Old Debriefing channel for K S P - Kusari State Police |KSP| - 12-13-2019
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RE: Kusari State Police - Debriefing Channel - darkwind - 12-14-2019
Kusari State Police Report-14.12.826
Sato Anju, Inspector
Incident: First culprit appeared to be a really new pilot in space with a ship named Pan_man_007, he was not having the best transport, but enough to carry 2970 Sorted Artifacts. He was clearly not knowing any laws at all, and while the cargo was dropped, mentioning a fine made him decide that jettisoning himself in an escape pod during a confrontation is a good way to escape justice. His ship was disabled. Photo evidence for his jettisoning is attached.
The second ship was met a transport Mimiko's_Notten_Express, with Kishiro license, but wrong IFF showing zoners. He claimed flying already at least a few years to provide commodities for Abh Research Group base, which is named Abh Tsukihime Lab Main. I met him again later and mapped the base when he returned with his supplies, which he brings from Burgundy. He said that the base was already registered in the Kusari government, which needs to be checked.
The third confrontation was rather interesting in Hokkaido. When I first came to a scene I saw blood dragon VHF firing at Buruhonetto hogosha gunboat transport, which carried sorted artifacts. Deciding that even Buruhonetto is a smuggler, he's still kusarian, I started defending him from blood dragon VHF, which flew away when he saw my intentions. Then I ordered Buruhonetto to cut his engines, but Hogosha tried to escape, and I didn't deal with his contraband yet. But he never heard my words, and I decided to open fire. His ship was rather tough.... and blood dragon VHF came again and continued attacking Hogosha transport. Since I would have big trouble to get through hogosha ship alone, I didn't question his help. After Hogosha ship was disabled, another criminal arrived, Nayarra SHF. Analyzing the situation, I came to a conclusion, they are allies. And blood dragon confirmed that, saying she's his sister. I decided that I'm vastly outpowered and it would be also not appropriate time to arrest a criminal after he "helped" me to apprehend a smuggler which tried to kill us both. Hogosha Razor blasts were to close to my likes for both of us.
Forth and the last situation araised in New Tokyo where I arrived at a chase between |K|-IKN-'Sagiri', which appeared to be belonging to kusarian intelligence forces driving gunboat, and already familiar Nayarra SHF. Releasing that gunboat has no chances to catch it, I suggested my help to |K|-IKN-'Sagiri', when he ordered just to CD it, I started doing it, but Nayarra opened fire in almost destroying my ship without warning and I was forced to enter the fight. We chased it for a while, I then suggested I would have 1 vs 1 fight with it and gunboat disengaged flying elsewhere. Nayarra still tried to escape though, because every time when it tried to confront me, it received very heavy damage. After some time I was able to disable her ship and arrest GC pilot.
Details of Event: Pan_man_007: Heron Train, Freelancer IFF, three different IDs, Orbital Spa ID was equipped, Sorted Artifacts contraband.
Mimiko's_Notten_Express, Kishiro ID, Zoner IFF, transporter to Abh Tsukihime Lab Main, the base has been mapped.
Buruhonetto, Hogosha ID, Hogosha gunboat/transport, Sorted Artifact Smuggler
BD|T.Akitsushima, Blood Dragon ID/IFF, Sabre VHF.
Nayarra, GC ID, Warhammer SHF.
Action(s) Taken: Pan_man_007 dropped his cargo but decided to jettison himself in an escape pod, photo evidence is attached. Fine was not paid, the ship was disabled.
Buruhonetto: Arrested for never stopping his ship with contraband
BD|T.Akitsushima is left to fly for now.
Nayarra: Arrested.
Visual data |
Communication log |
[14.12.2019 15:10:07] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: This is Kusary State Police, cut your engines
[14.12.2019 15:10:14] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Repeating last time, stop your vessel, Pan_man_007
[14.12.2019 15:10:18] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Powering up weapons
[14.12.2019 15:10:18] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Engine hostile
[14.12.2019 15:10:52] Pan_man_007: why
[14.12.2019 15:11:02] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Stop
[14.12.2019 15:11:06] Pan_man_007: k
[14.12.2019 15:11:13] Pan_man_007: what ups
[14.12.2019 15:11:16] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Great.
[14.12.2019 15:11:21] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: You are having contraband onboard
[14.12.2019 15:11:29] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: By Kusari laws, Sorted Artifacts forbidden here
[14.12.2019 15:11:31] Pan_man_007: ?
[14.12.2019 15:11:45] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Don't move your ship
[14.12.2019 15:11:49] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Have you heard Kusari laws?
[14.12.2019 15:12:04] Pan_man_007: i am a newbie on this game
[14.12.2019 15:12:23] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Which "game" do you mean?
[14.12.2019 15:12:27] Pan_man_007: what do i do now
[14.12.2019 15:12:32] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Are you some sort of cultist?
[14.12.2019 15:12:33] Pan_man_007: freelancer
[14.12.2019 15:12:48] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I see that you are a freelancer
[14.12.2019 15:12:49] Pan_man_007: no , just going to manhattan
[14.12.2019 15:12:58] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Let's see
[14.12.2019 15:13:07] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: It's actually my first space patrol here
[14.12.2019 15:13:13] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: So I need to check some information
[14.12.2019 15:13:23] Pan_man_007: ok
[14.12.2019 15:13:50] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Here, Kusari Legal Codex, found it
[14.12.2019 15:14:12] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: let's check. Artifacts... they are actually partially allowed
[14.12.2019 15:14:19] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: but only by Kusari Corporations
[14.12.2019 15:14:35] Pan_man_007: shall i take this stuff back then ?
[14.12.2019 15:14:38] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: No exactly
[14.12.2019 15:14:44] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I'm obligated to confiscate it right here
[14.12.2019 15:14:53] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Drop your cargo, it's confiscated by Kusari State Police
[14.12.2019 15:14:58] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: You aren't allowed to carry it
[14.12.2019 15:15:18] Pan_man_007: how do i do that
[14.12.2019 15:15:28] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Stop you ship at once mister
[14.12.2019 15:15:41] Pan_man_007: not moving
[14.12.2019 15:15:42] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I can see you slowly moving
[14.12.2019 15:15:47] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I said, cut your engines to full stop
[14.12.2019 15:15:51] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: well done
[14.12.2019 15:15:53] Pan_man_007: i hve
[14.12.2019 15:15:59] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Just open your cargo interface
[14.12.2019 15:16:07] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: and select "Trash" icon to drop it into space
[14.12.2019 15:16:12] Pan_man_007: ok
[14.12.2019 15:16:41] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: All Artifacts
[14.12.2019 15:16:43] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: not just one
[14.12.2019 15:16:58] /time
[14.12.2019 15:16:58] 2019-12-14 15:16:58 SMT
[14.12.2019 15:17:05] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Contraband has been confiscated
[14.12.2019 15:17:08] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: For your information
[14.12.2019 15:17:09] Pan_man_007: is that it all done ?
