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Hola a todos (hello everybody) - Printable Version

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Hola a todos (hello everybody) - Chirimoyo87 - 12-21-2019

hello everybody

my name is carlos, i have 31 years old and i from argentina, i speak spanish... (my englis is bad, sometimes need help of google traslator)

i played freelancer discovery in the version 4.85 y 4.86 in the server discovery freelancer latinoamerica (in discovery gc i was play too)

then my pc crash!... i go out of freelancer game for much years...

one friend mine play in this server (it's argentinian)... i play mores games too... but i remember the days when i fly LF through syrius... hunting nomadas npc and players too...

i come back, but i rusty, but i want play and practique my english whit you... everybody can see me mining in LF for now... in the future i can be a smugler or pirate or terrorist... or corsair... i like the faction of corsairs...

i going role play with the pj Abuelo.Pum... (Abuelo = Grandpa) i hope to see you in the space...

see you

RE: Hola a todos (hello everybody) - Slappy - 12-21-2019

Welcome back, Carlos! I'll be on the lookout for you in game. I hope you enjoy it like the good old days.

RE: Hola a todos (hello everybody) - Henry320 - 12-21-2019

Welcome back! Good to see you.

RE: Hola a todos (hello everybody) - Lucas - 12-21-2019

You should definetly check out Discord if you haven't already, I'm sure there are lots of spanish speaking people playing Discovery that are gladly going to help you if you need something!

RE: Hola a todos (hello everybody) - xenomorph - 12-21-2019

Welcome! I'm sure you'll enjoy this mod! You can do a lot of fun things as a Corsair here. =)

Have fun!