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Order Capital ships - Printable Version

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Order Capital ships - Heartless - 03-08-2009

--- Running Order Comms ---
Source: Grand Admiral Sius Malacos, Battleship Khonshu, Omicron 100 System
Search: Designated Comm Units
Searching... [color=#33FF33]Comm Units Found

Connecting... Connection Established, Full Access Granted

Our new line of warships has after a long time of production been released from Evora. As it stands, and to control our limited number of warships, including the gunboat class and larger, it is mandatory for any officer to register their ship here. The Order| maintains full control over Omicron 100 and it's stations and will be setting restrictions if the number of warship grows out of line. Un-registered vessels will be asked to register. Ships who refuse to do so may be viewed upon as suspicious.

Admiral Kimura, please link this to the Order's member listing.

Now, report in.

-Grand Admiral Sius Malacos
The Order

Transmission Complete
Message Sent
Shutting Down...

Disconnecting: Designated Comms
Disconnecting: Order Comms
Shutting Down Comm Device

Order Capital ships - Tenacity - 03-08-2009

[Image: 2vadutk.jpg]
...Incoming Transmission...
Source: Aki Kimura, Order High Command

-Begin Transmission-

"Also note the following transmission regarding allies using these new craft:"

Allies Restricted from Order Warships

"I am now in command of the Order Light Carrier designated the Bastet, submitting registration files now:"

Carrier Bastet

-End Transmission-

Order Capital ships - Heartless - 03-09-2009

--- Running Order Comms ---
Source: Grand Admiral Sius Malacos, Battleship Khonshu, Omicron 100 System
Search: Designated Comm Units
Searching... [color=#33FF33]Comm Units Found

Connecting... Connection Established, Full Access Granted

All new Capital Ship vessels under my direct command have been outfitted and are ready for full service.

The Helvet is now our own Order Gunboat, replaced from a Corsair model.

The Reliance has seized to be a Zoner Destroyer and is now our Reconnaisance Cruiser.

The Khonshu remains to be an Osiris class vessel and our flag ship.

The Orillion is a brand new Light Carrier, named after our founder himself.

-Grand Admiral Sius Malacos
The Order

Transmission Complete
Message Sent
Shutting Down...

Disconnecting: Designated Comms
Disconnecting: Order Comms
Shutting Down Comm Device

Order Capital ships - airage - 03-09-2009

>Incoming Transmission.........
>Source: Nikolai Antonov, Order Gunboat " AN-221 "

>Begin Transmission.........

"I am reporting to You on your command. I'm now in possession of Order Gunboat vessel, designation "AN-221". I am not official member but I am here to serve and protect.


>End Transmission.........

Order Capital ships - ivr56 - 03-10-2009

* Incoming Transmission*
From: Capitan Andrew McLean Harper
To: HighCOM
Subject: Register

We gotta go through this again I see. Oh well here you go.

Name: Spirit_of_Fire
Designation: Minor-298
Type: Resheph Order Reconnaissance Destroyer
Captian: Andrew McLean Harper, Order Guard Reserve Fleet
Crew: 75

Currently undergoing refit of Armor plating from old Fearless class.
Crew is Always Ready and Waiting for Orders for Reconnaissance and Defense.

Capitan Andrew McLean Harper
Spirit of Fire

Order Capital ships - reavengitair - 03-10-2009

.........Incoming transmission............

1. - Name - The.First.Carrier (still writing Rp story to match name)
- Type - Order Light Carrier
- Captain - The First
- Crew - Automated (See RP story when it's done)

Will be updated, I plan on getting a gunboat very soon, possibly an osiris and possibly a Recon cruiser.

Order Capital ships - gafiaiiu - 03-10-2009

*Incoming Transmission*
To: High Command
From: Tostov Stuvaki
Here is the registration information:
Name: Taladore
Type: Hathor Gunboat
Captian: Tostov Stuvaki, Order Reserve Fleet
Crew: 6
*Transmission Terminated*

Order Capital ships - kikatsu - 03-11-2009

Order AI Fenrir modual uploaded into new gunboat type chassis
Standard issue Order design. Crew cabins replaced with containment bays and radio telescopes.
Fenrir operates under orders of human order pilots following the three protocol system.

Protocol 0- Classified
Protocol 1- Perserve human life
Protocol 2- Defend Order space and pilots/ Follow orders
Protocol 3- Ensure Fenrir survival

Protocols of lower numbers take priority

Order Capital ships - Daerune - 03-11-2009

Shadow Net: Activated
Signel locked on
Incomming Transmission
Sender:Christopher Dangen
Location: The.Reaper

I am in the command of a Osiris class ship Callsign 117th|Litany.Of.Fury

Out Christopher Dangen
Trasmission Lost
Signel Lost
Shadow Net: Deactivated

Order Capital ships - Novakiller - 03-11-2009

**Incoming transmission**

ID: Thomas Light, Captain of the Fearless Apollo
To: Order High Command

Gentlemen, there is the new info about the Fearless Apollo:

Class: "Resheph" Order Reconnaissance Cruiser
Designation: Patrol and defense of Omicron Minor and Omicron 100
Crew: 50

Best regards.

T. Light

**End of Transmission**