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>>: Admiral Redmond - Keller - 01-06-2020

[Image: Zrfy2Va.png]


Lukas Keller








I thank your people for their taste in ships and equipment, I've been set up and have already begun operations. The Militia is surprisingly understaffed. We have barely sufficient manpower as far as a ground force is concerned, but next to no pilots. A brigade of even just fighters makes a huge difference in quelling resistance and harrying the enemy. I could likely post a recruitment notice at mercenary hotspots but the quality of personnel I'd receive from this would vary wildly. I need consistentency and pilots with combat experience, not just opportunists with more courage than cunning. You mentioned prisoners of war when I first arrived, are any of them pilots?

RE: >>: Admiral Redmond - Markam - 01-06-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Absinthe
From: Admiral John Redmond

[Image: y0KWRKG.gif]

Greetings Lukas Keller,

John usually took his comms sitting down, but for some reason was standing up. He made a habit of standing up, moving about. He had a liver strong enough to outdrink a horse, but it would occasionally hit him like a freight train, and he stood up to gauge his drunkness levels. He could feel a little jelly in his leg, and ascertained he was a solid 2.5 out of 5 on the drunkness metric he made up.

I would say we have a fairly large helping of Gauls who could work a cock, but I am honestly not sure about how many feel inside a cockpit. Some of the pilots from the Battle of New London were so green they ejected in more ways than one mid sortie, though among the chain gang there may be some gems.

Then there is the matter of the Corsairs that took part in the battle, a right bunch of hairy horse humpers who quite frankly I am half tempted to let loose in Omega 52 on a suicide mission, but all those treaties on treatment of prisoners tie my hands.

The Gallic POWs in my possession are being prepared for handover to the new Gallic government, they are gathering on Planet Curacao, and I can arrange for you to see their profiles, and to meet who you desire. Keep in mind the onus is on you to convince them to the cause, as I cannot force them to join you.

As for the Corsairs, they are, as you you might expect, not going to be handed over, and are currently rotting on Sprague, making Christmas cards or something. You can see them too if you'd like.

Also, if you'd like, there are some BAF personnel under.. disciplinary procedures who usually join the QCP, some may prefer Vodka to Whiskey.


Admiral John Redmond
Dreadnought Venerable, Essex Battlegroup
Bretonian Armed Forces

Transmission Terminated

RE: >>: Admiral Redmond - Keller - 01-06-2020

[Image: Zrfy2Va.png]


Field Marshal Keller








Forward me the profiles of any pilot with combat experience of at least a year, and whom have at least five confirmed kills to their name. I'll go through them all and filter out the prospective candidates. If I can get in touch with.. my accomplice, I'll have her see if the Corsairs can be reasoned with. I will notify you of whom I've selected prior to the exchange itself, I trust you won't have trouble explaining a few absences if I succeed in convincing my selections.

RE: >>: Admiral Redmond - Markam - 01-06-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Absinthe
From: Admiral John Redmond

[Image: y0KWRKG.gif]

Greetings Lukas Keller,

Consider it done. And tell your accomplice no whips.

Also, I have a crooked old privateer in one of my cells who is too rude for even the QCP, been around since the Kusari war, name is Maggie Hacket. She is yours if you will have her.


Admiral John Redmond
Dreadnought Venerable, Essex Battlegroup
Bretonian Armed Forces

Transmission Terminated

RE: >>: Admiral Redmond - Keller - 01-12-2020

[Image: 1KdqLN0.png]

Identification: Field Marshal Keller

Location: Planet Curacao

Priority: High

Encryption: Enhanced


I've gone through my shortlisted candidates and have selected exactly one Gallic prisoner of war, namely one Frau Ambre Lachance. She has agreed to come with and enlist into my service, I have also offered asylum for her family in the event that she wants them relocated to Exeter. I expect that they will not incur any ill mannered treatment due to former wartime tensions with the Kingdom of Gallia. She will be my responsibility in the event of any undue behavior from her side. As an aside, please have Frau Hacket transferred to Planet Exeter.

RE: >>: Admiral Redmond - Markam - 01-12-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Absinthe
From: Admiral John Redmond

[Image: y0KWRKG.gif]

Greetings Lukas Keller,

Only one? Intend to fight the Coalition and their associates with the space equivalent of the dirty dozen?

Oh well. I suppose there wasn't much to pick from, all their good pilots are dead. I will make the necessary arrangements for this Lachance to sign the waivers facilitating her release from her release, if you understand what I mean.

On the subject of her family, we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it. Not that I am opposed to the transfer, I just don't have an idea of the logistics. You are going to pick them up yourself? And uh, perhaps the family would be safer on the Coalition side of Exeter, or somewhere like Cambridge. Exeter is full of Leeds refugees if you were not aware.


Admiral John Redmond
Dreadnought Venerable, Essex Battlegroup
Bretonian Armed Forces

Transmission Terminated

RE: >>: Admiral Redmond - Markam - 01-26-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Absinthe
From: Admiral John Redmond

[Image: y0KWRKG.gif]


Circling back to this communication. I have recently come into close contact with some former Royal Navy admiral turned Council seeking a place to stay. Goes by the name Alice Marie.

We entered negotiations of a sort, hoping she could provide some intel. Her main request of us was to find some long lost comrades. And low and behold, one such comrade was Ambre Lachance, the Antimatter Jockey I released to your boys not long since.

I'm going to say this is a request, because of manners, but unless Ambre has a good reason not to want Alice, I expect the both of you to report to the Battleship Essex pronto to meet this Alice. I am sceptical, but even if there is a slight chance, I want some intel on Gallic Royal navy secrets, not least because their remnant are holded up in Edinburgh.

Admiral John Redmond, Oversector Outer Commander
Dreadnought Venerable,
Bretonian Armed Forces

Transmission Terminated

RE: >>: Admiral Redmond - Keller - 01-26-2020

[Image: 1KdqLN0.png]

Identification: Field Marshal Keller

Location: Planet Exeter

Priority: High

Encryption: Enhanced


We'll be there. But since it was my foresight and ability to bring diversity to the Privateer rank and file, I'll expect the benefits your Forces receive from the conclusion of this deal to satisfy the deal concerning my citizenship and service. Are you agreeable to this?