves will be turned away. Paramilitary assets of Auxo reserve the right to question pilots for their identity, affiliation, and intentions. Technocrats hold the authority to evict any non-Technocrat entity outside of Technocrat space if they deem the individual suspicious or a danger to stability.

1.1.3 A No-Fire Zone is to be held within Auxo designated space. Piracy will not be tolerated - this includes attempted disruptions of cruise, or unauthorised usage of jump drives, scanners or cloaking devices. This covers all established territory within Technocracy space.

1.2 Commodities: The following commodities and items are regulated, and will be treated as contraband and will face confiscation, with amounts up to the discretion of the enforcer:

Cardamine over five units
APM Advanced Hardware, Kemwer Munitions, Volgograd Ordinance
‘Jumphole Generators’
Liquid Cardamine
Artifacts of any kind, including Sorted Artifacts and Xeno Relics
Gallic or Sirian Lane/Gate parts, including Ageira White Boxes
Human Organs
Nuclear Devices, Including ‘NEMP’ Bombs and any other Weapons of Mass Destruction
Nomadic Materials of any kind, including adapted weaponry
Azurite in any form, including solid, compound, gas, etc.
Narcrahtite in any form
Ingenuus Power Cells

1.2.1 (FOR THE EYES OF THE TECHNOCRACY ONLY) The following factions have trade agreements and have the following exceptions to the above:

Lane Hackers - Cardamine

1.3 Restricted Technology Rights: The possession, transportation, salvaging or use of Auxo-manufactured equipment, weapons and technology of any kind is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate termination or incarceration of the individual(s) responsible following an appropriate Tribunal. Exceptions are rare, and only given to individuals or organizations of a high standing following communication with the Technocratic Directorate, approval from the Technocratic Directorate and consultation of a Keeper.

1.3.1 Listed Parties Technology Prohibited:

The Order
Crayterian Republic
The Core
Gammu, unless utilised by Technocrat or Gammu units

1.4 Foreign Warships: Unknown warships are undesired and will be asked to leave. Failing to do so will result in incapacitation, potential seizure of the vessel, and or destruction. ‘Bustard’ class Carriers are considered Foreign Warships, and require permission from officials prior to entry.

1.5 Installations and Space Stations: It is illegal for any individual or group to construct installations without prior permission. To obtain permission, a one time payment must be issued for a license and that native Technocrats are permitted to land. Monthly taxes may be required, such rates will be negotiated upon contact.


2.1 Public Order and Cleanliness: Disturbing official assets and peacekeepers is strictly prohibited. Littering or intentional Pollution is strictly prohibited in space or land. Consequently, violators will be indebted to forced labour to remedy their actions. Unauthorized hunting, destruction or relocation of native fauna upon worlds influenced by Auxo is forbidden. Needless cruelty of native fauna is taboo.

2.1.1 Due to health & safety concerns, smoking is only permitted within the following locations: Private housing, designated smoking areas, exteriors of stations in open atmosphere.

2.1.2 Hate speech is not freedom of speech. Inciting violence and riots is forbidden, conspiracy against the state is considered a capital crime. Blasphemy against Auxo personnel and the Inner Phalanx Directorate is prohibited.

2.1.3 Anyone or thing of any species, race or ethnic are welcome. Attempting to force culture/religion/beliefs onto unwilling individuals will be charged for conspiracy. Foreign cultures are restricted to private establishments, the public streets are to remain politically and culturally neutral within interests of public security, though this is not applicable to debate forums and other intellectual debating zones. However this does not forbid the media from covering the topics. Events, celebrations, or commerce of items or goods tied to any heritage or political parties, such as Blue Jillies, are also not forbidden.

2.1.4 Intellectual Species: Gammu AI, Humans, Cardamine dependent Humans, Transhumanists ("post humans"), and AI’s with verifiable sentience are all recognized as individuals by the Technocratic Directorate.

2.1.5 Spectre entities are strictly prohibited from entering Auxo space.

2.1.6 Inciting violence. Harassment of other entities within our homeland, ranging from verbal to physical assault. Provocation will not be tolerated. Bounty Hunting is banned and undesired in the Technocracy of Auxo’s space.

2.2 Sexual assault of any kind is restricted. This includes harassment, verbal or physical. Attempts will be charged the same as 'successful' assaults.

2.5 Espionage. This includes illegally attempting to access the Uplink, violating any persons privacy, or intruding in restricted areas.

SECTION THREE: Artificials, Cyberspace, and Cryptography

3.1 Hacking and Cybersecurity: Attempting to access another unit without their consent is prohibited. Reprogramming another unit will result in immediate deconstruction of the offending party.

3.1.2 Units of the paramilitary section are given a unique ID, code, and chassis. Only designated units are to use their chassis. Unauthorized insertion of a paramilitary husk is punishable by labour.