[14.12.2019 15:17:15] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: You should seek through Neural net Kusari laws
[14.12.2019 15:17:21] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: and other house space laws you visit
[14.12.2019 15:17:23] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: not exactly
[14.12.2019 15:17:30] Pan_man_007: ok thanks
[14.12.2019 15:17:37] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: The only thing remains to fine you
[14.12.2019 15:18:02] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: since you complied with my decisions
[14.12.2019 15:18:10] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I charge you with minimal fine for your offence
[14.12.2019 15:18:13] Pan_man_007: ok
[14.12.2019 15:18:19] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: it's 3'000'000 credits for carrying contraband
[14.12.2019 15:18:32] Pan_man_007: i dont have that much
[14.12.2019 15:18:32] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Will you pay them or prefer to have trouble with Kusari State Police?
[14.12.2019 15:18:55] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: All right, I can check laws again just to be sure
[14.12.2019 15:19:12] 2019-12-14 15:19:12 SMT : Pan_man_007 is attempting to disconnect from the server
[14.12.2019 15:19:15] /time
[14.12.2019 15:19:15] 2019-12-14 15:19:15 SMT
[14.12.2019 15:19:24] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: destroying
[14.12.2019 15:19:26] Death: Pan_man_007 was put out of action by |KSP|S.Anju[I] (Gun). [14.12.2019 16:04:26] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Stop
[14.12.2019 16:04:28] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: could you wait
[14.12.2019 16:04:52] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: All right
[14.12.2019 16:04:57] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: You have problem with your IFF module
[14.12.2019 16:05:10] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: not really
[14.12.2019 16:05:11] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: It currently shows Zoners
[14.12.2019 16:05:23] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: yes i haul for a zoner base
[14.12.2019 16:05:27] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: While you license documents for Kishiro Technologies
[14.12.2019 16:05:32] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: your*cough*
[14.12.2019 16:05:43] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: correct
[14.12.2019 16:05:49] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: You should really change your IFF module to show you as Kishiro
[14.12.2019 16:05:54] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: since you have their documents
[14.12.2019 16:06:05] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: contract hauler for Abh research group
[14.12.2019 16:06:33] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Is it made through Neural Net?
[14.12.2019 16:06:57] Death: MarceliD was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[14.12.2019 16:07:05] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: your contract, I mean
[14.12.2019 16:07:41] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: i not sure been hauling parts for them for a couple of years now
[14.12.2019 16:07:55] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: What's their full name?
[14.12.2019 16:07:59] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: is it Abh?
[14.12.2019 16:08:10] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: Abh Research Group
[14.12.2019 16:08:19] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Hard to find it
[14.12.2019 16:08:23] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Anyway, no more questions
[14.12.2019 16:08:31] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: You are free to continue your flight
[14.12.2019 16:08:38] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: they own the tsukihime base in new tokyo
[14.12.2019 16:08:42] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Still weird though to see wrong IFF information
[14.12.2019 16:08:57] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: thanks, it would be useful to find them through neural net
[14.12.2019 16:09:52] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Started to find some pieces
[14.12.2019 16:09:55] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: they dont do much public chatter with the loss of they maufacturing facility in Kepler
[14.12.2019 16:10:36] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I noticed. Neural net searchs their laws message last year ago
[14.12.2019 16:10:43] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: last message*cough*
[14.12.2019 16:11:14] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: it knid of set them back on much of their research
[14.12.2019 16:11:26] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: What did they try to develop?
[14.12.2019 16:11:50] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: anything and every thing for the most part is how i understand it
[14.12.2019 16:12:05] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Hmm interesting
[14.12.2019 16:12:13] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: How far is your destination located?
[14.12.2019 16:12:20] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: jump tech engines some defensive weapons
[14.12.2019 16:12:52] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: i am now currently tasked with gathering the CTA from burgundy
[14.12.2019 16:13:10] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: To where?
[14.12.2019 16:13:31] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: they are rebuilding they jump drive facility
[14.12.2019 16:13:49] Death: MNS-Arrantxa was put out of action by MRG|RNS-La.Rochelle (Gun).
[14.12.2019 16:13:57] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: Burgundy is where i pick up the CTA
[14.12.2019 16:14:12] Death: Levald was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[14.12.2019 16:14:18] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: And where do you deliver it?
[14.12.2019 16:14:28] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: have you through perhaps to bring something with you on your way back?
[14.12.2019 16:14:33] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: It's weird to see empty transport
[14.12.2019 16:14:35] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: to the Research facility in New Tokyo
[14.12.2019 16:14:37] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: seems like waste of money
[14.12.2019 16:14:47] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Where's it located?
[14.12.2019 16:15:00] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: New Tokyo
[14.12.2019 16:15:05] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Quadrant?
[14.12.2019 16:15:23] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: give me second have to read my maps
[14.12.2019 16:16:17] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: it is in 4e next to Narita
[14.12.2019 16:16:18] Death: MarceliD was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[14.12.2019 16:16:33] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: about 7k from it
[14.12.2019 16:16:39] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Thanks, useful, I will be sure to map it.
[14.12.2019 16:16:51] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Anyway, have you thought to bring something with you?
