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Discordian Q & A - Printable Version

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Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-10-2006

OK, Fellow Freelancers,

I wasn't sure where exactly to park this thread, so this will do for now.

At the risk of being labelled as even crazier than ya thought, I will do my best to answer your questions regarding Eris, Discordianism, Quantum Physics, The Church of Eris Esoteric and other eldritch and esoteric mysteries, which have a surprising tendency to arise (and actually make sense!...) once you've begun your journey into "Chapel Perilous".

As I've been a student of this weird stuff since the 70's, I believe I can either answer your posers, or point you to the right source.

I will eventually include a "Bibliography" for those of you Siriusly interested in tweaking your tunnel realities.

May the Farce be with you!

Discordian Q & A - Korrd - 10-10-2006

Is this a religious recruitment thread? Or it is just my imagination?

No recruitment threads here please. Unless it is from RP factions.

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-10-2006

Korrd,Oct 10 2006, 12:46 PM Wrote:Is this a religious recruitment thread? Or it is just my imagination?

No recruitment threads here please. Unless it is from RP factions.
<div align="right][snapback]40119[/snapback]

Well.... depends.

Discordianism and its Catmas are fundamental to the TAZ Roleplay experience.

Please advise if we need to move the thread elsewhere.

And as to proselytizing? Nope. You're either a Discordian, or you're not.. It's up to the individual to determine that. No arm-twisting or "missionaries" involved.

The TAZ is an adaptation of a "somewhat true, somewhat false, and somewhat meaningless" phenomena. This is merely an attempt to enlighten folk about our wacky RP style.

Discordian Q &amp; A - Fellow Hoodlum - 10-10-2006

Mal, let me point the unenlightened in the direction of this little tome, and they can make
their own minds up ...


Discordian Q &amp; A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-10-2006

Fellow Hoodlum,Oct 10 2006, 01:56 PM Wrote:Mal, let me point the unenlightened in the direction of this little tome, and they can make
their own minds up ...


Links good! More! More links!

BTW, Hoodlum, are "you" really "me" in disguise,
..or am "I" really "you" in disguise?

Inquiring (go, Yanks!) minds want to know!!


Discordian Q &amp; A - Dab - 10-10-2006

Ya know.. When Mal gets 2,000 posts.. I'm sure he'll be able to find a really good custom member title for himself.. I can think of a few that would work for him already..

(Unfortunately I can't think of any for myself..)

Discordian Q &amp; A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-10-2006

Dab,Oct 10 2006, 02:04 PM Wrote:Ya know.. When Mal gets 2,000 posts.. I'm sure he'll be able to find a really good custom member title for himself.. I can think of a few that would work for him already..

(Unfortunately I can't think of any for myself..)

Hmmm... when do we get some "Q's", so I can provide some "A's"?

Speaking of titles, traditionally, Discordians used to bestow the title of "Pope" on each other out of respect, and because titles are artificial constructs to begin with.

Now, we've graduated to naming each other "Tsars". (A little Czar, a little Tzar, and an homage to the old Argentum Astrum motto: "Every Man and Every Woman is a Star.")

..and here's Yours!

Discordian Q &amp; A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-10-2006

Dab,Oct 10 2006, 02:04 PM Wrote:Ya know.. When Mal gets 2,000 posts.. I'm sure he'll be able to find a really good custom member title for himself.. I can think of a few that would work for him already..

(Unfortunately I can't think of any for myself..)

*Fnord!* (Bloody "page cannot be displayed"...)

Hmmm... when do we get some "Q's", so I can provide some "A's"?

Speaking of titles, traditionally, Discordians used to bestow the title of "Pope" on each other out of respect, and because titles are artificial constructs to begin with.

Now, we've graduated to naming each other "Tsars". (A little Czar, a little Tzar, and an homage to the old Argentum Astrum motto: "Every Man and Every Woman is a Star.")

..and here's Yours!


Discordian Q &amp; A - Dab - 10-10-2006

Yay! I'm a... Tsar!

*laughs* Pope Mala!! Pope of odd people :P

Discordian Q &amp; A - Vo - 10-10-2006

I must say, this is quite an intresting thing, discordians and all.

I espically like the phrase "Nither Hodge, nor Podge will prevail".