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To: Lord Brigadier Sonya Callahan; From: Cdre. Elizabeth Hall - Printable Version

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To: Lord Brigadier Sonya Callahan; From: Cdre. Elizabeth Hall - Thunderer - 12-26-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Pu-Erh
To: Lord Brigadier Sonya Callahan
From: Governor-General Commodore Elizabeth Hall, BAF

Lord Brigadier,

Or Lady Brigadier? War might have used to be men's business, but since we have lost millions of good Bretonian men, I believe there are enough women serving now to warrant gender flexibility for titles. But this is not the occasion of my letter.

You have probably already been informed of the events that have taken place in Exeter. The enemy ground forces have withdrawn into the woods and the hills, preferring to fight a guerrilla than meet us on open ground. This means that the towns will soon be under our occupation. In order to save legitimacy, I will, de iure at least, hand the requisitioned territories back to Premier Mehmed Selim. It is my plan to form a protectorate state on Exeter, which we can use to our advantage in our adversity with the Coalition and the Red Hessians. I believe their small navy would best function as a privateer navy, licensed to harass the enemy's logistics and economy deep behind the front lines. Clandestine work is not out of the question, as their nationality will make them hard to differ from regular Coalition personnel.

I am hereby requesting a blanket Letter of Marque for the Crimean Privateers, as they wish to call themselves.

[Image: clvpgq5.png]
Governor-General of Exeter
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Lord Brigadier Sonya Callahan; From: Cdre. Elizabeth Hall - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 12-29-2019

[Image: 8KMlXjY.png]

Governor-General Hall,

Lord will do perfectly fine. The title was changed to unisex some time within either the 20th or 21st Century on old earth.

Some of my staff had alerted me to the suitability of the now displaced ex-Coalition members. Their services may well prove useful. Whilst I am willing to grant your request Governor-General, it does not sit well with me that you would have Privateers, pirates in all but name mind, controlling territory that is rightfully Her Majesties.

As this is an area under your remit, I would like you to keep me appraised of the situation. If there are any issues I will revoke this Letter of Marque without delay. I’ve found that a firm hand is required with these pirates, and that is why our Queen chose me for the role.

The Letter is attached to this communique. Please deliver it post-haste.

On Behalf of Her Majesty The Queen

Lord Brigadier Sonya Callahan
Administrator of Her Majesties Privateers
Bretonian Command

Letter of Marque

By Order of the Bretonian Crown

Crimean Privateers

By Order of Her Royal and Imperial Majesty, Carina I, by the Grace of her Forebears, Sovereign of the Realm of Greater Bretonia, Empress of Tau, of the Kingdom of the Near Omegas and of her other Realms and Territories Queen, Protector of the Independent Worlds of Magellan and Cortez, Defender of Justice, Head of the Order of the Bretonian Empire, you are granted the full protection of Her Majesty the Queen, and her will in the form of the Armed Forces. By donning the title of "Privateer", you cordially agree that you are liable for your own actions, and that you will operate within the terms of this contract.

As one of Her Majesty's Privateers, you will be expected to perform duties such as:
  • Cargo Interdiction
  • Tax on hostile elements
  • Assitance of the Armed Forces (limited)
  • Protection of Bretonian Interests (limited)
Failure to perform these duties will result in the removal of the title "Privateer" and your expulsion from House Bretonia. This will also mean treating you as any other buccaneer that threatens Bretonian space and interests.

Your targets will include:
  • Elements belonging to the "Corsair Empire"
  • Elements loyal to King Charles XI of House Gallia
  • Entities found trading with House Gallia (unless notified otherwise)
  • Entities found trading with the "Corsair Empire" (unless notified otherwise)
  • Entities deemed hostile by the House of Bretonia
You are expected to carry out these duties immediately.

Queen Carina I
Monarch of House Bretonia

Prince James Frederick Albert William
Duke of Dundee

Lord Brigadier Sonya Callahan
Administrator of the Bretonian Privateers, by appointment of Her Majesty the Queen