[14.12.2019 16:16:56] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: to Burgundy
[14.12.2019 16:17:14] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: i know they got permmission from the goveriment to build there
[14.12.2019 16:17:42] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: no i just run parts is all i have to do
[14.12.2019 16:18:13] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: thuis is the Notten Express by the way ...speedy service
[14.12.2019 16:18:58] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Not sure
[14.12.2019 16:19:06] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I thought always Heavy Tanker is better
[14.12.2019 16:19:59] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Found few different commodities
[14.12.2019 16:20:19] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Not sure which would be the best, but you could at least receive 15mils on your way from New Tokyo to Burgundy
[14.12.2019 16:21:07] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: back hauling is not much of a issue seeing i do get paid well for my efforts
[14.12.2019 16:22:44] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: If you are sure, so far I found Basic Alloys, Envoys, Superconductors as potential commodities to be transported from New Tokyo
[14.12.2019 16:23:25] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Probably you aren't best suited to transport people
[14.12.2019 16:23:45] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: But other choices are quite available
[14.12.2019 16:24:01] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: no no no people this old ship i would not trust carry peoiple
[14.12.2019 16:24:22] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Hmm
[14.12.2019 16:24:49] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: My radar picks up
[14.12.2019 16:24:59] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: If I analyze correctly
[14.12.2019 16:25:07] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Gallic bomber ahead of you
[14.12.2019 16:25:37] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: i should be alright if it is a actuall gallic craft
[14.12.2019 16:25:39] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: They aren't trouble for you as I can see, but just in case be more carreful
[14.12.2019 16:25:57] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I can fly with you during Tau-53 system if you wish
[14.12.2019 16:26:14] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Hmm stop
[14.12.2019 16:26:29] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Since they are military...
[14.12.2019 16:26:53] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I wonder what's our size of space in Tau-53
[14.12.2019 16:27:03] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: my database says about some Rishiri
[14.12.2019 16:27:07] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: have you seen it there?
[14.12.2019 16:27:23] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: is it a base
[14.12.2019 16:27:48] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: My map can't seem to find it
[14.12.2019 16:28:07] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I will probably do some mapping to be sure
[14.12.2019 16:28:09] Mimiko's_Notten_Express: there is Misaki Station
[14.12.2019 16:28:24] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Was it renamed from Rishiri?
[14.12.2019 16:28:50] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Oh you don't know too
[14.12.2019 16:28:55] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: My mind has nothing about it
[14.12.2019 16:29:00] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: That's why I'm wondering
[14.12.2019 16:29:21] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Thanks for tip about Misaki station, probably it's our territory too then
[14.12.2019 16:29:43] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I will try to find exact borders where Kusari space ends here
[14.12.2019 16:30:02] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Oh I have to go
[14.12.2019 16:30:06] 2019-12-14 16:30:06 SMT : Mimiko's_Notten_Express is attempting to disconnect from the server
[14.12.2019 16:30:06] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Duty calls
[14.12.2019 16:30:14] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: It was nice to meet you [14.12.2019 16:37:59] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Wow
[14.12.2019 16:38:10] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: All right
[14.12.2019 16:38:17] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Even if you are doing criminal stuff right now
[14.12.2019 16:38:23] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I will protect you Buruhonetto
[14.12.2019 16:38:41] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Stop your ship
[14.12.2019 16:38:52] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: This is Kusary State Police, cut your engines
[14.12.2019 16:38:58] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Powering up weapons
[14.12.2019 16:39:01] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Engaging hostile
[14.12.2019 16:40:19] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: What a weird situation
[14.12.2019 16:43:28] Death: Buruhonetto was put out of action by BD|T.Akitsushima (Gun).
[14.12.2019 16:43:38] /time
[14.12.2019 16:43:38] 2019-12-14 16:43:38 SMT
[14.12.2019 16:43:38] BD|T.Akitsushima: Stand down
[14.12.2019 16:43:49] BD|T.Akitsushima: Arigato
[14.12.2019 16:43:59] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Arigato Akutsushima
[14.12.2019 16:44:04] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: as strange it's situation
[14.12.2019 16:44:14] BD|T.Akitsushima: Not strange situation
[14.12.2019 16:44:17] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I would not be able to do it without your help
[14.12.2019 16:44:43] BD|T.Akitsushima: I didnt help you because you attack him, i just finishing my job
[14.12.2019 16:44:59] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: for a protocol
[14.12.2019 16:45:03] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: why did you attack him?
[14.12.2019 16:45:06] Death: Kurutta was put out of action by Defender_Alpha_1 (Gun).
[14.12.2019 16:45:10] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Or just to satisfy curiosity if you don't mind
[14.12.2019 16:45:22] BD|T.Akitsushima: It is my job to do that
[14.12.2019 16:46:05] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Hmm, you are alias with Nayarra ship?
[14.12.2019 16:46:27] BD|T.Akitsushima: Yes that is my sister from GC
[14.12.2019 16:46:37] Death: Defender_Alpha_1 suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[14.12.2019 16:46:46] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: What a difficult spot
[14.12.2019 16:47:16] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: I'm still supposed to arrest you as you are wanted in Kusari space
[14.12.2019 16:47:21] Nayarra: yes, and you make it not easy
[14.12.2019 16:47:40] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Or I can do my time chasing another criminal
[14.12.2019 16:47:40] BD|T.Akitsushima: Yea it is difficult for you, but you can go a lot of blood has been spiled today we can fight another day
[14.12.2019 16:48:35] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: All right, I think it would be not this time.
[14.12.2019 16:48:59] BD|T.Akitsushima: Yea i think same,
[14.12.2019 16:49:01] BD|T.Akitsushima: Arigato
[14.12.2019 16:49:10] |KSP|S.Anju[I]: Arigato, and see you later. |
RE: Kusari State Police - Debriefing Channel - darkwind - 12-15-2019
Kusari State Police Report-15.12.826
Sato Anju, Inspector
Incident: Let's start with base found yesterday Abh Tsukihime Labs Main. I checked registry list and while its name changed, it has the same location and company belonging. And base supplier is registered also. No further questions about them.
The second case comes to Pan_man_007 found with Sorted Artifacts again. This time he never said even word to me, immediately launching himself in an escape pod. His ship was disabled again. Evidence attached.
Details of Event: Pan_man_007: Heron Train, Orbital Spa ID, Sorted Artifacts contraband again.
Action(s) Taken: Pan_man_007 jettisoned himself again in an escape pod, ship disabled.
