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To: Xeno Alliance - Printable Version

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To: Xeno Alliance - dr lameos - 09-06-2019

--- From: Omryn Vykvan

--- To: Squadron Commander

--- Subject: Your interests down South


I am Omryn of the Bering Bereft, a group of Zoners displaced from our home of Freeport 2 several years ago.

Historically this Freeport was open to everybody, including the Xenos, as a safe place for all. Somewhere to rest, repair, resupply and restock. When it was wrestled from us it was obviously a blow to us, but what of the other users of this station?

Our records show that supplies used to be taken from Freeport 2 for one of your own installations in the nearby area. I assume that this is more difficult now and of particular importance given that many of your operations are focussed on Texas. If we could once again control this station then your supply line and future in this region would be strengthened.

We realise that you probably aren't used to such offers of friendship, and we have come to find that we too are now alone in our system. If you were to support us in our fight against the pirates which have claimed the Freeport, then there would be fewer enemies in your area and you would again find a safe haven in Bering.

I trust that you will support us in our simple aim.


RE: To: Xeno Alliance - Darkstar_Spectre - 09-06-2019

Comm ID: Ridgenose
Recipient: Omryn Vykvan
Date: 06/09/826

Evening Omyrn. The Boss man asked me to handle this due to him being occupied currently. First of all what makes you say years maybe my sense of time is still a little screwed from being locked up on The Wall but far as I recall its been..about a year tops since you lost control of the Station.

Now who are these pirates exactly that you want our assistance in dealing with and by dealing with I mean ending up on the wrong end of a Particle Cannon. Also if you have a list of Targets we may be able to help take a few of them out

As for Freeport 2 due to our current standing we cannot dock and you are correct that supplies down that end are a bit problematic right now and it would be in our Interests for things to go back like they were. Anyhow at the end of the day the Alliance has your back in Bering. We appreciate you contacting us and we look forward to working alongside you.


RE: To: Xeno Alliance - dr lameos - 09-09-2019

--- From: Omryn Vykvan

--- To: Ridgenose

--- Subject: Your interests down South

Hail Ridgenose

It's not surprising that you aren't aware of the full story. It's been 2 years since the pirates officially claimed this station, but there was a long period preceding this where we were bullied, harrassed and migrating away. Ultimately it began in 812AS.

We have specific problem with the Junkers and .:j:. which bring goods into the system for the pirates and then take our valuable resources away with them. We also need to stop the pirate supply line coming from Texas to FP2 - this could be Rogues, Hackers, or just general scum.

When we get a more specific list we'll give to you, but in the meantime, if you can stop any of the above headed our way I'm sure that we can organise something for you, just tell us what you need.


RE: To: Xeno Alliance - Darkstar_Spectre - 09-11-2019

Comm ID: Ridgenose
Recipient: Omryn Vykvan
Date: 06/09/826

Omyrn thank you for bringing me up to speed with the Events in Bering.

As for The Junkers they are a primary enemy of the Alliance and the Rogues and Hackers are also rivals which we will have no problem putting such scum down. As for things the Alliance needs Supplies, Guns and ships are something we will always appreciate. The Alliance will begin Operations to cut off the Pirates supply lines

See ya round

RE: To: Xeno Alliance - dr lameos - 09-11-2019

(09-09-2019, 09:05 AM)dr lameos Wrote:
--- From: Omryn Vykvan

--- To: Ridgenose

--- Subject: Your interests down South

We have a lack of ships on our side also, but leave it with me - I'll see to it that we get some supplies on their way.
