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To: Lukas Keller - Printable Version

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To: Lukas Keller - Ramke - 01-16-2020

16 of Janvier, 742 A.G.S.
Exeter system
[Image: 1KdqLN0.png]

Sender: Ambre Lachance
Recipient: Lukas Keller
Subject: Ship


I've arrived at Exeter, currently at your Crimean base.

They've told me to choose a ship to take, but whatever they have seems to be busted-down surplus Sirian tech. I don't think half of these are in flyable condition, and I... don't know how to fly your Bretonian ships. They work completely different - these ships seem to be mechanical, whereas we had things automated.

Is there any chance you could find a Gallic ship? Or anything that has similar controls? Even if it's busted down, it'd be an upgrade over trying to fly any of those wrecks.

Ambre Lachance
Crimean Privateers

Transmission Terminée

RE: To: Lukas Keller - Keller - 01-16-2020

[Image: 1KdqLN0.png]

Identification: Field Marshal Keller

Location: Planet Exeter

Priority: High

Encryption: Enhanced

Frau Lachance.

I'll see what I can muster for you. But the best I can likely do is arrange for a civilian model to come with aftermarket modifications that will suit your preferred flight control systems. I have already arranged all your necessary essentials, your quarter isn't grand, but it's the biggest that can be spared. I understand this must be difficult, will you need money for additional basics such as clothes and supplies?

RE: To: Lukas Keller - Ramke - 01-16-2020

16 of Janvier, 742 A.G.S.
Exeter system
[Image: 1KdqLN0.png]

Sender: Ambre Lachance
Recipient: Lukas Keller
Subject: RE: Ship


I have francs associated to my NeuralNet account, my salary from working in the Navy. I've yet to ask them whether they would even accept them or somehow have it converted to your credits. Would you happen to know, or will I need to try and get alternative income?

The quarters are okay. My standards are low, considering the past few years... As long as it's not another cell, I don't mind.

Regarding the ship, that would be appreciated. Merci.

Ambre Lachance
Crimean Privateers

Transmission Terminée

RE: To: Lukas Keller - Keller - 01-16-2020

[Image: 1KdqLN0.png]

Identification: Field Marshal Keller

Location: Planet Exeter

Priority: High

Encryption: Enhanced

Frau Lachance.

The matter of converting francs is naturally complicated given that we reside on a Bretonian protectorate. I'm sure it's available with the war having ended, but you're likely to be frowned at and subject to verbal assault. It can be safely wagered that you've had enough of being treated poorly, forward the funds to me and I'll have it converted and then sent back to you.

Going back to the matter of the ship, what are your preferences in terms of ship class? Additional information on whether you prefer lighter or heavier assets would also help me narrow down the options.

Try to put the memories of cells behind you. You'll never revisit any.

RE: To: Lukas Keller - Ramke - 01-16-2020

16 of Janvier, 742 A.G.S.
Exeter system
[Image: 1KdqLN0.png]

Sender: Ambre Lachance
Recipient: Lukas Keller
Subject: RE: Ship


I didn't think the people here would hate Gauls since this is a far-off borderworld, but it seems I was wrong... I'll just have to keep to myself here, then. I'll wire you the money soon.

Regarding the ship, I'm sure you've read through my dossier. I fly bombers, and I can use them well. The lighter, the better, but I'm not opposed to flying medium ones either.

I hope you're right about the cells. I'm not very optimistic on how the locals will seem to react as soon as they realise I'm from Gallia.

Ambre Lachance
Crimean Privateers

Transmission Terminée

RE: To: Lukas Keller - Keller - 01-16-2020

[Image: 1KdqLN0.png]

Identification: Field Marshal Keller

Location: Planet Exeter

Priority: High

Encryption: Enhanced

Frau Lachance.

I've placed an order for a Havoc off the open market, it matches your specifications and comes with automatic systems. I expect that it will be shipped here by the end of the day, estimations are unreliable off the grid.

About the locals, they are refugees from Leeds. The scorching of their former homes has left more than just a bad taste in the mouth for some. Their displacement resulted in the displacement of others. A vicious cycle of homelessness.

The locals won't be much of a problem, but I would suggest keeping your social interactions to a minimum or practicing a more neutral accent to lessen suspicion. I've made it abundantly clear to the authorities that you are under my protection and will be my responsibility. And I will not tolerate abuse.

Try to get some rest.