Discovery Gaming Community
To: ~USS~Stardust~ || From: Velvet Command - Printable Version

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To: ~USS~Stardust~ || From: Velvet Command - Dark_Knight - 10-20-2019

[Image: R7z76eO.jpg]
[Image: 4Bc8Fyk.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Max, Velvet Command.
Date: 20th of October, 826 A.S.
Location: Velvet|Nyx, Freeport 11, Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: Bethlehem Situation

"Howdy, in case ya don't know me ah'm max from Velvet command. Recently, we received a report awf your goin's awn at Bethlehem, whilst ah do appreciate ya standin' up for thuh Zoners at Bethlehem. Velvet advises ya, not orders ya' to move your ship out of Bethlehem else Liberty law shall be brought against ya an nobody wants that. Now, if ya wanna stand up for Zoners at Bethlehem ya kayn jus' use smaller ships, that Liberty law allows. If ya wanna stand up for Zoners all around the verse, well ah suggest ya join Velvet but that's up ta ya. Either way partner ya gotta make a choice 'ere an ah do hope ya mayk thuh right ones. Ya remind me awf myself, befour a certain Zoner saved me from doin' thuh same bad decisions ya may be doin'

Max Out"

Max - Velvet Command
== End Transmission==

RE: To: ~USS~Stardust~ || From: Velvet Command - Dark_Knight - 10-24-2019

Re-Sending Message

RE: To: ~USS~Stardust~ || From: Velvet Command - Dark_Knight - 10-25-2019

[Image: dKmRWSS.jpg]
[Image: 4Bc8Fyk.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Max, Velvet Command.
Date: 25th of October, 826 A.S.
Location: Velvet|Nyx, Freeport 11, Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: New York militant actions

Max looks annoyed at the camera, speaking in a commanding tone

"Hello, we received a report from Gazal Initiative that you broke many of Liberty's laws recently. Due to these actions within New York system, you are required to report immediately to Livadia Shipyard to turn in your vessel and surrender to Velvet Forces. You will be treated respectfully if you do this, be advised you are currently banned from Velvet stations for your actions. If you do not respond within 1 week we have no choice but to declare you rogue for your militant actions at New York. This is your only option, proof of your transgressions are in the attachments.

Max out"

Max takes a deep breath after finishing the comm, turning the screen off

Max - Velvet Command
== End Transmission==

RE: To: ~USS~Stardust~ || From: Velvet Command - Dark_Knight - 10-26-2019

[Image: adIMfKu.jpg]
[Image: 4Bc8Fyk.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Max, Velvet Command.
Date: 26th of October, 826 A.S.
Location: Velvet|Nyx, Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: Reduced Time Limit

Max speaks in a authoritative tone.

"Be advised, due to discussions the time-limit to respond to this comm is now, Tommorow the 27th of October, Local Time. If you do not respond by then, you are declared rogue and we will have to take aggressive actions against you."

Max Out"

Max sternly stares, there's no respectful nod.
Max - Velvet Command
== End Transmission==