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Exécutif des Opérations Spéciaux - Faction information - EOS|- - 12-06-2019

[Image: ylYjvW8.png]

"- Fidelity to the Gallia even after death."

©Maximilian Bernard.

Full faction name: Exécutif des Opérations Spéciaux.
Faction tag: EOS|-.
ID/IFF: Office of Confederal Intelligence ID.
Informal Foundation Date: 646 AGS (730 AS).
Founder's name: Nicolas Fournier.
The main task: Counter espionage, protection of the internal structure of the Gallia from the spies of the Crown and its accomplices.
The second task: Propaganda, secret diplomacy, the study of Nomads and espionage in the structure of the enemies of the Gallia.


From an excerpt of information on the internal structure of The Council:
Quote:"The Executive of Special Operations (EOS) coordinates the special operations forces belonging to The Council, conglomerating them in a single corps primarily tasked with unconventional warfare and special reconnaissance missions against the Royal Navy and other groups affiliated with the Gallic Crown. Due to the lack of a dedicated military intelligence unit, the EOS also includes counter-espionage in their agenda, even though the exact nature of their operations has always been unknown to everybody but the Council High Command, which holds direct jurisdiction over the group."

EOS - intelligence organization of the Council (now the Gallic Republic), whose tasks included unconventional warfare, secret diplomacy with all enemies of the Crown (which can also be enemies of the Council), as well as counterintelligence against the forces of the Crown and their accomplices. EOS was always in the shade so that the children of The Council would sleep peacefully, and not with a knife at the throat. If something is known about the existence of GRI, then the EOS was mentioned only once.

The tasks of the EOS were revised with the formation of the Gallic Republic, since the Council was no longer the only mechanism that included the fleet, logistics, government and so on. Now The Council may be a government, but the fleet, police and intelligence are forced to go their own way. Due to such internal changes, the EOS have received almost complete independence in their actions.

However, such freedom of action did not destroy internal morality because of the possibility of even simply breaking away from the Republic in favor of their interests. EOS members secretly conduct their service, while still upholding the interests of their fathers.

"They will never be recognized, no one will ever tell about them. Their merits will never be known to the public. They are the shadows of the old Council and the poison of the dagger of the Gallia. They will be faithful to the Gallia even after death."
© Aubert Giroux (739 AGS).

Faction history:

Chapter 1: "Follow order 45"

As the archives know, the Council was formed from several liberation movements of Gaul in 645 AGS, which sought democracy and prosperity between Gallia and Sirius. The formation of the EOS can be attributed to approximately 646 AGS, when the fleet of the Council was just formed and began to gain strength.

Initially, the EOS performed the role of secret agents within the power structures of the Council, disguising themselves as ordinary military men, thereby not betraying themselves or their organization. The EOS strived for two things: to lure as many of the Crown soldiers to their side as possible, and also to strengthen order in the nascent fleet of the Council. It must be understood that the EOS did not have the one who came up with the idea of ​​creating such a "secret movement" - this happened at the hands of the command of the Council that created "Order 45": a special decree providing for the creation of small reconnaissance and pacifier cells inside the Council’s fleet, whose the task was to gather information and strengthen the morale of the forces of the Council by all means.

Nicolas Fournier was the first commander of the EOS. At the time of the creation of the EOS, he was 30 years old, he was a lieutenant in the fleet of the Council and already in his years knew how to convince people and pacify any "infidels." Together with Nicolas, the first 100 people became the basis of the EOS. These were people of different ages, from 25 years old to 50 years old people. All of them were selected on the same lines that Nicolas possessed: loyalty, determination, integrity and ruthlessness to their enemies.

101 people began to administer justice in secret. And every day they became more and more.

Chapter 2: "Shadow war"

Up to 650 AGS, the reconnaissance movement in the Council managed to develop at full strength: they already totaled about several thousand people. Military, ordinary civilians, or high ranks - no one, except for the High Command of the Council, knew about their true identity. Nikola’s skills were not in vain: it was the work of the EOS that led to the emergence of people from the allies of the Navy and the police of Gaul among the Council’s allies, as well as some elite elements of society.