Visual data |
Communication log |
RE: Kusari State Police - Debriefing Channel - darkwind - 12-15-2019
Kusari State Police Report-15.12.826
Sato Anju, Inspector
Incident: At Shikoku I discovered Hell Fire Battle Cruiser invading our borders. 6 minutes I was firing words at it, while it was firing guns at me. And I discovered why it's here! It was pointing out, it's here just to kill me. And later he said to ask Harayya from GC, which was arrested by me just yesterday! It was revenge. Hunting snub vessel with Battle Cruiser... as ridiculous as it sounds. I got carried away though by speaking too much and actually received critical damage. But called KNF BC was already in one trade lane from the place of action, he was able to intercept it and remove a threat to Kusari Space.
Details of Event: Herkermer.Homolka, Hell Fire Legion Battle Cruiser, Hellfire ID/IFF.
Action(s) Taken: Herkermer.Homolka destroyed by [KNF]IKN-Shiayuki
Visual data |
Communication log |
[15.12.2019 16:04:01] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Hello mister
[15.12.2019 16:04:16] Herkermer.Homolka: konnichiwa
[15.12.2019 16:04:31] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: What are you doing here?
[15.12.2019 16:04:38] Herkermer.Homolka: and you?
[15.12.2019 16:04:42] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: In Kusari Space and with Battle Cruiser none the less
[15.12.2019 16:04:51] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: I'm guarding it from intruders
[15.12.2019 16:05:00] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Stop firing CD at me
[15.12.2019 16:05:15] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Or I will take it as hostile actions
[15.12.2019 16:05:29] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: You had your warning
[15.12.2019 16:05:34] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Powering up weapons
[15.12.2019 16:05:49] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Battle Cruisers aren't allowed here either as you could guess
[15.12.2019 16:06:30] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Hmm you have anti missiles
[15.12.2019 16:09:28] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Hmm
[15.12.2019 16:09:33] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: It seems to be we are having a tie
[15.12.2019 16:09:41] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: If guns don't work
[15.12.2019 16:09:45] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: let's speak words?
[15.12.2019 16:10:01] Herkermer.Homolka: about what?
[15.12.2019 16:10:10] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: About what are you doing here?
[15.12.2019 16:10:22] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: in the first place
[15.12.2019 16:10:26] Herkermer.Homolka: I am trying to kill you.
[15.12.2019 16:10:52] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: I heard one artificial intelligence saying the same words
[15.12.2019 16:11:10] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: That's not fair
[15.12.2019 16:11:13] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: You could have killed me
[15.12.2019 16:11:22] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: While I answered you
[15.12.2019 16:11:38] Tip: Exploration can be very rewarding. The game world has hidden bases and wrecks that do not show up on your map. Find them and the loot is yours to claim.
[15.12.2019 16:12:29] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Well
[15.12.2019 16:12:31] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Dammit
[15.12.2019 16:12:39] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Again I can't say my words
[15.12.2019 16:12:50] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Why do you like to speak with guns more than words?
[15.12.2019 16:13:03] Herkermer.Homolka: you are a personal enemy to me
[15.12.2019 16:13:17] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Huh, I thought Hell Fire legion only targetered Liberty
[15.12.2019 16:13:28] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Something about overthrowing Liberty government
[15.12.2019 16:13:32] Herkermer.Homolka: and KSP Anju
[15.12.2019 16:13:40] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: I'm honored
[15.12.2019 16:13:54] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: personally placed into hunted list
[15.12.2019 16:14:00] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: The dream come true!
[15.12.2019 16:15:24] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: I wonder if our battle cruiser is better
[15.12.2019 16:15:38] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Though what I'm speaking
[15.12.2019 16:15:41] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Of course it's better
[15.12.2019 16:16:22] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: How many heavy slots you have for example
[15.12.2019 16:16:25] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: For super heavy guns?
[15.12.2019 16:17:02] [KNF]IKN-Shirayuki: So. What's the deal?
[15.12.2019 16:17:20] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: HF BC, he is not talkative
[15.12.2019 16:17:27] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: few words only extracted
[15.12.2019 16:17:31] [KNF]IKN-Shirayuki: We are on our way.
[15.12.2019 16:17:54] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: ops
[15.12.2019 16:18:10] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Well
[15.12.2019 16:18:14] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Would you like to tell
[15.12.2019 16:18:17] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: What are you doing here now
[15.12.2019 16:18:33] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: We can't have foreign battle cruisers in our house space
[15.12.2019 16:18:47] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: At least you can tell the reason now?
[15.12.2019 16:19:01] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: We haven't even met before!
[15.12.2019 16:19:12] Herkermer.Homolka: ask Nayarra, she could tell you
[15.12.2019 16:19:29] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Haha, so you have a reason to hunt me then
[15.12.2019 16:19:36] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: As she was arrested
[15.12.2019 16:19:50] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: That's nice
[15.12.2019 16:20:01] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: I didn't know though
[15.12.2019 16:20:05] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: that there's connection between
[15.12.2019 16:20:09] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: GC and Hell Fire legion
[15.12.2019 16:20:18] Herkermer.Homolka: now you do
[15.12.2019 16:20:42] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Ouch
[15.12.2019 16:20:44] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: that was close
[15.12.2019 16:20:48] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Be carreful
[15.12.2019 16:20:52] |KSP|S-Anju[I]: Where you are firing it
[15.12.2019 16:20:53] Death: |KSP|S-Anju[I] was put out of action by Herkermer.Homolka (Gun). |
RE: Kusari State Police - Debriefing Channel - Kusari State Police |KSP| - 12-15-2019
Kusari State Police Report-15.12.826
Haruto.Yashida, High Commissioner
Incident: During a routine look around to make sure Officers are doing their duties I proceeded to do a patrol of my own and during this patrol detected a few vessels on long range detection scanners and proceeded to hopefully meet up with one.
Previously another High Command officer had met up with Pan_man_007 who I proceeded to try and intercept after detecting him on my scanner but unfortunately he managed to evade me in some way so I proceeded to break off the chase.
I then proceeded to the Shikoku Jump Gate in New Tokyo and met a Freelancer who I managed to stop after he had disobeyed my order and he stopped after I disrupted the lane.
He gladly let me scan his ship and I found nothing to raise suspicion so he was told to proceed.
I then proceeded to dock at New Tokyo to finish my patrol.
A nice end to my day.
Details of Event:Freelancer Rado had Freelncer ID / IFF
Action(s) Taken: Today I did not arrest or have to engage any vessels so the day was smooth.
