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To: Lady Rina Como-Contari // From: Andreu Grec - Printable Version

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To: Lady Rina Como-Contari // From: Andreu Grec - Petitioner - 12-19-2019

Liberty Communication Node
December 18th, 826 A.S.

[Image: unknown.png]

Sender: Andreu Grec.
Recipient: Rina Como-Contari.
Topic: Ancient history.

Bon dia, meva dama. It's Andreu Grec.

I pray you remember me from our time together in the Contari Lance. I know we haven't spoken in years; naturally, I want to start by offering my deepest apologies for failing to keep up a correspondence. I miss your lovely countenance, your striking figure and determination, your fantastic company both at la finca Contari and on the field of battle against our enemies. However, uncharacteristic as it is, I'm not here to hit on you. I was hoping you'd be interested in catching up sometime and discussing how things have changed in the years since the Lance fell from prominence, and perhaps even entertaining a small project together.

If you have any interest in this, I promise you that it would be my absolute highest priority to see you again. You know I am loyal and famously attend to all my engagements in timely manners, unlike some whose names I should not bandy about. And, how is Alessan? Have you seen hide or hair of him? I miss the entirety of la família il·lustre i increïble. Please, Lady Rina, give me a call soon.



Andreu Grec
Loyola Tactical Solutions Group, Ltd.

Transmission End

RE: To: Lady Rina Como-Contari // From: Andreu Grec - Charo - 12-19-2019

[Image: nTFQUBp.png]


It might be from me spending so much time outside of Maltese space, but I don't quite remember your name. Even if I did, your poor attempts at flattery aren't going anywhere. If Alessan's incessant harassment didn't go anywhere, then yours sure won't. Speaking of the child, I have not heard from him in years, not since Orsini came into power. Probably for the better, he doesn't have the same ability to rule as his father does.

I wouldn't mind getting caught up to date on what's happening around Malta. After the decline of the Lance I haven't been able to keep up. Something about a Cross, the Council, and now people trying to ally with the Colonials? Disgraceful. If we knew how much instability we would bring Malta, maybe we would have given upsetting the Ghosts a second thought...

Give me a time and a place and I will be there. Not like the Achaea has anything better to do.


[Image: jCyQumi.png]

RE: To: Lady Rina Como-Contari // From: Andreu Grec - Petitioner - 12-20-2019

Liberty Communication Node
December 18th, 826 A.S.

[Image: unknown.png]

Sender: Andreu Grec.
Recipient: Rina Como-Contari.
Topic: Ancient history.

Poor attempts at flattery? De veritat, meva dama, you wound me!

The only somewhere I want to go is forward, whether the future brings death, glory, or both. This was the motto I lived by in the Lance. Anyway, you know that Malta would have died in the chokehold the Ghosts had it in. It is truly disgraceful what the current generation of self-proclaimed politicians and liberators are doing to Malta, but anything beats the eternal stagnation we would have been fated for.

No matter if you do not remember me so well; I think we can still find ways to add value to each others' lives. A bit of catching up, then, and some discussion of what the future may hold. What do you say to two days from now in Savona? I know that la familia il·lustre still holds sway there; if you've been away from Malta for so long, it might be nice to see some familiar sights, no?



Andreu Grec
Loyola Tactical Solutions Group, Ltd.

Transmission End

RE: To: Lady Rina Como-Contari // From: Andreu Grec - Charo - 01-17-2020

[Image: nTFQUBp.png]

It's a bit later than two days, but I think a meeting would be a good idea. With me joining your group it would be smart for me to be fully caught up in the drama. Is Savona still standing? With all the false pretenders to the Contari family I wouldn't be surprised if somebody crashed the Napoli into it just to end the fighting. Si, I would like to see it again. The Como Compound can serve as a second spot if need be, though I've leased it out to some Chrysanthemums in the last few years.

[Image: jCyQumi.png]