The rigorous selection in the EOS was that a person knew how to collect information and did not know how to disseminate it to unnecessary places. Are you an experienced pilot or an illustrious general, but do not know how to keep your mouth shut? You will not get into the EOS. Are you a non-charismatic but very secretive person who is ready to use rumors for his own purposes? EOS will be glad to see you. Possession of information and the ability to do what is ordered has made an incredibly secret organization out of EOS. It was impossible to go to the EOS and suddenly leave from EOS for some reason. If a soldier became one of the EOS, then he remained them forever. Until death.

At the time of the 650 AGS, the first test for the EOS began: Gallia, learning that the Council began to accumulate military power, began sending its spies inside the Council, trying to get information out of there. The activities of the EOS at that moment included counter-espionage: some of the scouts were captured, and the other was killed after interrogation. EOS did not spare Gallic spies - they knew what it was like to be secret intelligence. You can hide for centuries, and then come to light. The EOS did not want to expose either the Council or themselves to such a risk.

The EOS did not stop conducting reconnaissance inside Gallia, as well as luring people to the side of the Council. Among the key actions of the EOS was the “program for the protection of crucial persons”, which provides for the complete removal of any evidence that the person has switched to the side of the Council. The presence of loyal people in the police made it possible to do so. This was a selective program, since key persons had to stay forever in the Council, but those who could be useful inside Gallic Kingdom had the opportunity to return back and don't be suspected in their membership in the Council. The EOS was well aware that if a person himself blabbed about his involvement in the Council, then he would be destroyed by those who vowed to protect his peace - Gallic Royal Police, Gallic Royal Navy or intelligence forces. The ability to convince led to the fact that defectors believed in the Council and the idea of creating a democratic society within Gallia.

An important success for the EOS was the event in 672 AGS, when four completely new cruisers and most of the crew with them switched to the side of the Council. Nicolas was alive at that time, and it was he who was responsible for the course of the operation to organize the trouble in the lower ranks, which led to doubts in the officers.

EOS switched their activities, striking in different parts of Gallia, thereby becoming unpredictably dangerous. Today on the planet Marne is another strike of workers, tomorrow something similar is happening on the planet New Paris. The day after tomorrow, some squadron disappears in the cloud of the Burgundy system, and riots in the lower ranks take place on one of the Gallic battleships. Another explosion in the square is attributed to Maquis actions, and then the Gallic officer does the same on one of the warships. EOS used any methods to intimidate their enemies and create serious doubts of the civilian population in their ruling regime: is it safe now to sleep at night?

Chapter 3: "Baptism of fire"

At the time of 710 AGS, the EOS was shocked by a serious loss: the death of their leader, Nicolas Fournier. Their first commander died from an enemy that no army could crush - time. The first commander of the EOS was burned according to the traditions of the EOS themselves, and his ashes were scattered in outer space. New commander, Alex Rapiere, was practically a copy of Nicolas with one exception: if Nicolas used the traditional methods of persuasion, then Alex had his own plans for this. Given modern experience, Alex began a complete restructuring of the EOS, turning it into a more or less separate unit from the entire Council. Now the EOS had their own list of ships completely controlled by them, as well as "home stations" that were not hidden from the public, but mostly EOS agents lived on them. For the first time in so many years, the EOS began to perform single operations, not participating at the same time with the fleet, which no longer needed their discipline - the officers were faithful, the rank and file were purposeful, and the highest command was loyal to the Council. Outdated methods of propaganda of the EOS will first be used only in isolated cases, and only then will enough experienced officers who do not know anything about the EOS themselves be taught these methods.

Despite these changes, the EOS was still a secret organization. They did not have their own uniforms, their ranks corresponded to the ranks of the Council, their membership in the main intelligence of the Council was indicated only in the archives, access to which had the High Command and the leaders of the EOS. Outwardly, they were all the same soldiers, traders, propagandists, and so on.

The Council at that time could no longer wait for Gallic's attack on Sirius: it was necessary to act and act as quickly as possible. The situation on the Marne was unstable. The Council began to need the EOS in organizing a rebellion, and then - the subsequent destruction of all the Crown troops in the Champagne system. Skillfully applying modern methods of propaganda and persuasion, EOS was able to convince the already weak-faithful population to rebellion. The uprising was accompanied by a massive seizure of power on the planet Marne by Council forces. And then the first space battles took place between the Council and Gallic Royal Navy. But only not quite the Council fought against Gallia. The EOS performed their task: they declared to Gallia that the Council came, the Council is here, and no one can do anything about it.