Visual data |
Unfortunately I was unable to upload my ships log and my ship required a repair to it |
Code: [01.01.2020 00:00:00] NO OORP CHAT
[01.01.2020 00:00:00] NO NOMAD VISIONS
RE: Kusari State Police - Debriefing Channel - Kusari State Police |KSP| - 12-18-2019
Kusari State Police Report-17.12.826
Haruto.Yashida, High Commissioner
A routine patrol for me for a change had me proceeding to New Tokyo from Shikoku as there was a vessel on my long range scanners which looked suspicious.
I proceeded through the jump gate to New Tokyo and once through quickly proceeded to the planet and upon arrival there a Freelancer named Andy_the_Edgelord arrived from the direction of Kyushu.
I proceeded to order him to stop but he started to run and I immediately gave chase in the direction of Honshu after I disrupted the lane to try to aprehend him but he started to run again and he was warned another 2 times to stop but did not.
One of his replies to me trying to stop him was ...Quote: "When you scan me you will see why I am running",so obviously this individual had something to hide.
After giving chase in Honshu which was difficult as I had no Fighter support and my Battlecruiser was obviously slower than his vessel he seemed to go too near to Hikone base because he was fired upon and was consiquently destroyed.
No obvious signs of escape pod but I am sure that he would have jetisoned in some way.
A sort of success but the only thing was I did not manage to aprehend him.
Details of Event:Freelancer Andy_the_Edgelord had Freelncer ID / IFF
Action(s) Taken:I disrupted trade lanes and also managed to inflict slight damage to his ship and as I reported above his ship was destroyed by Hikone base I believe.
Visual data |
My ship still seems to have a problem managed uploading my log data but not any visuals or evidence so it will be looked at again and I will be making sure it works next time |
Code: [17.12.2019 22:34:31] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: Konbanwa vessel prepare for cargo scan
[17.12.2019 22:34:57] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: freelancer halt
[17.12.2019 22:35:24] Andy_the_Edgelord[$11] exited tradelane at New Tokyo F-5
[17.12.2019 22:35:33] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: you have disobeyed Kusari State Police please halt now
[17.12.2019 22:35:42] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$2] exited tradelane at New Tokyo F-5
[17.12.2019 22:35:54] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: stay where you are
[17.12.2019 22:36:02] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: now then
[17.12.2019 22:36:18] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: halt or i open fire
[17.12.2019 22:36:33] Andy_the_Edgelord: your going to anyway
[17.12.2019 22:37:08] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: I would stop if i were you to be scanned
[17.12.2019 22:37:34] Andy_the_Edgelord: when you scan me you will see why im running
[17.12.2019 22:37:43] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: this can be resolved if you stop
[17.12.2019 22:39:22] Andy_the_Edgelord[$11] exited jumpgate at Honshu B-5
[17.12.2019 22:39:31] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$2] exited jumpgate at Honshu B-5
[17.12.2019 22:40:29] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: You have refused to stop so you will be caught
[17.12.2019 22:43:09] Death: Andy_the_Edgelord was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
RE: Kusari State Police - Debriefing Channel - Kusari State Police |KSP| - 12-19-2019
Kusari State Police Report-19.12.826
Haruto.Yashida, High Commissioner
Incident: So this evening i departed from Planet New Tokyo and proceeded to do a one of my special patrols seeing as we have been monitoring traffic from our Command Centre and traffic has been busy.
My first encounter was a ship named Formicid and unfortunately he was too far away for an ID scan or cargo scan but he was hostile to my scanner and I decided to try and persue but after some little conversation i broke off my pursuit and I have noted his presence.
My second encounter was a vessel named Noruil-Din this vessel was freelancer ID/IFF and after I asked him to stop he disobeyed so I persued and cruise disrupted him shortly after making progress in catching up with him.
He apologised for not stopping and I proceeded to do a cargo scan ... the scan revealed 25 Artifacts in his hold so I proceeded to confiscate his cargo and also fined him 500.000 credits seeing as the cargo was minimal.
After confiscation and fine payed I let him proceed on his journey reminding him to obey Kuasri law.
So my third encounter which was in Shikoku this time a vessel named Sunduck was spotted going in other direction through tradelane.This individual was prompted to stop and I also prompted him to stop at Deshima station and he proceeded to ignore me so I had to persue him to the Kepler jump gate.
Once at the jump gate he still ignored me and proceeded through the gate after I asked him yet again to halt.
Proceeding through the Kepler jump gate I armed my weapons and after entering Kepler immediately opened fire on him and initiated the law 2-4 which states if a vessel fails to comply with an official law officer they will be fined or executed so after my number of warnings execution was the last resort as stated in the law.
After the execution I could not understand why he ran because he was not carrying anything illegal and due to him not obeying my order to stop I think I have done what I should have according to our terms of law.
Details of Event:
1.Formicid .. not able to scan ID or cargo broke off pursuit after losing him.
2.Noruill-Din Freelancer IFF/ID he did stop and I confiscated cargo and fined him.
3.Sundock Freelancer IFF/ID again but after multiple times asking him to stop he ignored and was arrested.
Action(s) Taken:Stopped 3 individuals one got away but has been noted 2nd one was fined and cargo confiscated 3rd one was executed after failing to obey my orders to stop.
Visual data |
Succesful night of keeping Kusari space safe |
Code: [19.12.2019 21:02:45] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: hostile vessel stand down
[19.12.2019 21:02:54] Formicid: "Disagree."
[19.12.2019 21:03:06] Formicid: "Choose flight."
[19.12.2019 21:03:08] Noruil-Din[$14] entered tradelane at New Tokyo F-5
[19.12.2019 21:03:22] Noruil-Din[$14] exited tradelane at New Tokyo F-5
[19.12.2019 21:03:36] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: your'e presence in kuasri space has been noted
[19.12.2019 21:04:13] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: KSP will be watching you
|KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: Konnichiwa vessel stand by for cargo scan
[19.12.2019 21:07:12] Noruil-Din[$14] entered tradelane at New Tokyo E-6
[19.12.2019 21:07:28] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: vessel stand down now
[19.12.2019 21:07:47] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$7] entered tradelane at New Tokyo E-6
[19.12.2019 21:08:09] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$7] exited tradelane at New Tokyo F-5
[19.12.2019 21:08:19] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: FREELANCER STAND DOWN
[19.12.2019 21:08:44] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: STAY STILL
[19.12.2019 21:08:47] Movath[$36] exited jumpgate at New Tokyo G-4
[19.12.2019 21:08:50] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: Now..
