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Omega-49 Public Broadcast - Printable Version

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Omega-49 Public Broadcast - 'Scorpion' - 01-29-2020

<//Incoming transmission...
  • <// Scorpion
  • <//transmission.sender.location: Error
  • <//transmission.protocol: NeuralNet Transmission Protocol 1.0
  • <//transmission.encryption: low

    [Image: ykWunaP.jpg]

Good day,

The common belief is that any publicity is good publicity. That is not always the case however. The Privateers apparently believe, or at least one of them is inclined to presume my origins, without clarifying what that presumption might be. I have nothing to hide, I will admit that my origins are shady. But I'm Toledo born. That should suffice as an explanation of my background. I understand blind paranoia and baseless accusations are the mantra of the typical reactionary. But get your facts straight. And in the end, my brothers will agree that your background means little. It's your commitment to a Free Canaria that really counts.

Support your local rebels. All Bretonia wants is your taxes.

- Scorpion

<//Transmission ended...

RE: Omega-49 Public Broadcast - Chuba - 01-29-2020

<//Incoming transmission...
  • <// Scimitar
  • <//transmission.sender.location: Error
  • <//transmission.protocol: NeuralNet Transmission Protocol 1.0
  • <//transmission.encryption: low

    [Image: zo21NEn.png]

Ehh hello!

I can vouch for this guy. We all have some shady pasts but that doesn't mean squat when we fight for free Canaria! We are here to make the Zoners free once again!

Come out you, Bretonians Huns, come out and fight me like a man!

- Scimitar

<//Transmission ended...

RE: Omega-49 Public Broadcast - NOVA-5 - 01-29-2020

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Lucius Vorenus****
****Location: San Juan****


You're wearing it well Scorpion, it quite suits your accent as you say but i tell you this,
fact is what most people believe, undeniable fact is what everyone believes , whether
that be true of false.
Your statement of a free Gran Canaria isn't quite sitting well now is it, you say support
your local rebel instinct yet we're to pay you the price of that in taxes for the privilege
of doing a civic duty to help those in need of removal there to a safe haven.
Support works both ways like "you scratch my back & i'll scratch yours" or as you put it to me today there in Omega 49 helping your people "you scratch my back & i'll rive the skin off yours".
From this point on, our ships won't be coming to aid unless you put your money where your mouth is and guarantee that you mean: a free Gran Canaria! not at the price of my purse.

Leave the taxing to Bretonia & careful you don't tar yourself with that same brush.


****Transmission Ends****