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To: [LN] From: FtKpt G. Klaus - Printable Version

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To: [LN] From: FtKpt G. Klaus - Dark.Star - 11-19-2019

[Image: Hans-landa-700x300.jpg]

Source: Kampfkreuzer Hannover, Hamburg
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
Submitter: Flottenkapitän, Gerwald Klaus
Recipient: Liberty Navy First Fleet
Subject: Request of guncam footage

Guten Tag, I am contacting the LN first fleet in regards of guncam footage of an event that happened a few days ago within the system of New York. A MND captain, told me how he got lost during a recon mission, and somehow ended up in Pennsylvania, but that's not the Military's problem and it the MND's, but that's not the point, he told us that he was escorted by a man going by the name of Sawyer, after they agreed to peacefully have him leave into Hudson, I'm reffering to the MND captain here. As they jumped back to New York, he told us that two Kempeitai ships appeared on sensors, declared their hostile intentions towards the MND and proceeded to open fire, thus destroying the ship. Unfortunately, we have not been reached in terms regarding the recovery of the Oder's blackbox recordings, so we will presume they were destroyed. As I have not been there, and it's a matter regarding the violation of the treaty that both houses of Rheinland and Kusari have agreed on after the war. So therefore my request is, if guncam footage regarding the incident exists, or at least audio logs prior and during the attack are available, to provide me with it so we have more accurate details about the attackers. Yes, we have also took in consideration that it could have been an attack coming from the Wild, but we do not know and as of first, we should get the basic evidence to keep the investigation going. Please, the guncam footage is crucial, so if you could be kind enough, provide it to me, or any other lawful member of Rheinland. There is only the equal benefit of both Kusari and Rheinland, and possibly Liberty too, to add whatever information we may find regarding this to your database, and help prevent such incidents in the future.

Flottenkapitän Gerwald Klaus

[Image: FtKpt_Gerwald.png]

RE: To: [LN] From: FtKpt G. Klaus - Inferno - 11-20-2019

- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -

COMM ID: Office of the Admiralty
TARGET ID: Flottenkaptän Klaus, Rheinland Military

initializing image feed...
no image feed available...

[Image: mgasxy7.png]

Mr Klaus,

. . . . .A very interesting message to receive, given that there has been no authorization from myself to declassify any information regarding the incident at the time. This would imply active transmission of information, from a foreign power, in violation of predetermined agreements, which could be considered espionage. Very grave declarations, but that's not the issue, is it?

. . . . .The information you have received is correct in claiming that the intelligence asset was, in fact, detained, and was to be escorted out of the sovereign claims of the Republic of Liberty. From the debrief and incident reports, it would appear that a small number of ships, identifying as members of the Kempeitai Intelligence agency of Kusari, entered range with intent on engaging the Rheinland asset. That is where the reports diverge in their content, but what is certain, is that by the end of the incident, there was one critically damaged Rheinland asset, and the Kempeitai agents fled from Liberty assets. Attached is what has been authorized to be released, altered to contain only what is required.

. . . . .At this point, the report states of the disabling of the vessel from the Kempeitai engagement.

. . . . .I don't think I need to explain how serious these events are for everyone involved. A foreign intelligence, assaulted by another foreign intelligence, in the heart of sovereign Liberty space. I am certain that you have your own tasks to attend to, now that this information has been acquired, but do take note of this next statement. Your message has been interpreted as the Rhienland Military's claim to ownership of the vessel involved, and as such, the ownership of any and all charges against this vessel. The relevant parties of the Kusari state shall be held accountable for their side of the incident, as well.

That is all.

Kazuo, Jason
Fleet Admiral
Liberty Navy Primary Fleet, Admiralty Office

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
- - - - - SIGNAL LOST - - - - -

RE: To: [LN] From: FtKpt G. Klaus - Dark.Star - 11-20-2019

[Image: Hans-landa-700x300.jpg]

Source: Trager Boltenhagen, Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
Submitter: Flottenkapitän, Gerwald Klaus
Recipient: Fleet Admiral, Jason Kazuo

Guten Tag! I know the chance of getting the footage that I have requested was rather low, that is alright. The recording of the incident will have to do for now unfortunately for us. I understand that you're not able to lend us the footage, und, again, that is perfectly fine, it would've just been a better help. We appreciate you took some of your time to respond back to us and at least lend us some evidence. That would be all, thank you again for helping even by this little bit, there's still many gaps to fill, and we will do our best to do so. As a friendly advice, you should take in consideration contacting the Kusarian forces regarding that incident, after all, it happened within the heart of your nation, if not already. That's all I have to say, thank you again for the evidence. I hope this will increase, in terms of better, the relation between Liberty and Rheinland.

Flottenkapitän Gerwald Klaus

[Image: FtKpt_Gerwald.png]