[19.12.2019 21:08:52] Noruil-Din: Hey now, that's mean. I DID stop.
[19.12.2019 21:08:56] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: scan being done
[19.12.2019 21:09:12] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: you ran after i prompted you to stop
[19.12.2019 21:09:13] Movath[$36] entered tradelane at New Tokyo G-5
[19.12.2019 21:09:31] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: hmmmmmmm what we got here
[19.12.2019 21:09:32] Noruil-Din: Didn't see the first message then. My apologies officer.
[19.12.2019 21:09:42] Movath[$36] exited tradelane at New Tokyo F-5
[19.12.2019 21:09:44] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: Ok please stay still
[19.12.2019 21:09:57] Noruil-Din: All good ? I'm a bit on a schedule.
[19.12.2019 21:09:58] Movath[$36] entered tradelane at New Tokyo F-5
[19.12.2019 21:10:28] Movath[$36] exited tradelane at New Tokyo D-6
[19.12.2019 21:10:29] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: no you have artifacts aboard so they will be confiscated and you will pay a fine
[19.12.2019 21:10:44] Movath[$36] entered tradelane at New Tokyo D-6
[19.12.2019 21:10:44] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: they are contraband in kusari
[19.12.2019 21:10:49] Noruil-Din: Oh right, forgot I found those. Take them, I couldn't care less.
[19.12.2019 21:11:00] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: pay also fine 1 million
[19.12.2019 21:11:07] Noruil-Din: That's A LOT.
[19.12.2019 21:11:16] Movath[$36] exited tradelane at New Tokyo C-5
[19.12.2019 21:11:19] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: that is the least amount
[19.12.2019 21:11:25] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: that we charge
[19.12.2019 21:11:28] Movath[$36] entered tradelane at New Tokyo C-5
[19.12.2019 21:11:30] Noruil-Din: Hum.
[19.12.2019 21:11:42] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: tell you what 500.000 then
[19.12.2019 21:11:51] Movath[$36] exited tradelane at New Tokyo B-5
[19.12.2019 21:12:05] Death: 5th|Brian.Smith was put out of action by Esperanto (Gun).
[19.12.2019 21:12:16] Movath[$36] exited jumpgate at Kyushu G-3
[19.12.2019 21:12:34] Movath[$36] entered tradelane at Kyushu G-3
[19.12.2019 21:12:41] [2019-12-19] 21:12:41 You have received 500.000 credits from Noruil-Din
[19.12.2019 21:12:53] Cloaking device not available
[19.12.2019 21:13:00] Movath[$36] exited tradelane at Kyushu F-3
[19.12.2019 21:13:03] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: you may proceed freelancer
[19.12.2019 21:13:09] Noruil-Din: Did you receive my payment, officer ?
[19.12.2019 21:13:14] Noruil-Din: Have a nice day then.
[19.12.2019 21:13:14] Movath[$36] entered tradelane at Kyushu E-3
[19.12.2019 21:13:19] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: safe skies and adhere to Kusari law
[19.12.2019 21:25:43] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: Konnichiwa vessel stand by for cargo scan
[19.12.2019 21:25:46] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$7] exited tradelane at Shikoku F-4
[19.12.2019 21:25:48] slowduck[$43] entered tradelane at Shikoku F-4
[19.12.2019 21:25:48] KNF-Katsuragi[$31] exited tradelane at Honshu D-6
[19.12.2019 21:26:12] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: slowduck please halt at deshima
[19.12.2019 21:26:17] slowduck[$43] exited tradelane at Shikoku E-6
[19.12.2019 21:26:21] /stuck
[19.12.2019 21:26:21] Attention! Stand clear. Towing |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]
[19.12.2019 21:26:22] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$7] entered tradelane at Shikoku F-4
[19.12.2019 21:26:51] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$7] exited tradelane at Shikoku E-6
[19.12.2019 21:27:03] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: greetings
[19.12.2019 21:27:17] GC-Bolzano: Mariko: I hear a buzzing fly
[19.12.2019 21:27:18] slowduck[$43] entered tradelane at Shikoku E-6
[19.12.2019 21:27:22] /stuck
[19.12.2019 21:27:22] Attention! Stand clear. Towing |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]
[19.12.2019 21:27:23] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$7] entered tradelane at Shikoku E-6
[19.12.2019 21:27:38] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: slowduck stand down NOW
[19.12.2019 21:27:41] Formicid: "Go, please."
[19.12.2019 21:27:49] slowduck[$43] exited tradelane at Shikoku D-7
[19.12.2019 21:27:55] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$7] exited tradelane at Shikoku D-7
[19.12.2019 21:28:07] EFL|Cherbourg[$23] entered tradelane at Kyushu C-4
[19.12.2019 21:28:30] EFL|Cherbourg[$23] exited tradelane at Kyushu D-3
[19.12.2019 21:28:50] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: stop now stay where you are
[19.12.2019 21:28:52] EFL|Cherbourg[$23] entered tradelane at Kyushu D-3
[19.12.2019 21:29:24] EFL|Cherbourg[$23] exited tradelane at Kyushu E-3
[19.12.2019 21:29:27] Connection to tradelane sensor network lost.
[19.12.2019 21:29:32] Death: slowduck was put out of action by |KSP|H.Yashida[HC] (Gun).
RE: Kusari State Police - Debriefing Channel - Haruto.Yashida-HC - 12-24-2019
Kusari State Police Debriefing Channel
Kusari State Police Report-24.12.826
Haruto.Yashida, High Commissioner
Incident: lets just say stumbled upon this Crysanthemum exiting the jump gate Shikoku to New Tokyo.
The Vessel named GC|Chu.Li proceeded to planet New Tokyo and managed to escape my pursuit so I broke off and proceeded to Shikoku via the Jump gate.
Proceeded to station myself at Deshima Station I promptly picked up her signal again on long range scanner and she proceeded to continue towards Deshima and I prompyly asked her to leave and she ignored so I armed weapons like I alerted her,she then acknowledged me saying I have a surprise and fired a missile at me so I started to engage.
We fought for quite a while and she engaged me with missile after missile and managed to get my hull strength down to half but my extremely strong armor was able to resist and after a while she ran off and I had also inflicted quite a bit damage to her ship too .
