Wiki updates. - Widow - 01-08-2020
I'm losing track of where I have been. If you want to help - would be appreciated, post what you do here, otherwise I got this.
I know I'm probably gunna get "Wiki is dead" replies, But I am really not a fan of the new system and it has come across as rather unreliable as far as it being available - and having only recently come back it's kind of annoying not having something. Until that is functioning properly, I don't see how the wiki being updated is a bad idea (I also have a ton of time on my hands at the moment so why not)
WILD FIRE (current)
TWILIGHT (current)
THOR'S HAMMER (current)
TARANIS (current)
SUPERSONIC (current)
SILVER FIRE (current)
RAGNAROK (current)
PROMETHEUS (current)
PHOENIX (current)
ONYX (current)
MEDUSA (current)
MALACHITE (current)
LAZURITE (current)
JADE (current)
KINTANO (current)
IRON HAMMER (current)
HEIMDALL (current)
HAMMERFALL (current)
GUARDIAN (current)
GOLDEN BLADE (current)
FEUERBALL (current)
EXCALIBUR (current)
DULZIAN (current)
DELUSION (current)
DEFILER (current)
DARK BLOSSOM (current)
CLAYMORE (current)
CERBERUS (current)
BLUE BLAZE (current)
BLOODSTONE (current)
ASURAS (current)
ARCHANGEL (current)
TANZANITE (New - current)
VENOM (new - current)
"Avatar" Order Battleship Turret (current)
"Ammit" Order Antimatter Cannon (current)
"Angel" Order Cruiser Turret (current)
AI Cruiser Turret (current)
"Barrager" Photon Cannon Mk V (current)
"Barrager" Photon Cannon (current)
"Barrager" Photon Cannon
"Barrager" Photon Turret Mk IV (current)
"Barrager" Neutron Turret Mk V (current)
"Barrager" Neutron Blaster Mk V (current)
"Arquebus" Gallic Brigands Laser Cannon (current)
"Arquebus II" Gallic Brigands Neutron Blaster (current)
"Arquebus II" Gallic Brigands Neutron Turret (current)
"Arquebus I" Gallic Brigands Laser Turret (current)
"Advanced Eliminator" Black Market Rheinland Tachyon Turret (current)
"Advanced Eliminator" Black Market Rheinland Tachyon Cannon (current)
".44" Bounty Hunter Antimatter Cannon (current)
"Dragoon Type 1" Outcast Tachyon Cannon (current)
"Dragoon Type 2" Outcast Tachyon Cannon (current)
"Dragoon Type 2" Outcast Tachyon Turret (current)
"Carbine I" Gallic Civilian Pulse Turret (current)
"Carbine II" Gallic Civilian Pulse Cannon (Current)
4-7b "dissolver" Bretonia Tachyon cannon (complete)
4-7r"Dissolver Bretonia Tachyon Turret"
409 "Splitter" Bretonia Tachyon cannon (complete)
4-9r "Splitter" Bretonia Taychon turret (current)
3-7b "Ripper" Bretonia Tachyon Cannon (current)
"Barrager" Photon Cannon Mk I - potential duplicate of "Barrager" Photon Cannon
1,148 outdated pages to go
1,111 outdated pages to go
1,101 outdated pages to go
RE: Wiki updates. - Altejago - 01-08-2020
RE: Wiki updates. - Prysin - 01-08-2020
iv'e been slowly updating it myself. Sadly, i havent had time in the last week or two to do much.
RE: Wiki updates. - SnakThree - 01-08-2020
Any page that can be viewed via FLStat should probably have FLStat link. People ought to be informed about tool that can pull current data straight from their installation.