EOS for the first time fought themselves, without support. They were given to themselves. And they fulfilled their mission, after which they went into the shadows, waiting for the next orders. They realized that they were "dogs of war", but such a fate awaited everyone who wanted to become part of the EOS: they were not so much concerned about their fate as the fate of the Council. They were ready to fight where the command ordered. They were ready to carry the influence of the Council where it would be needed. Alex in such a short time has made the EOS a truly organized and strong movement that, if the Council was defeated, could dissolve in Gallia and then strike in all directions in an organized manner.

The second operation was the assault of the Languedoc system, during which the EOS became known only through their "mention" in the order. Their only openly known mission was the penetration of the EOS commandos aboard the station by it, successfully taking control of the defense systems and thus allowing the Council fleet to take the station with ease. After that, the EOS were again in the shadows. They maintained order in the system of the Council, engaged in counter-espionage, as well as intelligence and sabotage inside Gallia. Until recently.

Chapter 4: "The trust shown to the treacherous gives him the opportunity to do harm"

Around 735 AGS in the reports of the EOS, references to the item: "Creatures of an uncertain biological nature" begin. A year later, in 736 AGS, based on the knowledge of Sirius, the EOS gives the “CUBN” a more simplified name - “Nomads". The first meeting of the EOS with an alien life form took place in the Tau worlds, when the EOS, along with the Gallic forces, penetrated Sirius and inflicted any possible damage to the Gallic forces in the Tau worlds.

Unknown ships were in small numbers, small battles took place - apparently, an alien civilization was interested in the new Sirius House, but did not seek to conduct full-scale hostilities. Almost all the wreckage fell into the hands of the GRI, only a small part managed to go into the hands of the Council. During a long study bit by bit information
only a small part of what the Nomads were represented was revealed. Only after the latest events that took place after 3 years (738 AGS), EOS receive enough material for research.

Firstly, the Nomads were an organic form of life, whose behavior was more likely to be “beehive behavior” rather than “indivisible behavior”. Secondly, the Nomads were parasites that parasitize everything that can be used for their own purposes - weapons, people, equipment, ships etc. Thirdly, it was not possible to determine the exact location of the Nomads. Initially, it was assumed that their "center" is located in the Tau worlds, but with the further advancement of the EOS across Tau and other Houses, it became clear that the Nomads are located much further from all the famous Houses, and that the Tau worlds are simply not far from their worlds - only then these worlds appeared on The Council's map and became known as the "Omicrons", in accordance with what the Syrians called this system-category.

EOS approached the theme of studying the Nomads carefully, realizing all the possible risks. For example, any attempts to use the Nomads ships as similar samples were forbidden, and all people who came into contact with the Nomadic skin should have had protective equipment of the highest degree of isolation. In connection with the information that the Nomads are parasites, the EOS concluded that the “infected” people are most likely subordinate to the Nomads and they can be easily identified among the crowd, since such an infection should not go unnoticed. Due to the fact that the EOS did not have reliable information about the Nomads, they had to rely only on the knowledge that they had.

Alas, such ignorance led to disastrous consequences. The Council had to deal with the “mental troops” of Gallic Royal Intelligence, which were part of intelligence, whose skill in espionage and combat led to the fact that the EOS and the Council suffered tangible (but not critical) losses in personnel and officers. Alex Rapiere became a victim of uninformed EOS, thereby going to another world in 738 AGS. EOS, not finding a better leader for themselves, remained true to themselves, swearing that "Gallia would be cleansed of the infection." Need understand the position of the commanders - they were afraid that the new leader might be infected, they did not need unjustified risk. Therefore, the commanding staff made a radical decision: for the first time divided into several cells in order to maintain operational efficiency without the risk of destruction from above. This led to the fact that some cells were subjected to pressure from the inside infected, due to weak organization and lack of a single command. For EOS, these were dark times.

