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Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Printable Version

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Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Malaclypse 666 - 10-05-2006

The Goddess Eris Discordia sends greetings to her followers and allies, and to the enemies of Order throughout Sirius:

Friday, October 13th is a black-letter day in the Illuminated Lore of Ancient Terra. On that fateful day in the year 1307, the forces of Order in the guise of French King Phillipe IV and Catholic Pope Clement V, conspired to round up, arrest, and suppress an esoteric group of Crusaders known as the "Knights Templar". Their Grand Master Jacques DeMolay was also arrested that day, and was later beheaded for refusing to recant his beliefs.

The Templars were thought to be in possession of many ancient mysteries and rituals of Illumination. They were also said either to have discovered, or to have knowledge of the location of the Holy Grail. In fact, Philllipe and Clement acted to suppress and disband the Templars because of their increasing wealth, power, and resistance to the edicts and beliefs of the Roman Papists.

The forces of Order have worked to suppress the Ancient Mysteries throughout history. Illumination is feared by the Anerists, because it causes the person possessing these ancient secrets to think independently, and to have direct knowledge of the Truth without the need for intermediaries such as Divine Kings or Popes. (This is the source of the ancient Discordian practice of making every person a Pope!)

Well, my friends, the time has come to avenge Jacques DeMolay and the Templars once and for all! The Goddess Eris in her Quirky Wisdom has directed me to proclaim this Friday, October 13th, as a day of retribution against the forces of Order in Sirius! We call upon all enemies of Order to rise up on that day, and to strike at the Anerists with all the might they possess. The Erisian Liberation Front will be in the vanguard of this Great Work, but requires nothing more of our sympathetic Eristics than to act as you see fit.

Wherever the forces of Order have insidiously gained power, they must be reminded that the Universe demands balance between Order and Chaos! The lawful factions in Sirius will soon know the meaning of the Illuminatis ancient battle cry:
Jacques DeMolay! Thou art Avenged!

Proclaimed by my hand, and the pretty Fingers of Eris,
Malaclypse 666, Episkopos Prime, Erisian Liberaton Front

(Please RSVP here, and bring a dish to share for the After-Avenged party.)

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - McNeo - 10-05-2006

May be a contraversial disision but i think ELF and the sso| can put aside our differences to fight a common enemy, the order. I shall be ordering a sizable portion of active sso| personnel to Omicron Minor on that day. This is not the start of a "beautiful freindship" but rather a fight against one of our worst enemies. The NOD clan has been helping repel sso| attacks in Omicron Alpha ever since they were formed. This day, friday, will hopefully discourage the NOD and Bs from interfering in our buisness (especially NOD).

We have to see how it turns out but I may consider a cease-fire between out two clans to combat the Order. Not a "beautiful relationship" but it has benefits for both sides i believe.

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Wolfpack98 - 10-05-2006


Oh, great.. i guess Bs| Gets to defend Omicron minor now... ya bloody bastards...

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Nightfall - 10-05-2006

A little clarification might be needed here.

I think Mal meant 'The Order' as 'Lawfull' as opposed to 'Chaotic' or 'Unlawfull'. Conclusion: sso| and the rest of 'lawfulls' will be the targets.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Malaclypse 666 - 10-05-2006

McNeo,Oct 5 2006, 12:57 PM Wrote:We have to see how it turns out but I may consider a cease-fire between out two clans to combat the Order. Not a "beautiful relationship" but it has benefits for both sides i believe.

Not exactly a 'marriage made in heaven'... course, Eris got kicked out of Olympus/Heaven for raisin' a stink.

..and last time I checked my reps, the "Order", and the "Aneristic Forces of Order" were not exactly synonymous either...

However, a little dookie-stirrin' over in that neighborhood will amuse the Old Girl, too. As for ELF, we've a specific bone to pick. A certain power has chosen to use the name "Templar" for one of their fighter craft. Eris considers this a profane use of the name; and we'll be notifying that group and their toady allies of Her displeasure.


Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Fellow Hoodlum - 10-05-2006

Message from: Fin MacCool(E5.GP.GAC)

Gentlemen, I feel the meaning of the proclamation has been a trifle misconstrued ...
The Forces of Order, do not actually mean 'The Order' ... Apologies to the Bs| for
any misunderstanding arising, as 'Terrorists in waiting' you are more likely to fall in
the catergory of allies in this enterprise.
The 'Forces of Order' include all security forces, and of course, the BHG. Mmm, Never
mind guys. Colours out about the Order and the Bs| then.
Mal, what have I said about your proclamations before, translation for the unenlightened
it seems is now a must. Then again the chaos in itself is an early victory for us ...

Pass the gold, and the ammunition.


Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Stingray - 10-05-2006

All NOD ships will withdraw to Omicron Minor (All NOD forces = me)
CABAL can't get his FL running so Im the only active NOD guy
on the server unless....64567 players flocks to NOD.

(Ps :The NOD Black hand corps is looking for a group leader)

EDIT: Oh lol the BHG.


Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Malaclypse 666 - 10-05-2006

Nightfall,Oct 5 2006, 01:08 PM Wrote:A little clarification might be needed here.

I think Mal meant 'The Order' as 'Lawfull' as opposed to 'Chaotic' or 'Unlawfull'. Conclusion: sso| and the rest of 'lawfulls' will be the targets.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Spot on, good sir.

SSO seems to enjoy being the lackies of the Anerists at the expense of the Anarchists, usually for profit. This would place them in the "Grayface" category, without a doubt. However, upon consulting w/ her Craziness, She is content to leave fire control decisions to the individual attendees.

And Nightfall, not sure if you were representing a particular paradigm/faction there, Lad. Will you be bringing a dish for the party?


Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - McNeo - 10-05-2006

Wow i misunderstood big time there........if i did, both sides will be a target :laugh:

We have bone too pick with the Order and if ELF wants a fight too, we'll hand it too 'em on a silver platter :P .

Im not that great with translating complex words :crazy: but i'll try my best next time :D .

The order from me too all sso| members is still in effect, however. We will just have many more targets.

I small a three way battle of course :D

Edit: i still missed the point didnt i :dry: . Still.....kill the Order, it serves our purposed and i trust the SF have ample members to repulse the attack with ease. That is of-course, if we dont get hired by them to protect their systems. :D

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Wolfpack98 - 10-05-2006

Allright Allright.

Mal, drop the whole role play crap here. and talk straight out english. I mean it this time.

WHO are you attacking???