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To: Maltese Allies of the Gen'an Chrysanthemums - Printable Version

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To: Maltese Allies of the Gen'an Chrysanthemums - Megaera - 11-01-2019

ID: Ikeda Yume
Recipient: Maltese Allies of GC-
CC: None
Subject: Niobium

Konbanwa Honorable allies,

With the dissolvement of the Cadiz Cartel, many of our allies under its employment are scattered. That is why we directed this towards all Maltese who have a good standing with us.

Kinkaku-ji is undergoing a large upgrade project and we know that the Maltese are in the Niobium trade. We need 25,000 Niobium delivered to Kinkaku-ji, so we can use it to reinforce its outer hull and improve its durability against possible future attacks.

We pay 1,700 SC per delivered unit of Niobium, which will be transfered automaticly upon delivery. Make sure you include the evidence of your delivery for our logistics team.

The reporting channel can be found Here .

First Communications Officer
Ikeda Yume