One fact was curious: the emergence of a new generation of intelligence was only after the outbreak of war in Sirius, and only a few years after the start of the Second Gallic War. EOS, based on the fact that they would have known about such troops long ago, made the assumption that the "mental troops" are infected, which entered the internal structure of Gallia, in order to capture the government and the military machine for the further destruction of Sirius on behalf of Kingdom of Gallia. The logic is simple: in case of victory, the Nomads will capture the whole of Sirius, in case of defeat, all the fault will remain in Gallia. There was no extra time for reflection in the EOS position: a merciless hunt began for everyone who was somehow suspected of "mental abilities." They killed everyone, whether it was a young man or an old man, subjected to anatomical analysis. After several trial and error, it was possible to prove the EOS theory: in most cases, participants in the Gallic intelligence were opened, some of them were children of the Council who were infected. Based on reports, videos, and any other sources of information, the EOS formed a pattern of infected behavior for themselves, which somewhat simplified the task of catching them as such.

The first successes in the EOS began: The Council's agents mercilessly all those who were suspected of being infected were killed, EOS did not think about the fact that the person might not have been infected - anyone who had a deviation in behavior should have been destroyed today to prevent destruction EOS and all of Gaul tomorrow. Mostly troops and intelligence were cleared, as well as civilians. After some time, the EOS recorded deviations in the behavior of those infected, since they realized that the behavior should change in order to increase the efficiency of espionage. This did not save infected people from EOS - they drew up a new template, according to which they also destroyed all the "infidels." When the situation more or less stabilized, the EOS cells unanimously decided to check the entire composition every 3 months for infection. Anyone who avoided roll call, the essence of which was an X-ray of the body from the dorsal side, was considered infected and underwent instant destruction, regardless of rank. A similar EOS procedure was carried out in the army of the Council, making it part of the “military medical commission”, during which the effectiveness of stripping increased significantly, thereby eliminating the fact that the composition of the troops of the Council was infected.

The officers were notified about infected people and nomads. They created patterns of how infected people behave, as well as how a person’s structure looks after infection, what symptoms occur at the time of infection. Estimated time of infection was established for the average resident of Gallia - in the region of one week or more/less (depending on the carrier). "Infection control processes" lasted up to 739 AGS, only 740 AGS EOS stated in their report that "the infection has been destroyed, Alex, you can rest in peace." The experience of fighting with the Nomads was invaluable to EOS despite all the sacrifices. In the future, it will serve the benefit of The Council’s main intelligence fist.

Chapter 5: "Our time"

After the events with the infected, whose activities within the Council were nullified in 740 AGS, the EOS moved on to rapidly improve its structure, as well as to unite the cells in order to revive the traditional “unified command”, which united them for a long time.

First of all, the entire composition of the EOS has undergone improvement: a slow but sure retraining of troops has begun, aimed at "expanding the activities of agents", thereby allowing even the military units of the EOS to deal with logistical tasks within their organization. If earlier there were specific EOS groups that had their own tasks, now EOS represented a single organism that has the ability to act in any direction, depending only on itself. This retraining lasted until June 742 AGS.

In August, the war with Gallia led to a turning point: the siege of the planet New London, the genocide of the population in Leeds, the approach to the revolution inside Gallic Kingdom, the sobering effect on the EOS during their prolonged stagnation, caused by internal reforms. These circumstances were reinforced by the fact that the leadership post was taken by Maximilian Bernard, one of the officers of the dispersed (or, as some Sirians say, secondary) fleet of the Council. Of course, the status of Bernard was known only to the EOS.

Along with Maximilian, the people who were loyal to him also came under the wing of the EOS, thereby replenishing the intelligence staff with new people striving to continue to develop the EOS, realizing how much intelligence the Council needs at this hour. The Council’s sudden transition to a new state called the “Gallic Republic” violated the plans of the EOS for the future, but untied their hands: now the intelligence movement was almost independent in its actions. But, as mentioned earlier, this did not change the traditions of the EOS, their skills in stealth or espionage methods: these people are still in the shadow of officers, civilians, police, army and so on.

EOS are awaiting their first order in a new Gallia. And they will receive it in the near future.

Note (1): A census of the history of the EOS, taking into account current circumstances, is scheduled for 745 AGS.
Note (2): Anyone who has information about the EOS, without having the authority to do so, should be regarded as enemies of Gallic Confederacy. The destruction of such enemies is necessary and must be performed regardless of the circumstances.
Note (3): Any global action of the EOS must be negotiated with the Confederation/Republique government. If the government intentionally suppresses the EOS or considers EOS as dangerous group - see "fall scenario A-1".

© Maximilian Bernard, "Thirtieth reading of the EOS" (742 AGS).