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TO: Order || From: Commandant Gregor Tykovkin - Printable Version

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TO: Order || From: Commandant Gregor Tykovkin - Commandantt - 09-25-2019

[Image: gYA3tNI.gif]
FROM: Gregor Tykovkin.
TO: Order
SOURCE: Rostok Research Facility, Anatolia system.
SUBJECT: Alien threat.

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Greetings comrades I am Gregor Tykovkin, the newly appointed commander of the Rostock station

I want to give you the data received from our ships who guard my station.

Contact with creatures known as Nomads and after the pursuit of this creature, we received information about the location of their base.

This place was defended by large defenses platforms, so my gunboat did not enter the battle, but our more maneuverable ships destroyed the enemy.

After making sure that there are no enemy ships in the base area, we returned to the Rostock.

All events occurred in Anatolia system sector 7E, or Omicron Chi if you are unfamiliar with the name of this system that the Coalition assigned to it.

We can offer you a place to accommodate your people at our station if you are interested in this situation


RE: TO: Order || From: Commandant Gregor Tykovkin - Commandantt - 10-13-2019


RE: TO: Order || From: Commandant Gregor Tykovkin - Kalhmera - 10-15-2019

[Image: VVv4uRp.png]

Dr. Stephen Callahan : [Comm-ID]
|O|- The Order ~
Tykovkin: [Receiver-ID]
The Coalition ~

Omicron Chi: [Subject]

A pleasure,

Formal introductions are in order, I am Dr. Stephen Callahan, Colonel of the Legacy of Orillion and Commander of the Omicron Defense Flotilla. I wish to know if at all do you represent the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army (//SCRA|) , or are you just apart of their secondary fleet. Secondly I dont have any records of a coalition base being established in the Omicron Chi system, As I am aware the Coalition are focusing in and around Rheinland and the Omegas and while I am pleased to see the coalition in the Omicrons I am somewhat concerned. This is not an area that is very forgiving and the Nomads have a heavy presence along with The Core, Outcasts, Corsairs, The Order and Zoners. Some of which are hostile to the Coalition, Like the Corsairs for example and I doubt the Core would be pleased either.

All in all, Why are you here and what do you want? Dont take my question to harshly as I am sure you would have the same questions if I was stationing a base near New Moscow.

[Image: qFPqXsG.png]

RE: TO: Order || From: Commandant Gregor Tykovkin - Commandantt - 10-17-2019

[Image: gYA3tNI.gif]
FROM: Gregor Tykovkin.
TO: Dr. Stephen Callahan
SOURCE: Rostok Research Facility, Anatolia system.

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The station belongs to Sirius Coalition Expeditionary Corps however I have permission to make my own decisions and conduct business for the benefit of the coalition.

I am a former military man and now I am mainly involved in administrative work and I am not a member of SCEC or SCRA.

Formally, our station is designated as research, I have no exact information about its primary purpose and date of construction.

My appointment here did not have a specific task and after my independent policy, the station is now home to refugees and Coalition residents who are not welcome in New Moscow.

This is a really dangerous place, but under my command, there are several ships that are occupied by the defense of the station, and most importantly, I want the station to remain a civilian facility.

Since we are not enemies, I thought that maybe we could be useful to each other in some matters.

At the moment, all I can offer is cooperation in missions against enemies, the purchase of Iridium ore if you mine some and I can make regular supply Volgograd Ordinance from New Moscow.

Recently, due to the busy schedule, I did not closely monitor events outside the Anatolia system and could forget something, but I hope we find a common interest.


RE: TO: Order || From: Commandant Gregor Tykovkin - Omicron - 10-17-2019

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 17/10/826
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: Gregor Tykovkin

Rostock Station

Apologize for late answer, however we took liberty to monitor activity near your station since your transmission. It does not appear that Nomads are overly active in the Omicron Chi in comparison to systems such as neighbouring Delta. We cannot mount any assault on Nomads in Omicron Chi due to logistical reasons - there is no clear line of supply to maintain sustained fleet operation until Omicron Delta is liberated.

I am rather relieved to say that no assaults against the base happened according to reconnaissance and intelligence reports. We will continue our operations and commit to defense of the station provided you agree to a few simple conditions on behalf of your group and as administrator of the station.

  1. In all communications with The Order, you will refer to the system as OMICRON CHI in accordance to system naming convention recognized and used by The Order. This is to prevent confusion on tactical and strategic levels as no “Anatolia” system officially exists. Whatever you call it among yourselves is not up to me.
  2. Coalition will not claim sovereignty over OMICRON CHI system under no circumstance, as it falls under SCRA - The Order peace treaty that normalized relations between your nation and The Order. Entirety of the system is to be considered as The Order zone of influence and control.
  3. Rostock station administration will ensure unrestricted docking rights for any and all Order operatives as standard for Coalition docking rights policy. Any troublemakers will be dealt with on a case to case basis.
  4. Rostock station will remain Coalition property. Changing of affiliation without consent of The Order may result in diplomatic incidents. The Order will recognize Coalition as sole owner and administrator of Rostock base and its administration will enforce laws upon the station decks as consistent with Coalition policy however anything that happens outside may be subject to The Order Protectorate Space Code.
  5. Rostock station will not allow docking rights to enemies of The Order. Any kind of infected personnel, The Core, Bounty Hunters Guild, Auxesia and the Outcasts count among those that retain presence within your operational area.

We do not demand any tax, nor we intend to claim the station for ourselves. Be a good neighbour and we will get along just fine, commander.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"

RE: TO: Order || From: Commandant Gregor Tykovkin - Commandantt - 10-18-2019

[Image: gYA3tNI.gif]
FROM: Gregor Tykovkin.
TO: The Order Overwatch
SOURCE: Omicron Chi.

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Your conditions for cooperation are acceptable to me.

All I want to do is create a civilian station where people could live in safety.

But the problem of access to the station may take a little time, we do not have personnel who can configure security systems and that everything would work as needed, I need time.


RE: TO: Order || From: Commandant Gregor Tykovkin - Omicron - 10-18-2019

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 18/10/826
⧫ FROM: The Order Overwatch
⧫ TO: Gregor Tykovkin

Rostock Station

I am glad you see my proposition as acceptable. Your goals also seem noble and compatible with The Order. Should you desire to dispute or change the current arrangement and status quo, do not hesitate to contact Overwatch office. I will make one of our higher ranked officers available.

Given the information you provided, we will treat you on similar basis as Freeport 11. Sanctioned autonomous civilian outpost within The Order sphere of control. It is against our ideals of The Order Overwatch to curb movement of political dissidents, regardless of one’s affiliation. Therefore should a possible assault overpower our combined might and position of Rostock is untenable, I offer assistance (either logistical or escort in nature) in moving your population to a world of your choosing. Pygar, Kurile and Akabat are among the options for resettlement that are within our reach depending on your diplomatic relations with the owners.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet, 1st Battlegroup "Wargods"

RE: TO: Order || From: Commandant Gregor Tykovkin - Commandantt - 11-09-2019

[Image: gYA3tNI.gif]
FROM: Gregor Tykovkin.
TO: Order
SOURCE: Omicron Chi.

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Greetings comrades.

For some time we had difficulties with communication, but now everything is fine and I want to notify you that the Order can freely use our station.

We tested a new program for defense systems, and now they must let any allied ships into the dock area of the station.

Working with neutral miners, we provide the needs of the station through the mining of iridium ore, which we exchange in a Coalition for food, equipment, ships, and other useful things.

I’m not sure how interesting this can be to you, however, we are ready to purchase ore using your services if you have people who are engaged in such things.

We also receive a Volgograd Ordinance from the Coalition, the stock of which we can hold on a regular basis for the ships of the Order or continue to deliver it in more modest batches directly to the worlds of the Order, to Cairo station.

Also, while our transport in Omicron Delta was loading a batch of ore, our escort ship patrol field around ore deposits zone and noticed several stations, we did not want a conflict with their owner, however, we noticed that they are used by the ships of the DSE and Core.