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Rebirth - Leo - 01-09-2020

//OOC Note: This story was rewritten from one I posted previously. Disregard any events in the previous post. I hope you enjoy!

Darkside Bio suit V3.6
Standby for systems check...
...Armoring system: 2%/100% Critical
...Shield system: 0%/100% Destroyed
...Scanners: 0%/100% Destroyed
...Life Support: 1%/100% Critical
...Communications: 11%/100% Critical
Systems Check Complete. Powered Armor in critical state. Advise repair at earliest convenience.
Waking suit user due to critical Life Support systems.
Current Environment not suited for organic life. Find shelter at once.
Elapsed time in Cryostasis: Five years, seven months, fourteen days, six hours, thirty-two seconds, and seventeen nanoseconds.
Welcome Back Jacob Keller

The first thing I remembered was my stomach growling. It felt like I hadn't eaten in months. About a millisecond after that was the sensation of blinding pain and nausea. I fought to keep the bile in my throat as I struggled to sit up, my muscles screaming in protest after being in suspended animation for such a long period of time. I kept my eyes screwed shut as I struggled with such a menial task. I mentally queried the suit for a status on my health.

Standby for user health...
...Cardiovascular Health: 89%/100% ...and climbing
...Skeletal Health: 91%/100% ...two broken ribs, bruised heel
...Mental Health: 81%/100% ...fugue passing from cryostasis. Mental health continuing to improve
...Nervous System: 99%/100% ...full assessment not available. Suit connection to nervous system limited at this time
-Two broken ribs
-Bruised Heel
-Collapsed Lung Breathing being assisted by suit
-Slight Concussion
-Cryo sickness
...assessment complete. User is injured but in over all good health.

Could be worse honestly. Clearly the suit had taken the brunt of the impact on the surface because the Shield system was completely destroyed and the armoring system was near the same status. I struggled to open my eyes as another bout of nausea washed over me. Most of my vision was obscured by spiderweb cracks in the screens inside the suit helmet. It was dark. Best guess was that I'd crashed on a planet with little to no atmosphere. My surroundings felt...strange. Almost as if something about this planet was completely off. I could just make out blurry images in the distance. As my vision began to clear, I could see the wreckage of an old Raven's Talon embedded into the surface--no doubt whatever remained of my old ship.

"That was a good ship, dammit." I croaked out as I fought to stand to my feet. I could feel the broken ribs under the suit as well as my limited air supply. The suit was doing it's best to accommodate the injuries but it was still very clear I was injured. My biological systems made sure of that. Slowly, as I stood, it all came crashing back. The strange shimmering ship that appeared to be slipping in and out of reality. It's powerful weapons tearing through my shields and hull like paper. Me fighting to right the ship...and the impact.

The screen inside the helmet was so damaged that viewing the digital readouts or seeing anything around me was difficult. It was clear, however, that I couldn't remove the helmet as the surface that I had crashed on wasn't very hospitable to human life. It appeared as if I had crashed on the surface of a strange icy planet. The starscape above me appeared warped and distorted as if there was something in system distorting different parts of space. I couldn't figure it out.

"Suit. Use just enough power to do an echo scan of my current location. Use 10% processing power to identify current location base on scan results. Keep scans to passive only. Do not lock on to anything for detailed scans."

Confirmed. Beginning passive scan of local area...standby for results.
Unknown extreme gravitational anomaly in system. Unable to ascertain source.
Unable to ascertain 100% conclusion.
Last known system: Omicron Sigma. Icy planet in system is identified as Planet Palmyra. Surrounding landscape is made up of frozen methane, and several other solid gases. Temperature well below survivable for biological lifeforms.
Conclusion: User is on Planet Palmyra in the Omicron Sigma system.
Warning. Temperatures on surface of Palmyra will result in suit mechanic degradation within two Sol hours. Seek departure immediately! Suit systems will begin to fail after two hours, resulting in user death.

Omicron Sigma. That's right, I had flown through the system once a long time ago. The memories were hazy. I was meeting someone when I detected a strange structure in a nebula and had gone to investigate. As I read the information, the warning about the surrounding temperatures destroying suit systems knocked me out of my reflections of the past and got me moving to find a way off the surface.

