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To: The Order | From: Singulatiry-Prime - Printable Version

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To: The Order | From: Singulatiry-Prime - Radick - 10-29-2019

To: The Order
From: Singulatiry-Prime
Subject: Invitation to a peaceful conversation at Freeport 11, Omicron Delta

[Image: Headder-Prime.gif]
Greetings The Order,

we are a small group of AI, exiled from Planet Gammu. We look for a way to coexist with you in the Omicrons.
To discuss this options, we invite you to the Meetingroom 313 on Freeport Delta.
(We rent it from Velvet, so you don't Need to be carefull that we try to kill you and this is not a trap.)
Please tell use, whith how many People you come.


RE: To: The Order | From: Singulatiry-Prime - Spectre - 10-29-2019

[Image: HmHbKEg.png]

P. Becker : [Comm-ID]
The Order ~
Singularity-Prime : [Receiver-ID]
AI ~

RE: Invitation : [Subject]

Singularity Prime,

You'll forgive my skepticism when I see a transmission broadspan to the Order declaring an AI with peaceful intentions. I still remember the Collective's assaults on my people, as well as our home, and attacks against Legacy vessels during a strategic operation. The added bonus of this transmission openly telling me this is 'not a trap' adds to the skepticism, and frankly checks all the marks.

The Legacy cell will send one operative and one autonomous recorder and defensive drone to your meeting, but bear in mind that this is purely due to the meeting being held on Freeport 11, which is as neutral as ground gets in the Omicrons. Any attempts against my operative will result in continued hostilities, and I have no quarrels with diverting a force or two to scrap robots with ulterior motives.

Be mindful of what this meeting will entail.

That is all.

[Image: MzxHA15.png]

RE: To: The Order | From: Singulatiry-Prime - Radick - 10-29-2019

To: The Order
From: Singulatiry-Prime
Subject: Invitation to a peaceful conversation at Freeport 11, Omicron Delta

[Image: Headder-Prime.gif]
Greetings The Order,

we understand your skepticism. And we choose this location becouse it is neutral ground and Velvet make a good Job for the secuirity.
But you can be shure, we are not the Collective.

Thank you for your answer.


OoRP: Here is the Meeting-Room: