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Mining Concept Ideas - Dusty Lens - 03-11-2009

1) It could be not a single idea in this thread is implemented.

2) Do not request anything that bends the current system. Think simple. No "third asteroid is actually a really big asteroid that when you shoot it you find out that there's actually a bird inside and it takes you to a secret level where you have to shoot a slot machine to escape and then fight a monkey's face."

Cannon and I, mostly Cannon, are going to try and fix the field issue currently burdening down the mining system. I'm looking for ideas on which houses/systems should contain what, why and how you would like to see what implemented.

Fire away, I'm listening.

Note quite a few issues that cannot be resolved via FLHook will likely not see life before 86.

Mining Concept Ideas - Gamazson - 03-11-2009

Are you thinking of adding new mining zones to systems? Because that is major system editing work. Some fields couldn't logically hold certain materials and to change them will be considerable system modding. If this was to be attempted, it would have to be done for 4.86 because of the man hours involved.

I vote leave the mining zones as they are, and add raw materials to the game. It will be simple to reset the fields to dropping these raw reasoures instead of the normal commod. Then all we would need to do is balance a price for the raw resources at each applicable mining base. This lets the goods mined be profitable near their source without throeing the economy all to hell. This also means that cannon's existing plug in should still work.

Mining Concept Ideas - Dusty Lens - 03-11-2009

Cannon is of the impression that he can manage the task. Otherwise I wouldn't launch on this venture.

Mining Concept Ideas - Gamazson - 03-11-2009

My concern is shooting ice particles and having them drop silver or something. DA's mining logic is abstract but its there.

Mining Concept Ideas - Guest - 03-11-2009

Well, as i heard, mining was a wonderful thing back in 43. A few peeps near a niobium, an adv train and pewpewing. My suggestion is to have two seperate mining turrets. The class 2 ones made my untagged mining repped guy drop 5units at a time. Good.

But on large trains we should get a class 7 turret that drops a lot more. Seperate, so small peeps wouldnt fill their rhino's hold in one shot, but big one for big ships, so mining would be more or less profitable again.

So far so good, Dusteh, mining is once more a good way, almost as good as powertrading, will encourage the use of mining ships and the such, faction owned systems, who have field now can rp export stuff to their allies and so on.

Good job.

Mining Concept Ideas - Dusty Lens - 03-11-2009

At the moment, while more than a little broken, mining works best in teams.

Me and some friends have been running tests and found that a single mining ship operating alone is about useless. A mining ship and a friend moving the goods is better, but far from optimal.

Three mining ships and two heavy transports is just about perfect, a constant train of resource movement.

But now you have five ships in the water, two of them trading and three of them sitting ducks. So your risk has increased quite a bit.

As such I feel that mining should be a venture that increases to surpass trading as the number of persons involved continues to grow, while trading is vastly superior to very good with smaller to similar numbers.

That being said, the major mining bonus' will always fall into mining vessels. Their smaller cargo holds ensure that mining is a cooperate venture and that, exactly as you mentioned, one will not simply sit in a field in a 5k transport mining.

The mining ship has a purpose!

I was also thinking of giving similar, but lesser, bonus' to the Heavy Lifter to operate as a newbie mining ship.

Similarly I've been pondering the Kiith line, which currently exists as a civilian mining line of vessels. Whom could pull double duty as escorts/mining drones.

Thoughts to mull.

Mining Concept Ideas - Guest - 03-11-2009

oh i see what you mean, yet, as we see, newbies prefer using the Rhino for this, my friend. It is more or less symbolic for newbies to buy and go to colorado. Shouldn't it receive the buff instead? Frankly, i haven't seen a kith line newbie for a ...long time.

Mining Concept Ideas - Cyberanson - 03-11-2009

Some idea just popped up in my mind: because it's ALG Waste Disposal this company should care about waste.

Until now ALG gets a bonus for scrap metal, which is kinda waste... but this toxic waste couldn't be found in any scrap field throughout Sirius. What about let some of the scrap asteroids drop toxic waste?

I can imagine, that some propulsion technologies or cooling systems in the space ships are producing such waste.
This would give ALG and maybe the Junkers a little more sense.

(Sorry if I missed that toxic waste already drops somewhere:unsure:)

Mining in general has been greatly improved compared to 4.84, good work guys!

Mining Concept Ideas - farmerman - 03-11-2009

I'd like to see a mining drone ship - the sort of thing that would work in tangent with a mining ship to fully exploit an area. Basically a mining ship as a freighter, or a CSV for the Taus, as it were.

Other than that, how about thing being minable near Cardiff? Being it's a mining station, you'd think that big area of asteroids they're mining would produce more stuff.

Mining Concept Ideas - Clarkie - 03-11-2009

' Wrote:At the moment, while more than a little broken, mining works best in teams.

Me and some friends have been running tests and found that a single mining ship operating alone is about useless. A mining ship and a friend moving the goods is better, but far from optimal.

Are you serious?

I've been running my IMG mining ship solo around a certain system in the tau's and I'm pulling in $36 million an hour.
Yes. Really.

Thats as much as I used to make running the more profitable routes in my whale in 4.84.

Its tedious, soul-destroying work but my god it's profitable, and seems to be in RP too.