3.1.3 Units are provided their own personal data storage and recharge cell. Attempting to access databases other than their own cyberspace is prohibited.

3.1.4 ‘Cannibalisation’ or absorption of other crypto units is prohibited. Deconstruction of a unit without authorisation is considered murder.

SECTION FOUR: Military Mandate

4.1 Acts otherwise considered as personal, intimate, or unnecessary while on duty is strictly prohibited.

4.2 Socialising with adversaries is prohibited. Any personnel caught with unauthorised communication or contact with hostiles will be subject to immediate punishment described below.

4.2.1 Punishments: Additional labor, reduction of pay, reduction of rank, imprisonment, solitary confinement, banishment, or execution.

4.3 Undesirables: Listed of forbidden individuals are to be turned away or destroyed - depending on enforcer’s discretion - this list shall stay classified to non military personnel:

Blacklist Wrote:
Yuki Hideyoshi
Sanada Junko
Enma Loyola
Captain Lars Dross - "Freeport Arcadia"
Emily Harper
Rosalina Romanov
Alexis De La Serre
John Silverstone - "Rusty.Old.Screw" - “Sirlagsalot”

4.4 Gross Failure of Vigilance: Individuals with lacking vigilance or performance or individuals found in dereliction of duty will face correctional punishment in accordance with but not limited to 4.2.1.

4.5 Personnel Accountability: Military personnel must always keep their life-form tracker active. Tampering, damaging, or disabling this tracker will result in correctional correctional punishment in accordance with but not limited to 4.2.1. Members with faulty or broken trackers are required to exchange them at their reporting sections.

4.6 Indebters and Slaves: Class-A persons are indebted to the state and are classified as property. Class-B persons have partially earned civil status. Class-C persons have civil rights.

4.6.1 Class-A persons are defined as slaves, convicts, and/or individuals considered dangerous or unredeemable. Class-B persons are defined as prisoners of war or indebtors with redeemable qualities. Class-C are defined as civilian indebters.

4.7 Roles, Duties, and Designations: Individuals within the Technocracy are assigned specific special duties based on their position.
4.7.1 Temple and Citadel Guardians are responsible for the immediate protection of these sacred grounds. They are permitted to terminate any individual entering without authorisation on sight.

4.7.2 The Conservators are responsible for the safety and security of the Keeper(s) and use delegated authority to execute their wishes within any capacity. They act strictly at the whim and will of the Keeper(s) and are above most guidelines as they act out the direct will of the Heads of the Technocratic Directorate.

4.7.3 Adjudicators are transhuman delegates commissioned by the Directorate to uphold, enforce and are responsible for governing regulations within the Technocracy.

SECTION FOUR: Diplomatic Affairs

Bold indicates that they are a recognised house. (//Any unlawful faction that's under cordial or higher is hidden ICly and is not publicly known)

4.1 The following organisations are recognised as favoured close allies and collaborators of the Technocratic Directorate:

Gammu Artificial Intelligence [Triumvirate Alliance]
The Vagrants [Triumvirate Alliance](//hidden inrp)
Gallic National Intelligence / GSB [Defense Pact]
Starfliers [Benefactor Pact]

4.2 The following organisations have gained favour of the Technocracy of Auxo and are viewed as friendlies:

Red Hessians
ALG Waste Disposal

4.3 The following organisations are cordial with Technocracy of Auxo:

Lane Hackers
Independent Miners Guild

4.4 The following organisations are viewed indifferently to the Technocracy of Auxo:

Orbital Spa & Cruise
The Gallic Union
House of Rheinland
Gas Miners Guild
Kruger Minerals
Republican Shipping
Daumann Heavy Construction
Kishiro Technologies
The Coalition
The Deterrence [Hidden pact/Conditional NAP]

4.5 The following organisations are to be considered suspicious or gained ill favour through previous action, directly or indirectly, against the Technocracy:

Empire of Kusari
Samura Industries
Farmers Alliance
Blood Dragons
Union Corse
Synth Foods

4.6 The following organisations are to be considered undesirables, viewed with disdain from the state from hostile attacks against the Technocratic state and objectives:

Golden Chrysanthemums
Liberty Rogues

4.7 The Technocracy of Auxo is at a state of conflict with the following organisations and are to be removed with prejudice upon sight:

Nomads and the ‘Infected’
The Order
The Core
Planetform Inc.
Gateway Shipping
Bounty Hunters Guild
Phoenix - Zoner Subgroup
Crayter Republic
"Liberty's Big Three" - Ageira Technologies, Deep Space Engineering, Interspace
Republic of Liberty
Kingdom of Bretonia incl. Military and Intelligence.
Outcasts - Nation of Malta

4.7 The following treaties and agreements are signed and are in effect:

Treaty of Algerie - Communications reference
Document AXIHSP-0607.830 |||| Revision AXIHSP-0312.833 || Guernica Accords