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To: Alicen Loyard - Printable Version

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To: Alicen Loyard - Secret Intelligence Service - 10-01-2019

[Image: ffgWP7F.png]

To: Alicen Loyard

Apparently you sent a letter to Captain Hall who advised you to contact us. Now we're advised to contact you, to be quite honest I'm not certain why or what for or indeed who you are or what it is you want. May I ask then, why you are contacting the good Captain?


V. Steiner
Director of the Secret Intelligence Service
[Image: m85lB37.png]

RE: To: Alicen Loyard - Chiper - 10-01-2019

▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▼▼ CHIPER
Alicen Loyard

Victor? Victor! Sweet, you called. Sweet, I remember. This is going to be a good day, I feel it.
I just sent Elizabeth's breasts a friend request, they looked so fabulous in that dress. I ment that Elizabeth looked fabulous, of course. Do you have breasts? Your name is Victor, so I don't think you do, but maybe you, too, look good in a dress. You can have one of mine if Elizabeth doesn't want sharing.
It came to my attention, what a surprise that is, that you're fuzzing around with Sydney. Elizabeth told me. Now the thing is, noblesse oblige, or so they say. And it looks like you are having troubles with that place.
I just wanted a nice chat with Elizabeth, but as she doesn't want, and I'm here already, maybe I can give you a hand. I got two working ones. Perfectly fine working ones. Not that I ever would do work with them. Even the thought is disgusting. Maybe I'm a bit deranged, but my head isn't that flowered.
So what you say, trade estate with me for cash?
I'm throwing in some relief shipments, food, medication, clothing, make-up. You will love my make-up, I got nice lipstick with this just wonderful hue of red, goes well with every man. With a Victor especially.

RE: To: Alicen Loyard - Chiper - 10-15-2019

▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▼▼ CHIPER
Alicen Loyard

That's not very gentleman-like of you. Leaving me sitting here, alone, all on my own. After you called me. Is that how you treat young ladies in Bretonia?
Shame, shame on you, shame.
But now, all forgiven and forgotten, right? Right. We were talking about that patch of ground you want to sell me. Yes, I remember.
Call me back or I will call Elizabeth again.

RE: To: Alicen Loyard - Secret Intelligence Service - 10-27-2019

[Image: ffgWP7F.png]

To: Alicen Loyard

My apologies, I have been quite busy as of late and I will be honest, I forgot about this letter. Now re-discovered, I am happy to say that any help you might be able to provide is always welcome..even if we do not understand why you want to help.

All the same, let me know if there is anything I can help you with. I'll be in touch.


V. Steiner
Director of the Secret Intelligence Service
[Image: m85lB37.png]