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To: Martin Lawrence, GRG | From: Colonel Longstar, LoO - Printable Version

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To: Martin Lawrence, GRG | From: Colonel Longstar, LoO - TheShooter36 - 10-15-2019

[Image: htb2fq.jpg]

Good day,

I am Colonel Steve Longstar of Legacy of Orillion. During one of my routine sweeps, I have stumbled across one of your logistics vessels and I had a very informative exchange of words. Said vessel's captain informed me of your situation and thanks to him I learned of Genesis' existance. Combined with your Order-wide directed comm, I am fairly convinced you

A business is of course have two ends. From what I see, you are in need of a place to conduct research. Legacy has decided that we can fulfill that inquiry. However, we are interested in a particular piece of hardware Zoners in general are capable of constructing. The Aquilon Carrier, to be precise. We are aware that undertaking such a task is...daunting. To that end, we will compensate you accordingly. I am looking forward to hear back.

Longstar out.

Signed, Steve Longstar
"Red Coats" Overwatch Unit
Legacy of Orillion

RE: To: Martin Lawrence, GRG | From: Colonel Longstar, LoO - Dartes - 10-15-2019

- - - - : Incoming Transmission : - - -
- - - -: ID: Martin Lawrence : - - - -

- - - - : Secure Channel Open : - - - -
- - - - : Encryption Level 3: - - - -
- - - - : Initializing ... : - - - -

- - - - : To: Colonel Steve Longstar : - - - -

- - - - : Location: Unknown : - - - -

- - - - : Subject: Business : - - - -

[Image: 9rZ5LKW.png]

- - - - : Beginning Message : - - - -

Good day Colonel Longstar,
A pleasure meeting you.
I was informed of the said meeting , but didn't expect a communication so soon.
It is indeed the case that we intend business.

Now, said deal is indeed very interesting, but I do need to know more details of what would you like about this Carrier.
So I would need a detailed technological graph of how do you want it, then we can decide if it's possible or no.
And I would also like the "payment" you mentioned, Mr.Longstar.

But one thing I can say is that you certainly made me curious.
So I'm looking forward to your reply.

[Image: KtSg9fO.png]

RE: To: Martin Lawrence, GRG | From: Colonel Longstar, LoO - TheShooter36 - 10-16-2019

[Image: LongstarTBar.jpg]

Good day, Mr. Lawrence

It is good to have a response so soon. Such effective communication is a rare feat nowadays. Well, you see, Legacy of Orillion is interested in a standard-issue Aquilon Carrier. We are precisely interested in acquisition of one, alongside guidance of maintenance, as well as a handful of specialist Zoner personnel to both ensure someone knows the vessel inside out and as a sign of trust we put in Zoner people. The "payment" we offer has been decided as issuing transfer of an older generation Resheph-Class Order Reconnaissance Cruiser with slightly...modified, lower-grade scanner array, with specialist "Red Coats" personnel to keep the scanner array as well as the Cruiser at top shape. We are not expecting a pristine, top-of-the-line Aquilon model of course, an older one we could safely refit to our needs would suffice. In addition, you shall receive limited access to Order research outposts, should you agree with the terms of our "little" business.

Longstar out.

Signed, Steve Longstar
"Red Coats" Overwatch Unit
Legacy of Orillion

RE: To: Martin Lawrence, GRG | From: Colonel Longstar, LoO - Dartes - 10-16-2019

- - - - : Incoming Transmission : - - -
- - - -: ID: Martin Lawrence : - - - -

- - - - : Secure Channel Open : - - - -
- - - - : Encryption Level 3: - - - -
- - - - : Initializing ... : - - - -

- - - - : To: Colonel Steve Longstar : - - - -

- - - - : Location: Unknown : - - - -

- - - - : Subject: Business : - - - -

[Image: 9rZ5LKW.png]

- - - - : Beginning Message : - - - -

Colonel Longstar,
The deal seems very interesting.
But first things first; at the moment Genesis doesn't own an Aquilon Carrier Class Vessel, however we have the capabilities build the vessel from the scratch.
Therefore for this task we would require a fully functional drydock, access to your shipyard, and a logistic team to help transporting the materials needed for the construction.
Our logistic team will help how they can, but if you choose to rely simply on us, would take a much amount of time as we do not have the capabilities.
If you decide that those terms are agreeable, we can start the construction ASAP as I'll be personally working on the project along side some engineering teams from the Genesis.
Of course, if we receive extra help from Legacy, the building process will be going even faster.
From the behalf of Genesis Research Group, herby we accept the deal.
Now it's up to you Colonel.

[Image: KtSg9fO.png]

RE: To: Martin Lawrence, GRG | From: Colonel Longstar, LoO - TheShooter36 - 10-18-2019

[Image: LongstarTBar.jpg]

Good day, Mr. Lawrence

I am pleased to report that Legacy Command has reached a consensus of granting you limited access to Lisbon Station for conducting research. For the Aquilon, it has been decided logistics teams will ship the materials to Lisbon, parts will be constructed with GRG assistance and then assembly is to be concluded at Fort Carthage with limited GRG Supervision. I am certain you understand why we can not handle all the manufacturing and assembly directly at Carthage, as normally this facility is considered off-limits to most third parties.As for the Resheph, I believe you can ship the materials for construction and we will handle transfer aboard Lisbon once the vessel is ready.

Have a nice day.

Longstar out.

Signed, Steve Longstar
"Red Coats" Overwatch Unit
Legacy of Orillion

RE: To: Martin Lawrence, GRG | From: Colonel Longstar, LoO - Dartes - 10-18-2019

- - - - : Incoming Transmission : - - -
- - - -: ID: Martin Lawrence : - - - -

- - - - : Secure Channel Open : - - - -
- - - - : Encryption Level 3: - - - -
- - - - : Initializing ... : - - - -

- - - - : To: Colonel Steve Longstar : - - - -

- - - - : Location: Unknown : - - - -

- - - - : Subject: Business : - - - -

[Image: 9rZ5LKW.png]

- - - - : Beginning Message : - - - -

Colonel Longstar,
This process will require much more to build the vessel, but we shall do so.
I'll be contacting your organisation as a whole with the list of materials needed, and we shall begin the construction as soon as possible.
I'll be moving several engineering teams, that will be lead by myself, to speed up construction of the vessel, but rest assured it will be done.
We shall meet on Lisbon Station.
[Image: KtSg9fO.png]