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To: Coalition PM Mehmed Selim; From: Bretonia - Printable Version

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To: Coalition PM Mehmed Selim; From: Bretonia - Thunderer - 10-03-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Mao Feng
To: Premier Mehmed Selim, Sirius Coalition
From: Captain Elizabeth Hall, BAF

Esteemed Premier, Mister Selim,

I am Captain Elizabeth Hall of the Bretonian Armed Forces, and I have been appointed as de facto provisional governor for New Holland by the Kingdom of Bretonia, until the system is pacified and a formal government body is assembled. You very likely already know this, but courtesy dictates I introduce myself regardless.

Recently I received a message from a worryingly scarred man identifying himself as Lukas Keller and your field marshal. As far as I have been informed, the field marshal is the commander in chief of the Coalition's entire military forces. I must then confide you my worries, because not only the tone of the message was overtly hostile towards the Kingdom of Bretonia, but, too, the author called your government "the Premier and his lackeys". This leaves four possibilities, neither of which is good:

1) Someone is impersonating the field marshal and intentionally causing incidents.
2) The field marshal is suffering from the psychological effects of a head injury.
3) The Duma is weak and has no control over its officials.
4) The SCRA is preparing for war against the Kingdom of Bretonia.

In case of the first, I suggest that your government broadcasts a notice about this. In case of the second, I inform you that the field marshal is suffering from a serious injury, which he might not have informed you due to his overwhelming dedication to duty, but still needs urgent treatment. In case of the third, I plead that the Duma demonstrates its strength and the field marshal is transferred to some position from which he is less likely to cause a diplomatic incident. The fourth I do not believe is true, since the Duma was satisfied with the Sydney Accords and would have filed a complaint if it was not, rather than resort to violence right away.

A copy of the message is attached below. I eagerly await your response and hope that this letter of mine finds you in good health, and does not spoil your mood significantly.

[Image: clvpgq5.png]
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Coalition PM Mehmed Selim; From: Bretonia - conmann35 - 10-03-2019

[Image: jd1tOrY.png]


From: Premier Mehmed Selim.
Security Encryption: ABSOLUTE
Message transmitted to Captain Elizabeth Hall.


There's not much mood left to spoil, I'm afraid. Our mutual acquaintance, and others, have been doing a fantastic job of doing that today. Not to mention the holes in my gunboat from the last sortie, but that's nothing a little applied engineering can't fix. Going back to my emotions, though, that's not so easy.

And indeed, sadly, there is no impostor acting as an agitator. Keller is an authentic agitator, motivated by a list of factors so long your Intelligence Service would fail to piece together in any sort of coherent fashion. There's no physical trauma, either, he's still in full fighting (and leading) form, on the lookout. Other than that, we're starting to get into the realm of sensitivity, at which point the surname 'Steiner' is the one I feel needs to hear about things.

Especially if this agreement of ours is to be upheld. Keller is a man who has outgrown any conventional means of restraint, you see. Political moderation has more or less ceased to even be a concept within him. As of now, we still have a treaty, and I intend to uphold it for as long as it remains tenable to do so, but if that is to be the case, decision will be paramount.

For the Motherland, for the Revolution.