"Suit, identify all possible bases in system."

Possible local bases are:
Unknown Structure / Affiliation: Unknown / Distance: 23k
Unknown Structure / Affiliation: Unknown / Distance: Unknown

"Identify possible exits from the system."

Possible exit Points:
Gravitational Anomaly / Distance: 17k (Unexplored)
Gravitational Anomaly / Distance: 31k (Unexplored)
Gravitational Anomaly / Distance: 29k (Unexplored)
Gravitational Anomaly / Distance: 45k (Unexplored)
Massive Gravitational Anomaly / Distance: Unknown, scanners being reflected by gravitational stresses. (Unexplored)
Warning: Unable to locate Sigma-19 Jump Hole (entry point). Jump hole may have collapsed.

I looked up. Most jump holes were a good distance away from the surface of the planet and it appeared the only one I actually knew of in system had collapsed. I didn't know how populated this system was and was unsure of how difficult it would be to grab someones attention but I had to try anyway. The only alternative was dying on this rock.

"Suit. Broadcast short range, limited power distress calls. Interval of five minutes on repeating timer. Spread across all known active transmission frequencies. Notify me if there is a response."

Commands confirmed.
Broadcasting on all known emergency channels and communication channels. Five minute intervals.

Now all I had to do was wait and hope that someone would pick up my distress call before I turned into a frozen bag of meat and metal.

RE: Rebirth - Omicron - 01-11-2020

The X-shuttle skimmed across the sky, its underside burning warm red as what little of atmosphere remains on this world attempted ineffectual to bring vessel to a halt. Ship glided peacefully with its engines burning occasionally only to correct course.

- Atmospheric entry successful. Crew, lock is disengaged.

Commanding officer had barked, undoing the safety straps and standing up made his best speed towards the nearby control panel, repurposed exploratory suite from which he could witness the dark side of Palmyra as if he sat in the cockpit right now. With so little air resistance, handling a starship in such environment resembled more vacuum of outer space. Carefully calculated vector would bring them near the designated area.

- Signal is nearby but I do not see any physical evidence of a crash. Use the radar to pinpoint the exact source.
- Wreckage detected. Talon, badly torn up. Sir, its cold. Can’t tell for how long it’s been here.

Voice of the pilot cracked through the intercom. He sat securely in extremely well armored and shielded canopy in relative luxury. Them, the ground crew wore space suits reinforced against radiation. While no danger was transpiring, it was very likely they would have to exit safe confines of the shuttle’s hull to commence operations. Another member of the rescue party joined in looking over his CO’s shoulder.

- Searchlights. I want to get as close as possible. Crew, prepare to disembark on my command.
- Whoever it was, he is dead for years, Ensign. Do we want to spend another half an hour in the decontamination chamber?
- It is your job. Now get the Constructor for heavy duty. We might need to cut in. Oh and… check your pistols. I do not want to lose anyone under my command due to recklessness in some kind of ambush.
- Sir?

The pilot interrupted the exchange, wanting to draw their attention to a previously unseen detail. There is a survivor after all.

- There is movement behind the wreckage. It is an exoskellie by the looks of it.
- It is not one of our own. You two, maintain overwatch. Bring him in.

RE: Rebirth - Omicron - 01-11-2020

The imposing hull of the freighter was familiar design. It was the newest iteration in the line of popular among the explorers X-Shuttle. Searchlight tuned down allowing to see normally. The markings on it as well as badges on the shoulders of the thick figures out fully suited spacemen descending from the hatches was of foreign design. Four non-descript shapes that combined formed six spikes. Two approached him but could not be heard through the thin atmosphere. Those who stayed behind held various selection of energy weapons but were in defensive, stand by state oblivious of his intentions. Their leader at the front of the formation waved to get his attention.

- Can you walk on your own?

Improvised speaker mounted on the shuttle sounded like a barely audible lower pitched whisper when it should have been crippling to senses scream. Their leader ungracefully - understandable by lack of necessary dexterity in the suit - attempted to indicate that they will have to rely on hand signals until entering pressurized area. They were as cautious as he was despite being much more numerous.

The black suited crew invited him aboard.