So after the confrontation proceeded to dock at Junyo for repairs.
Details of Event:GC|Chu.LI: Official GC|ID and GC:IFF ship type not logged im afraid.
Action(s) Taken: How your participation ended: Violator escaped after breaking off their attack
Visual data |
[24.12.2019 14:39:11] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: Hostile vessel you will leave this system immediately
[24.12.2019 14:39:19] GC|Chu.Ly: Uh, like I give a damn?
[24.12.2019 14:39:44] GC|Chu.Ly[$31] entered tradelane at New Tokyo E-7
[24.12.2019 14:39:50] GC|Chu.Ly: Too cute.
[24.12.2019 14:40:02] GC|Chu.Ly[$31] exited tradelane at New Tokyo D-6
[24.12.2019 14:40:16] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: hostile stand down
[24.12.2019 14:40:51] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: yes cute ...... maybe next time
[24.12.2019 14:41:35] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$21] entered tradelane at New Tokyo E-7
[24.12.2019 14:42:10] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$21] exited jumpgate at Shikoku E-2
[24.12.2019 14:42:30] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$21] entered tradelane at Shikoku E-2
[24.12.2019 14:43:08] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$21] exited tradelane at Shikoku F-4
[24.12.2019 14:43:24] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$21] entered tradelane at Shikoku F-4
[24.12.2019 14:43:26] GC|Chu.Ly[$31] entered tradelane at New Tokyo D-6
[24.12.2019 14:43:49] GC|Chu.Ly[$31] exited tradelane at New Tokyo E-7
[24.12.2019 14:43:53] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$21] exited tradelane at Shikoku E-6
[24.12.2019 14:44:14] GC|Chu.Ly[$31] exited jumpgate at Shikoku E-2
[24.12.2019 14:44:25] GC|Chu.Ly[$31] entered tradelane at Shikoku E-2
[24.12.2019 14:44:42] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: long scanners detected you again ......cutey
[24.12.2019 14:45:04] GC|Chu.Ly[$31] exited tradelane at Shikoku F-4
[24.12.2019 14:45:18] GC|Chu.Ly[$31] entered tradelane at Shikoku F-4
[24.12.2019 14:45:43] GC|Chu.Ly[$31] exited tradelane at Shikoku E-6
[24.12.2019 14:45:43] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: weapons armed
[24.12.2019 14:45:53] GC|Chu.Ly: Sure, sure.
[24.12.2019 14:46:00] GC|Chu.Ly: Have a gift.
[24.12.2019 14:46:24] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: stand down or i open fire
[24.12.2019 14:46:47] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: firing
[24.12.2019 14:48:03] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: continuing firing
[24.12.2019 14:49:51] Rules Tip: If you die to a player/players, you must not only leave and not re-enter the system you died in for one hour, but you must also not attack the players you died to for one hour on ANY of your characters.
[24.12.2019 14:59:49] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]:lost youre nerve then
[24.12.2019 14:59:55] GC|Chu.Ly: Glorious Police. The Naval Forces waste material like this on your pathetic forces? A lonely bomber.
[24.12.2019 14:59:57] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: next time
[24.12.2019 15:00:03] GC|Chu.Ly: And half your hull said bye! Pathetic!
[24.12.2019 15:00:44] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: another time goood lady
[24.12.2019 15:00:53] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$21] entered tradelane at Shikoku E-5
[24.12.2019 15:01:16] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC][$21] exited tradelane at Shikoku F-4
[24.12.2019 15:01:20] 2019-12-24 15:01:19 SMT Traffic control alert: |KSP|H.Yashida[HC] has requested to dock
RE: Kusari State Police - Debriefing Channel - Haruto.Yashida-HC - 12-24-2019
Kusari State Police Debriefing Channel
Kusari State Police Report-24.12.826
Haruto.Yashida, High Commissioner
Incident:After patroling the Shikoku system for around forty five minutes to try and see if any smugglers or pirates are trying to evade the trade lanes I proceeded to the Kepler jump gate where my scanners detected GC - Bolzano in the distance and very quickly disappeared so I proceeded to the jump gate to investigate.
After exiting the jump gate there was no sign of her so I decided to hang around and see if she came back but I was pleaseantly surprised to see an Outcast Storta appear from the jump gate and immediately got into conversation asking why he was there and he said "Classified".
So I proceeded to talk as is stated in the communication log supplied after a few words and trying to make the vessel turn around and be escorted back the way he came he decided to engage me.
I engaged the vessel and was quickly overwhelmed and unable to make any impact on the Outcast vessel I decide to disengage and tell the vessel my intentions and he kindly ....and unbelievably let me return to Shikoku where I proceeded to dock at Deshima and perform essential repairs.
Yashida ....out...
Details of Event:GC-Bolzano .. Disappeared / {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire outcast ID IFF
Action(s) Taken: GC-Bolzano no action / {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire was too powerful for me to continue my operation unable to get visual data due to malfunction again.
Visual data |
[24.12.2019 19:33:10] GC-Bolzano[$34] exited jumpgate at Shikoku D-7
[24.12.2019 19:34:44] Connection to tradelane sensor network lost.
[24.12.2019 19:35:03] Tip: To interact with other players, open up your Chat Window (default button Y). The default chat type for all players is LOCAL and will be visible to all players currently on your scanner. You can privately message another player by selecting their name in the Chat Window.
[24.12.2019 19:38:27] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: well well well
[24.12.2019 19:38:34] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: outcast halt
[24.12.2019 19:38:35] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Huh.
[24.12.2019 19:39:01] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Kusari Police... with a Battlecruiser. Interesting.
[24.12.2019 19:39:14] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: stay where you are
[24.12.2019 19:39:30] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Why should we, eh?
[24.12.2019 19:39:52] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: well lets have a chat
[24.12.2019 19:40:05] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Ah, about?
[24.12.2019 19:40:06] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: why are you here
[24.12.2019 19:40:22] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Classified. It has nothing to do with operations against the houses.
[24.12.2019 19:40:41] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: you are still unwelcome
[24.12.2019 19:40:56] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: All I can say that there was a certain reason to come to Kepler, just to disappear quickly again.
