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annoying POB - Printable Version

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annoying POB - NoMe - 12-25-2019

sender: a miner
location nottingham and name Nottingham.Depot
subject your defense is level too hight

incoming transmissiion

hello mister,

be fast to do something for it, you annoy the miner, me in first!

i don't like it but, you empech me to mine etc etc

without answer from you , i will begin to destroy it in +/- 1 hour

you are probably a new base builder, the base has a bad location.

thanks for your attention

end of transmission

RE: annoying POB - NoMe - 12-25-2019


definitively, your base is too much close from the mining zone DSE builder!

at my etes don't vaste your time with this base! build another , 15 km minimum