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Hey, Liberty Rogues. Check this one. Up for a Boxing Match? - Printable Version

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Hey, Liberty Rogues. Check this one. Up for a Boxing Match? - Enkidu - 10-23-2019

Incoming Transmission...
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---------------Welcome, Arbeiter ---------------

[Image: hgMU2Tp.jpg?1]

Incoming Transmission
[Image: YYaq0dT.gif]

To: Our best damn allies out there.
From: Gunny.
Subject: Battle of the Belt underworld boxing tournament.

Unpacking videofile...
Scanning for malware...
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Video play...

[Image: ZzmBegq.gif]
[Image: mXm1eF2.png][Image: Nft3U9K.jpg?2][Image: MJoeIL3.png]
[Image: xeOMWyu.gif]

Gunda appears to be out-and-out enjoying herself at the prospect of running into Moka's boys. Or Dwitty's boys. Or Ezkiel's boys, she wasn't totally clued up as to who was the biggest bandog in the Rogues right now.

[Image: vRYNT1y.png?1]

"Heyo Rouges. Bosses. It's been longtime."

She snaps off a fist-to-chest Unioner's salute. It wasn't a military gesture - more of a handshake between comrades that only friends would be able to see. Well, friends and drinking buisness partners.

"So a coupla' wits ago, maybe a month or something, I held a lil' impromptu boxing game in orbital stasis on freeport one. Between the Mollys and the Bretonian Intelligence Service, believe it or not. Made a unitarian scheißetonne hosting bets on that one - and I mannaged to get the Molly away from the law with nothing more than a busted jaw and a bottle of whiskey for his trouble. Turns out, Sirians love to watch grown men sock each other's lights out. I know I do. Y'all rogues being somethin' other than refined ol' mothers boys with perfectly dainty manners, I figure you do, too, and would probably appreciate a cold case of hamburg's finest to ameliorate the pissenwasser that is every bar on Houston being dredge-full of Liberty Ale."

"Watch this."

The Hellion snaps up a star chart.

[Image: ZzmBegq.gif]
[Image: mXm1eF2.png][Image: cGnG1ss.png?1][Image: MJoeIL3.png]
[Image: xeOMWyu.gif]

"I figure your bosses are pretty wiley. Wiley enough to figure that, whilst we can't smuggle anything bigger than high-value cargo through Laptev, it makes the heart of the Unions and the core of the rogues, brothers in space. Separated by just one system. I figure us and yourselves can get that system locked down real tight. Control all traffic coming in and out, maybe for good. It'd be the perfect hole to host a high stakes boxing game. All you'd need is a freighter for a stage - well, we know the jumps are stable enough to fit one of those in, more or less - and a bunch of gamblers and boxers. Since there'd be no law looking over our shoulder, there's nothin' to stop the candidate from buying uppers, juice and spikers from the ring, which will up our take again."

"It's petty crime, sure, but it's lucrative. We'll have a corner on blackhat gambling not seen since Dexter Hovis's days out on the Dublin Circuit. But we'd have an even higher take than Hovis did 'cus we'd be killing our participants less and wouldn't have to maintain over a hundred million credits worth of raceway and fuel. When I trialed it out in the omegas, hell, even the law, even passing traders, dropped two sets of big numbers into the game. We're talking tens of millions - and that was just one fight. Only to knockout, too. No drugs, no alcohol sales."

"If we do this, we'll have a side-earner that'll keep our boys in black and iridium plated pimp shuttles even when they get too old or beat up to keep up with the combat piracy game. We'll need the Rogue's contacts to help get Liberty Clients - we'll bring some in from Rheinland, Bretonia and Kusari. What do you say to giving it a trial run?"

"Any suggestions for names? Here's one. 'The Battle of the Belt' - belt as in you belt each other, also Tanner Belt. We'll probably give a frickin' belt to whoever wins, too.

[Image: ZzmBegq.gif]
[Image: mXm1eF2.png][Image: kHfwwfk.png?1][Image: MJoeIL3.png]
[Image: xeOMWyu.gif]

---------------Data, Uploading ---------------

[Image: 2KXAZrh.jpg?1]

The birdclock croaked when it saw the sun, tethered to a spring.
Wedel's Remnants.

Transmission Complete

[Image: VGHyq0s.gif?1]
[align=center]Scrambling access point...
Decompiling neuratrace...

Signal lost.

RE: Hey, Liberty Rogues. Check this one. Up for a Boxing Match? - Enkidu - 10-24-2019

[Image: ZzmBegq.gif]
[Image: mXm1eF2.png][Image: VZGxbnA.gif][Image: MJoeIL3.png]
[Image: xeOMWyu.gif]

RE: Hey, Liberty Rogues. Check this one. Up for a Boxing Match? - Friendly-Freelancer - 10-24-2019

[Image: XpLBYpl.png]

Hiya Hun. *Read's* Miss Gunda. While the Idea of people beating people up is fun. The we Rogues are currently dealing with a vacuum struggle at the moment. *She sighs* I'm not one to soil tea here but. For the time being. I one behalf of the Rogues, am going to half to decline your invite to do anything in or around the Laptev System. At this current time. *She shakes her head* I'm terrible sorry dear.

Amy Hawthorne, The Rogue Boss

[Image: CPHgSzw.png]

RE: Hey, Liberty Rogues. Check this one. Up for a Boxing Match? - Enkidu - 10-25-2019

Incoming Transmission...
Decrypting User ID...
Displaying Message...

---------------Welcome, Arbeiter ---------------

[Image: hgMU2Tp.jpg?1]

Incoming Transmission
[Image: YYaq0dT.gif]

To: Our best damn allies out there.
From: Gunny.
Subject: Battle of the Belt underworld boxing tournament.

Unpacking videofile...
Scanning for malware...
Linking attachments...
Video play...

[Image: ZzmBegq.gif]
[Image: mXm1eF2.png][Image: Nft3U9K.jpg?2][Image: MJoeIL3.png]
[Image: xeOMWyu.gif]

Riehl was a bit taken aback. This was the first time she'd ever seen a rogue turn down free money - and without the slightest hesitation either. Something must be really wrong.

"...A... vaccumn struggle?"

"I doubt you're tussling with a one of these;"

[Image: 8iuF9Ly.jpg?1]

"I'm gonna' assume you mean a power vacuum. That's going to... uh, suck. Let us know if there's any way we can help out without treading on your toes. Heh."

Gunda goes mute for a moment before wondering how she can tactfully bring it up.

"So we'll just go ahead and host the thing by ourselves, then. Yer'all invited to box in the ring, of course.

---------------Data, Uploading ---------------

[Image: 2KXAZrh.jpg?1]


The birdclock croaked when it saw the sun, tethered to a spring.
Wedel's Remnants.

Transmission Complete

[Image: VGHyq0s.gif?1]
[align=center]Scrambling access point...
Decompiling neuratrace...

Signal lost.