[24.12.2019 19:41:03] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: so i suggest you turn round
[24.12.2019 19:41:12] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Back to Kusari? *laugh*
[24.12.2019 19:41:32] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Look ahead, past Ames it's Liberty's jurisdiction.
[24.12.2019 19:41:35] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: you will be escorted back to youre territory
[24.12.2019 19:41:41] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Isn't that making things easy for you?
[24.12.2019 19:41:52] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: That's a long route. Not that we desire to go back.
[24.12.2019 19:42:13] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: well i might have to ensure you dont get to liberty
[24.12.2019 19:42:31] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: But back towards Kusari and through there is fine. My, you Kusarians are weird.
[24.12.2019 19:42:48] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: now go through the jump gate
[24.12.2019 19:43:05] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Oh sure!
[24.12.2019 19:43:54] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: thats not nice
[24.12.2019 19:44:23] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Oh, what a mistake!
[24.12.2019 19:44:23] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: move now to jump gate
[24.12.2019 19:44:30] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Yeah, no.
[24.12.2019 19:44:40] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Gunners, let's clean this space and move on.
[24.12.2019 19:44:45] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: so you wanna do this the hard way
[24.12.2019 19:44:47] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Pity, really.
[24.12.2019 19:45:19] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: disengaging
[24.12.2019 19:45:20] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Tsk, tsk.
[24.12.2019 19:45:31] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Why make your life so hard?
[24.12.2019 19:45:47] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: I'd have just carried on. Now you got scratches to patch up.
[24.12.2019 19:47:08] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Soooo.. will you be brave enough and jump back, so you leave us finally alone?
[24.12.2019 19:47:54] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: I have disengaged and badly damaged so will not intervene further I need repairs
[24.12.2019 19:48:14] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: Then hush, go ahead. Jump back to Shikoku. We won't stop you.
[24.12.2019 19:48:26] {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire: Rosa: I just want to see you go hide!
[24.12.2019 19:48:37] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: Arigato good sir ......
[24.12.2019 19:49:32] |KSP|H.Yashida[HC]: maybe next time
RE: Kusari State Police - Debriefing Channel - Haruto.Yashida-HC - 12-25-2019
Kusari State Police Debriefing Channel
Kusari State Police Report-24.12.826
Haruto.Yashida, High Commissioner
*CLASSIFIED* Private Ship
Incident:Left Deshima Station towards the New Tokyo jump gate came across a Hogosha transport and gave him an escort to Fuchu Prison where he was delivering supplies after seeing him safely there I proceeded to notice a Hostile facility showing up on my long range scanner.
After a journey of 141 K I came across the Installation within the grid referencr C4 as I got closer I noticed 4 defense Platforms so this made me very nervous as it was heavily defended as I got closer I came under numerous heavy fire and managed to evade the shots a few times then my ship took a hit and was disabled so I jetisoned in plenty of time before the ship exploded.
The name of the installation is on my visual evidence and will not be named in my report so High Command can analyse.
Shortly after I was picked up by a Passing transport after my pod limped close to the trade lanes and dropped me off at Planet Junyo.
Details of Event:Trying to identify a hostile installation.
Action(s) Taken: While monitoring the base got severely damaged and had to jetison.
Visual data |
[25.12.2019 20:12:35] *CLASSIFIED*: Kusari State Police here... Please hold your'e vessel for a routine scan..
[25.12.2019 20:12:53] Buruhonetto: Merikurisumasu
[25.12.2019 20:12:59] *CLASSIFIED*: greetings hogosha
[25.12.2019 20:13:27] *CLASSIFIED*: now then what have you got there
[25.12.2019 20:13:41] Buruhonetto: Iam destined for Fuchu Prison. these goods are required by the KSP.
[25.12.2019 20:14:12] *CLASSIFIED*: i will escort you there myself
[25.12.2019 20:14:20] Buruhonetto: May I proceed sir?
[25.12.2019 20:14:28] *CLASSIFIED*: yes stay within range
[25.12.2019 20:14:53] *CLASSIFIED*: after you
[25.12.2019 20:15:01] Buruhonetto: I will turn at Junyo direct for Fuchu.
[25.12.2019 20:15:06] *CLASSIFIED*: ok
[25.12.2019 20:15:20] Buruhonetto[$43] entered tradelane at Shikoku E-2
[25.12.2019 20:15:24] *CLASSIFIED*[$25] entered tradelane at Shikoku E-2
[25.12.2019 20:15:27] Buruhonetto: This avoids Deshima
[25.12.2019 20:15:59] Buruhonetto[$43] exited tradelane at Shikoku F-4
[25.12.2019 20:16:02] *CLASSIFIED*[$25] exited tradelane at Shikoku F-4
[25.12.2019 20:16:06] CONSOLE: An unknown ship has learned about the generous miners of Languedoc, and appeared in the field to put an end to it!
[25.12.2019 20:18:26] *CLASSIFIED*: hogosha who owns that kinkaku base
[25.12.2019 20:18:32] NO-Wanderer[$35] entered tradelane at Honshu C-4
[25.12.2019 20:18:38]*CLASSIFIED*: any idea
[25.12.2019 20:19:01] Buruhonetto: Which base?
[25.12.2019 20:19:08] *CLASSIFIED*: kinkaku ji
[25.12.2019 20:19:25] Buruhonetto: Where is it?
[25.12.2019 20:19:46] *CLASSIFIED*: its 129 k on my radar might check it out later
[25.12.2019 20:20:16] NO-Wanderer[$35] entered tradelane at New Tokyo G-5
[25.12.2019 20:20:16]*CLASSIFIED*: entrance to peison clear
[25.12.2019 20:20:26] *CLASSIFIED*: *prison
[25.12.2019 20:20:59] Buruhonetto: Thanks. Your radar must be way better thyan mine! Have a good day sir.
[25.12.2019 20:21:09] *CLASSIFIED*: i will arigato
[25.12.2019 20:21:32] 2019-12-25 20:21:30 SMT Traffic control alert: Buruhonetto has requested to dock
[25.12.2019 20:22:43] *CLASSIFIED*: safe skies hogosha
[25.12.2019 20:23:00] Buruhonetto: Goods delivered.
[25.12.2019 20:23:02] NO-Wanderer[$35] entered tradelane at New Tokyo D-5
[25.12.2019 20:23:07] *CLASSIFIED*: many thanks